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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. @@cupples0405 Everything tasted terrible to me until about day 5.....day 6 was like a miracle and everything was back to normal. I know you're already at day 6 but perhaps yours is just hanging on a bit longer. Good luck to you!!
  2. kmorri

    Suggestions of FitBits?

    Actually it doesn't. Read the news "When all is said and done, usually more has been said than done. " Yes my flex does monitor sleeping patterns.
  3. kmorri

    No wonder I always gave up

    @@Inner Surfer Girl you'll appreciate this. I had a great first hand experience this morning.....I've sort of been bouncing around the same weight now for the last 5 days....not in my opinion a real stall, but my surgery was just 5/16 and since surgery I've lost "something" most everyday. so we can just call it a mini stall...............It just so happened that I just updated all my measurements on 7/18, just three days ago......So this morning I figured I'd just spot check a few measurements and in just three days I've lost a whole inch from my waist, another inch from my hips, and a half inch from each of my thighs!!! 3 days!! wow! I'll take that any day!!
  4. kmorri

    Suggestions of FitBits?

    I have the flex and love it....However, I do wish I had one that also gave me the time and would show my number of steps right on the band. With the flex you have to go to the app to see the number of steps. I will probably upgrade in the future but will probably wait and just hint to my husband that it would be a good Christmas gift for me.. :-)
  5. kmorri

    Narrowing in the stomach

    I'm sorry I don't have any information or advice to share....but you didn't mention any symptoms you're having. I assume that there was some issues that caused your doctor to do the upper GI??? Maybe there are others having the same symptoms and can share how their doctors addressed them. Good luck to you,,,,,we were sleeved close to the same time. My surgery was 5/16/16 and thankfully have been doing great with no issues.
  6. kmorri

    Care Package?

    Something I enjoyed after I got home was an adult coloring book and colored pencils. I couldn't really use it in the hospital because I was too drugged up....but after I got home it was fun.....
  7. I think it's important that you find a happy medium.....remember that he didn't have surgery. So going out to eat is still possible for both of you....I don't know if you're back on regular food but if not it'll get easier once you are. I think it's important to do things he likes without being bored....make the best of it.....Instead of being bored just enjoy the time you're spending together. You also should find something you both enjoy equally....going to the movies....concerts, plays, etc.....Remember that this has been a huge change so your relationship will need work.... Good luck to you both in finding your new normal.
  8. kmorri

    Broken Ankle

    ouch!! Hopefully they have you in a good cast or brace that will help you with all the walking that's needed post op. Good luck with your surgery and I hope both your ankle and your stomach heal quickly!
  9. I'm only 9 weeks post-op and haven't really had any "strange or weird" times since surgery......But pre-op when I was working to qualify for surgery under my insurance. Man that was the strangest feeling! Weight wise I just barely qualified with a BMI just over 40 with no other health issues......So it was important that I not loose any weight during that time. Here I was fatter than I had ever been but I was eating terrible!! I was always a pretty healthy eater. My problem was more portion control.....but during the pre-op phase I was eating things that under normal circumstances I never would have eaten. It was a relief when I was finally approved by my insurance in more ways than just knowing I would be getting the insurance but that I could start eating healthy.....Once I was approved, my surgery was scheduled within 3 weeks but I started my pre-op diet a little early ....I lost 25.6 pounds pre-op!!
  10. Different insurance plans have different requirements....it's important that you know what your's specifically requires....call them and ask for all the requirements for WLS be sent to you in writing......You don't want surprises down the road. Good luck to you!
  11. So I had a dream about cookies last night...haha I haven't had anything like that since my surgery....but in my dream I was searching my house for a bag of homemade cookies so I could give them to someone....anyone want to analyze that one?...hahaha

    1. anniebanana


      Yummy, what kind? lol Purging your house of the bad stuff I suppose :)

    2. kmorri


      I don't remember what kind but I sure remember searching my house up and down looking for them...crazy!

    3. Valentina


      old fashion molasses ????? OMG!!! Now I'm depressed... :(

  12. kmorri


    I agree! I was a Cheezit fool! You know how they put on the back of the boxes "Get your own Box".....I think they wrote that for me! haha. Sadly, I will never be able to have Cheezits ever again.....but that's my own rule for me. ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1468692642.374290.jpg here a cool thing I found to make your own cheezits! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Yes I've done that...they are really good but I am in danger of eating too many....so I'm leaving that alone for now. :-)
  13. Dumping is rare with the gastric sleeve surgery....I think I read somewhere about 17% of sleeve patients experience it....It's much more common and in fact expected with gastric bypass.
  14. kmorri

    The Flying Year

    Congrats!!! That's awesome!! You're starting weight is exactly the same as mine! I had my surgery on May 16, 2016! I can't wait to get to where you are now.........I love my sleeve too!
  15. kmorri

    New hobbie/addiction

    So far mine is walking!........And I think what they say is it's a possibility and something to be careful about. You especially don't want to transfer the addiction to some other bad thing.....I think exercise or something like that is a good trade off! :-)...
  16. kmorri

    Dreading the Nausea!

