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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. kmorri

    Aug 9th

    You'll do great! walk as soon as you're able. Walking and getting your fluids in will be your main focus......take one day at a time and ask questions here when needed. good luck tomorrow!
  2. kmorri

    4 days out. 7 pounds downs

    Sounds like you're doing great. Keep it up.
  3. I never felt miserable at all......My only "bad" time was in the hospital when I first woke up and they were moving me to my room....they didn't have my pain pump ready so I was in quite a bit of pain for what felt like about an hour....it was probably much less time than that......But anyway once I was connected to my pain pump with my little button it was all roses from there. Within a couple of hours I was up walking the halls and the next day I was home. It took me about 5 days to get my Fluid and Protein up to where they needed to be.....I never had to take any pain meds once I got home. My surgery was on a Monday and I was back working the following Monday. Just be aware that everyone's experience is different. Just because someone else had a tough time or an easy time you won't know how yours will be until it actually happens.........I think the best thing to do is once you've made the decision to have surgery is to go into it with a positive attitude and make sure to follow all your surgeon's instructions in order to ensure the best outcome for "you." Good luck!!
  4. kmorri


    The PPI was going to be my suggestion as well and I think changing when you take it, is worth a try. I hope you start to feel better soon!!
  5. kmorri


    My words of advice are to do whatever it takes to get more Fluid it.....if 24oz is the best you can do you'll end up back in the hospital. Do whatever it takes to get more in. Try it at different temps.......try broth, sugar free popsicles, sugar free Jello....I was also able to count my Protein shakes towards my fluid goal. What worked for me was to focus on only one thing at a time.......For the first few days I worked on only getting my fluid intake up to 64oz......once I got there then I started working on increasing my protein ....for some reason it was easier then trying to do both at the same time. Your body can survive on low protein but fluid is critical....so fluid first then the protein. Both are needed for healing but if you're like me it was easier to work on one thing at a time. For the first 5 or 6 days everything tasted terrible to be.....even toothpaste.....but I think it was day 6 that it all got better. I woke up and it was like a miracle....everything was back to normal. So you should be getting close to that....it does get better! Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
  6. I'm getting close to 3 months. My surgery was on 5/16. I feel like a normal person who just eats less...which is great! I'm still losing about a half a pound a day. I don't have much hunger,, but once in a while I think I'm hungry.....the only thing I've had to really be careful with is peanuts....I can easily eat too many....I weigh out my one ounce and then have to fight with myself to not go back and get more. Once this container I currently have is gone I'm not going to buy anymore for a while.
  7. I had total and complete trust in my surgeon for the surgery itself......I never doubted his skill as a surgeon and still feel that way today...........But on the other hand......his suggestions regarding eating afterwards I tend to trust my NUT more for that....My surgeon says for the first year not to worry about hitting any Protein goals and to only eat when I'm hungry....he says if I'm only hungry once a day then only eat once a day......I think a little more balanced plan is better. So I look to him as an expert when it comes to performing surgery, but for nutrition I count on my NUT. So, no I don't blindly follow instructions given by anyone.....I do a lot of research on my own and ideally want to have the support of a professional who will not just give me instructions but discuss things with me and let me ask questions and explain why their way is the best.......
  8. kmorri

    Help getting back on track

    My suggestion is to get back to basics.......get your eating plan out that you followed right after surgery and go through all the stages .....maybe a week on each stage. If you're not tracking your food start now. Track everything you put in your mouth. Good luck! You can do this!
  9. kmorri

    5 days post and...

    Hang in there! In a few weeks you'll forget all about this time. Just stick to your plan and stay focused. It's all down hill from here.
  10. kmorri

    In take

    I think the standard is about 64 oz a day.....so the 28 you say you drink isn't near enough. I hope that helps.
  11. @@Urgurllizc09 Your bariatric surgical team can suggest a therapist for you that has experience with eating disorders and weight loss surgery patients. ......call them tomorrow! In the meantime make sure you are not eating anything that is not on your prescribed eating plan....You can do serious damage up to including life threatening damage by eating solid food too soon! You just had more than half of your stomach removed and it needs time to heal......make sure you are only eating/drinking things that are on your plan. Feel free to reach out to me. Get your material out and follow you plan! Call them tomorrow and get the name of a good therapist. Take Care, Kathy
  12. @@Urgurllizc09 It sounds like you know what you need to do......so go do it! Not eating will not only make you sick it will prevent you from loosing weight.....Our bodies are amazing and will shut down and go into survival mode. You don't want that to happen. You're feeling hungry and craving food because you are hungry! Find a Protein powder that will work for you and make sure to get the proper amount you need each day............that's your job right now. .........focus on getting in all your Fluid, and work on getting your protein up to where it needs to be.
  13. kmorri

    IMG 7400 edited 1

    This is not really my "after" photo but more like a "during" photo. I still have a ways to go.
  14. Yes indeed! I just fit into one of my old size 14 capri's.....The day of surgery I wore a size 22 to the hospital...Not too bad for less than 3 months!!!

