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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. kmorri


    Rest assured you've done the right thing by scheduling an appointment with your surgeon. They will take care of it for you and you'll be all better in no time.
  2. kmorri

    Belly button repair

    No, I wouldn't say that's normal...I suggest giving your surgeon's office a call. All of my incisions were healed very quickly. Just to be on the safe side check with your surgeon.
  3. kmorri

    How to quit sugar ?!?!?!?

    I know when I first met with my surgeon one of the questions was about my consumption of sweets.....my problem was more around portion sizes rather than the things I ate.....What he told me was if I had a preference for sweets and greasy or fried foods he would recommend bypass rather than the sleeve. With bypass you're likely to experience dumping if you eat those things and from what I understand it's pretty awful....He felt the sleeve would be perfect for helping to control my portions, but with it I will still need to ensure the things I do eat are the right things....although there are a small percentage of sleeve patients who experience dumping it's much more common with bypass......although it's considered a complication from surgery it's also sort of like a bonus tool. With any WLS you have to make major lifestyle and eating changes.....I agree with @@OKCPirate a gradual cut back is easiest but it's important to also research each of the surgery options and ensure you pick the best surgery for your situation.
  4. kmorri

    Hypoglycemia and the sleeve

    I think @@Djmohr has given you very good advice and I also suggest you contact your bariatric team ASAP and let them know about your blood sugar numbers and see what they advise. I hope you feel better soon and get a handle on your blood sugar fluctuations.
  5. kmorri

    Liquid diet tummy problems

    No worries.......just follow your plan. Liquid in equals liquid out.....well, until the constipation kicks in...haha. Your goal right now is to shrink the size of your liver in order to make the surgery safer. Don't worry about the number of calories....just follow the plan your surgeon provided.......Make sure you are drinking plenty. Do not let yourself get dehydrated....drink constantly while you're awake. ....You will feel pretty awful for the first few days of your liquid diet.....but as long as you stick to the plan after about 4 days you'll start to feel better.....if you "cheat" it will delay you feeling better and also defeat the purpose of the pre-op diet....So just focus on the end result......I think of the whole process the pre-op diet was the hardest part.....Focus on that and know that it gets easier from here. Good luck to you!!!
  6. You've received good advice so far. It really depends on what food stage you're on. If you're on pureed stage you should be having between a quarter cup to a half cup....but do check with your nutritionist because all plans are different and you want to be doing what your specific plan calls for.....Once you move to more solid food it will be easier to determine how much to eat as you will feel it!....For example I usually weigh out about 2oz of meat and put a small amount of veggies on my plate.....my plan says to eat my Protein first and very seldom do I have room for any veggies....sometimes I can't eat all of the 2oz of meat.....My hunger hasn't come back and I'm almost 10 weeks post op.....although I'm not hungry I don't feel full all the time.....and actually feeling full is something I avoid as it's uncomfortable....sort of like an elephant sitting on my chest......it take time but you will learn your body's new signals..... Good luck!!!
  7. kmorri

    So I had a bad day...

    Yes just give yourself a few more days of full liquids.....everyone heals at different rates....you probably just need a few more days. I promise it gets easier. Just don't try to rush or push anything. If you try a food and it doesn't sit well, just go back to something that did and wait a couple of days.....baby steps! Good luck!
  8. kmorri


    Love this!!! Great advice.
  9. You shouldn't be considering the eating plan for post-op a "diet".....it's a prescription! Here's what I want you to do. Go to YouTube and watch a few gastric sleeve surgeries. You need to have a very clear picture of what was done to your insides. Just because the little incisions on the outside don't look serious doesn't mean that huge staple line along the length of your stomach is in as good of shape.......Now after watching the surgery then picture what the inside of your stomach looks like......think about why your surgeon prescribed a liquid diet. ....now think of what might happen if little bits of food get stuck in that unhealed staple line............If you had a large incision 6 or 7 inches long on your leg....would you rub anything rough against it?....I bet at most you may use a little Water. I hope the above helps you to stick with your surgeon's prescribed eating plan. I wish you the best.
  10. That has happened to me as well......it's has usually lasted about a day, and then the next day works fine....Good luck!
  11. kmorri

    Asking Dr for more pain meds?

    I'm sorry you didn't get the answer you wanted......have someone make a special trip for you to get you an abdominal binder...they will need your abdominal measurement in order to get one the right size......I promise it will make a big difference....until you get it....do you have any spanx or anything like that?....anything that will provide you with support around your abdominal area will help... Try not to worry it does get better each day.
  12. kmorri

    Weird feeling in esophagus?

    It's probably just swelling. It takes several weeks for all the swelling to go down. Hang in there!
  13. kmorri

    Asking Dr for more pain meds?

    Do you have the abdominal binder I suggested?......I promise it really helps especially when getting up and down. If you don't have one I got mine at Babies R Us....you can also get them at some pharmacies. .....they most often give them to women after a C-Section.....If you don't have one it is worth a trip to get one!
  14. @@TracyBar I'm so glad you have the support of your husband! That's a very important first step! And to @Sergio_TX. Here's what is says is the purpose of this specific forum....this is copied right from the top. "This is the place to talk about your pre-surgery preparation. Discuss choosing a surgeon, pre-op diets and nutrition, medical tests, and other basic Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy issues." and since gaining support from your family is a big part of the process, I think this is the perfect place for this to be posted......she's now one step closer!....Welcome to Bariatric Pal! There are lots of good people here that can offer lots of good advice and support.....things may not always be posted in the exact spot you expect but for the most part folks here are very supportive no matter where something is posted. I wish you both much success in your journeys.
  15. kmorri

    Asking Dr for more pain meds?