    They gave me some sort of anti nausea injection through my IV right before surgery, and also put a patch behind my ear just before taking me to surgery.......and my doctor prescribed two different nausea meds for me to have at home as needed.....I never had any nausea while in the hospital. Once I got home I went through this period of time (about 5 days) where everything tasted terrible and made me feel a little queasy .....but I never actually vomited. I was like you and very worried about being nauseous......to me I'd almost rather have any other pain or symptom other than that! Let your doctor know you're worried about being nauseous and they'll make sure to try to stay on top of it like they did for me......No matter what, make sure you have two different nausea prescriptions at home....you need one that are pills that you let dissolve in your mouth.....and a second one that is a suppository in case you are not able to hold down anything by mouth...Have those two prescriptions filled and at home before you ever even to to the hospital.....You don't want to be sick and have to wait for something to be called in! Good luck with your surgery!! Wishing you a very speedy recovery! I'm almost 9 weeks post-op and feel GREAT! This is the best thing I've ever done for myself!!
  17. Getting ready to have three of my granddaughters come spend the night with me......Happy Grandma!

    1. kmorri


      @jane13 it's next week on the 28th. :-)...and yes I plan on being there.

    2. jane13


      I was thinking it was this week, the 28th is at Clay?

    3. kmorri


      Right Jane.....7/28 at 6:00 at the Clay facility.

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  18. Hey Alex or whoever this needs to be directed to....Is it possible for us to have a "like" button on status updates as well as status update comments?.............I thought about also asking for "don't like" buttons but figured that would be shot down..hehehe. But a good start would be able to like a status update. Thanks for considering!!! Kathy
  19. And if that option was available on status updates it would be perfect....but it's not.
  20. kmorri

    3 days post op

    Hi I'm sorry you're having a tough time.....Do you have an abdominal binder? If not it will help! You can get them at some drug stores. I actually got mine at Babies R Us....they are most often used by women after a C-section.... As far as how long no one can really answer that question because everyone heals at a different rate.....What you are describing sounds like gas pains.....The best thing you can do for that is walk, walk, walk...If you're in doubt about how you're doing you should call your surgical team. For me the first 5 days were the toughest....Hang in there it does get better I promise!!! and sip sip sip and walk walk walk. Kathy
  21. kmorri


    @@shelbys mom This is something that your surgeon can help explain to you.....I think it has to do with how severe it is for you and the cause.....for example if you have a hiatal hernia that's causing it they can fix that during your surgery....so just talk with your surgeon and see what they have to say.
  22. kmorri

    OMG, how do I do it?

    Hi and welcome and congrats on your decision to "kick start" things and start moving in the right direction.....First congrats on your amazing results so far!!! My surgery was just May 16th of this year so of course I can't speak from experience.....But I think a good first step for you would be to contact your NUT and get some help and suggestions there. Now as far as some ideas I've "heard" that worked for others.....if you're not tracking your food start now....make sure you're getting in all your Protein and fluids....another thing I've heard that helps is to sort of do a mini post op diet plan......just use your post op diet plan and go through the phases as if you've just had surgery....maybe spend a week in each phase....ie full liquids, puree, etc... That's really all I can think of for now. I'm sure someone more experienced will chime in with some other suggestions as well; Good luck to you!!! Kathy
  23. kmorri

    What was it like for you?

    I was fine as far as pain....never even took pain meds once I was home from the hospital......What bothered me was everything tasted terrible....water, popsicles, broth, toothpaste, anything I put in my mouth was just terrible for the first 5 days. That made it really hard to get enough fluids....but I had to force myself to drink...and got through it. On day 6 it was like a miracle....I woke up and everything was back to normal!!! Since then it just continued to get better....Now I have to say I feel completely normal....I just eat a lot less....which I love!!! Good luck to you!
  24. kmorri

    So impatient

    The waiting is the worst part of this. It's a shame that bariatric surgery is the only medically necessary surgery that insurance companies make you jump through hoops for to prove you are worthy of the surgery.....it's baffling! The good news is time will keep on ticking by and it will eventually get here! Just continue as you are doing and be ready for set backs as there are often many during the pre-op phase, but the important thing is to stay the course....If your bariatric center sponsors support group meetings start attending those....they are normally for pre-op or post-op patients. Good luck to you!!!
  25. It depends on what it is.....something that's more liquid or soft maybe.....but like the other poster said....why try? I don't eat until I'm full I try to eat only until I'm satisfied. I found that there is this very fine line between being full and one bite too much....so for me I'm safer when I shoot for satisfied because it leaves me a little more room for error.....If I shoot for "full" I end up running to the bathroom too often.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