    1. kmorri


      @Valentina.....haha No! we don't have a president now or for that matter one in contention for the job that I would consider singing to! But yes I knew that about Marilyn Monroe....and quite frankly with all the vanity sizing they do now I bet back in her day a 14 was probably what our size 6 is now.


    2. Valentina


      Don't even get me started on politics!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT ANOTHER CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!! :)

      I've read that Marilyn was sown into the dress she wore "that" night, but WOW!!! Lady, that was nooo size 6!! No with all of those curves------must be like looking into a mirror for you, right? :)

      You are just rock'n this WLS thing.

    3. kmorri


      thank you @Valentina.............and I'm with you on the politics.....I want another choice as well. I have no idea what I'm going to do in November....it's a very sad and scary thing we're about to head into......I hate even thinking about it!

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  15. When you say you haven't digested food in two weeks what do you mean?......in the title of your post you say your surgery was 6/29......so you're almost 6 weeks post op??? If you are 6 weeks yes I agree your incision doesn't look as healed as it should......but if what you meant was your surgery was of 7/29 I think it looks pretty good for being about 2 weeks....but I am not a medical professional, but I agree with what they told you at the ER. If you are about 2 weeks post op and what you mean by not digesting food you mean you're constipated you should contact your doctor for suggestions on what you can take for that. Also if you're having trouble with your Protein drinks, it's very common for your taste to change after surgery, so what you liked before surgery you may not like afterwards. Try some different brands......if nothing else try some Fair Life milk....but you have to figure out a way to get some protein....and stop with the chewing up food and spitting it out. Focus on what's on your prescribed eating plan and find something that works for you. There is unflavored Protein powder you can add to broths and Soups.....and thousands of different types of Protein Drinks.......this takes work and you can do it.... I wish you the best. Keep us posted on how you're doing.
  16. I'm sorry you're having a tough time. I don't have a lot to add but I found something that you may find helpful....it's something to help you get back on track and sort of starting over....check it out. http://www.5daypouchtest.com/ Good luck to you and keep us all posted on your progress. Editing to try to fix this stupid link.....if it doesn't work just do a Google search for "5 day pouch test".....it's an eating plan to get you back to basics and off to a good start.... http://www.5daypouchtest.com/
  17. kmorri

    My story of screwing up. Support? Ideas?

    I think you're doing great in deciding now to take control back!!! Good job! Here's something I found that may be helpful for you and get you kicked off in the right direction. http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html I haven't tried it because I just had my surgery on May 16th. But I've read about several folks who have and it sounds like a great first step. Please keep posting here and keep us up to date on your progress. Know that we're all here cheering for you!!! editing to try to fix the link that's not working...try this one. http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html If that doesn't work do a google search for 5 day pouch test........it's a plan to help you get back on track.
  18. kmorri

    Alibi or Excuse

    Or just tell her your taking the time for some much needed family time with no "real" plans, just spending time together.....I work from home as well. I took one week off when I had my sleeve surgery.....it was fine but another week would have been perfect. I used the hiatal hernia excuse......it was true because I had that repaired at the same time. Good luck to you!!!
  19. kmorri

    Taking crushed Medications...

    My doctor said I could take any whole pill that was equal or smaller than an M&M. I've never had any problems taking anything.
  20. kmorri

    Anyone get sleeved in May?

    Surgery May 16th down almost 58 pounds and feeling great!!!
  21. kmorri

    Any ideas?

    I have a sister who is normal weight and doesn't eat red meat very often and eats mostly healthy and has a very high cholesterol. The one thing she eats that is not healthy is a lot of bread.....I have no idea if that has anything to do with it but she has to take two different medications to keep hers under control.....otherwise it is well over 300. I hope you get yours figured out.
  22. kmorri

    Sipping water after a workout?

    I don't have to sip....that's only right after surgery. I can drink normal now.
  23. kmorri

    Nausea and headaches

    I don't think it's a normal "sleeve" issue at 4 weeks post op. Perhaps you're coming down with a bug of some sort. You may want to give your doctor a call. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.
  24. This is a hard question to answer.....but know that just because your stomach is grumbling doesn't mean you're hungry.....Your stomach will be very very grumbley! So don't use that as a sign of hunger. If you think you actually feel hungry drink more Water. You really shouldn't be feeling hunger. If you are having issues with stomach acid make sure you're taking a PPI. I'm sorry I can't be of more help, but it just takes time to learn your new stomach signals. Good luck!

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