    I never took the prescribed pain meds once I got home from the hospital....I only took Tylenol. The other poster is right make sure you are up and around as much as possible.....Also get an abdominal binder as it will help with the pain. A heating pad will also help. The sooner you can get off the strong pain med the better you'll be....but on the other hand if you can't relieve the pain enough so that you can move, you probably need more. So you may need to call your doctor to have him prescribe more. Everyone deals with pain differently and your goal should be to relieve it enough so you can stay as active as possible but not so much that you're sleeping too much. I highly recommend the abdominal binder it was probably the best thing I had post surgery that helped control the pain. I hope you start to feel better very soon. Hang in there!!!
  16. kmorri

    Low carb

    I don't eat them everyday but the Adkins frozen meals are good in a crunch.......other than that I like to make enough at dinner time when I'm cooking so that there are left overs I can have for lunch the next day.
  17. kmorri

    feeling the restriction

    I'm 10 weeks post op tomorrow and I wouldn't have been able to eat all that......2.5oz of turkey and maybe a bite of Brussel sprouts.... My guess would be you ate a little too much....about a 1/2 cup total is all I can manage.
  18. I suggest doing lots of research on all the possibilities. A google search will give you lots and lots of information. ......for example if you feel like you have a strong addition to sweets...then maybe bypass would be a good option.....Lots of bypass patients experience something called dumping with bypass which is caused by eating foods high in sugar or high in fat...dumping basically makes you feel really really sick......so that could be an extra incentive... Unfortunately they don't operate on our brains so with any of the surgeries you have to do lots and lots of work and effort on your own.....I had gastric sleeve on 5/16 and I've lost almost 54 pounds. I don't experience hunger for the most part...and if I do I'm satisfied with very little food. I have not regretted having this surgery even for a second!!! I still have to make sure I'm eating healthy....my primary focus is on Protein....I don't eat starches or breads while I'm in the weight loss mode. So I basically I eat protein and small amounts of non starchy veggies. Once I'm in maintenance I'll slowly add small amounts of those items back, but that's still a longs ways off. I'm sure once you have a one-on-one consultation with the surgeon they will provide you with their opinion on which surgery is best for you, at least mine did.....but doing your research and having a good idea of what you think will be best for you will be a good idea as well. Good luck!
  19. @@TammyMMD The time it takes to get qualified for surgery all depends on your insurance plan. Some plans require a 6 month medically supervised nutrition program....some require 3 months, and some require none..... You will get the most accurate information by contacting your insurance company and requesting a copy of the requirements for weight loss surgery. Each plan is different so you don't want to go by what others say. You don't want to be surprised in the end. It's best to get all the requirements upfront so you know what to expect. Good luck to you!!
  20. kmorri

    2 days post op

    @@Tiffanie623 I will be 10 weeks post op on Monday and I can tell you it gets much much better!!! In fact, I feel completely normal! The only difference is I eat a lot less. I have no pain or discomfort anymore. The only thing that is different is I do get a little gurgley when I eat....it's not painful just sort of weird. At 10 weeks post op I've lost almost 54 pounds from my highest weight and I can say that this surgery is the best thing I've ever done for myself! I have zero regrets!! It gets better, I promise!!!
  21. kmorri

    2 days post op

    @@Tiffanie623 It will get better! You just need to work on getting in all your Fluid and Protein at this point......remember you've just had major surgery so pain and discomfort at this point is expected. It will get better each day. The important thing for you to focus on now is fluids. You need to ensure you do not get dehydrated as that will not only make everything worse but is life threatening. You also need to work on getting in your protein as that will help with the healing process...... Lastly get up and walk as much as you can! There is really no other cure for all the gas. The more you walk the better that will be. You should only be in bed or laying down when you're sleeping,,,,,keep moving! The first week after WLS is rough......just know it will get better. Good luck to you!
  22. You're still swollen. Try smaller spoonfuls....you also may want to thin it down a bit. If you are on full liquids whatever food you're trying should be liquid with no solid at all. Just go very slow. Measure your food and at your stage you should only attempt about a quarter cup to a half cup at a time. I hope the above suggestion help. Know that it gets better each day. Good luck to you!!!
  23. The normal guidelines for WLS is a BMI of 40 or above with no other weight related medical conditions.....or a BMI of 35 or higher with other medical conditions...you mentioned you have sleep apnea which is one of the conditions that would help you qualify for surgery....So yes it sounds like you meet the basic requirements... However, your best bet is to attend an informational seminar with a bariatric center in your area. The seminar is usually facilitated by bariatric surgeons and will provide you with lots of information that will help you determine if surgery is a good option for you. So in my opinion your first step should be to attend an informational seminar.... Good luck to you!
  24. kmorri

    Brachioplasty Advice

    @@BananaGal Yes, remember you are the patient, and the paying customer.....The surgeon will advise you on how to get the best outcome, but if you get anything close to "black balling".....you're in the wrong surgeons office! What I would expect is they would tell you what could be accomplished with surgery at your current weight and advise you that an additional surgery may be needed down the road as you lose additional weight. I'm sorry I don't have any recommendations of surgeons in your area but just make sure you choose a board certified plastic/reconstructive surgeon. Good luck to you!
  25. kmorri


    With either surgery the speed in which you lose shouldn't be your major factor. Both require lifetime changes.... you will lose with either surgery. Your surgeon will help you determine which one is most appropriate for your situation. I decided on the sleeve surgery for myself because I didn't want my intestines re-routed and wanted something less invasive while still getting the results I was looking for.....A lifelong tool that will help me with my weight control... I wish you luck.

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