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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. Yes talk with them in advance regarding payment arrangements. There probably won't be any problem. Your insurance you probably also have a "max out of pocket".....so know what that is will help you to know the most it will cost you all together.
  2. kmorri

    Exercise during recovery

    I would say stay away from any weight training until you officially get the okay from your surgeon.....you incisions on the outside may look fine but the inside is another story. I'd hold off on the weights until you ask him. Good luck!!
  3. kmorri

    Month 6 and struggling

    If I were you I'd probably do all liquids from now until the appointment on Monday.....I'm assuming you are pre-op and are not supposed to show a net gain?......so I'd do all liquids maybe 3 to 4 Protein shakes a day until the appointment. Good luck!!!
  4. Yes it was fairly easy for me to get liquids. You need to aim for at least 64oz of Fluid and that's the minimum, if you can do more that's great! You can't stretch anything with fluid......also keep working on increasing your Protein to whatever your doctor recommended but probably around 80 mg..... Congrats on your surgery! Keep up the good work.
  5. Finally broke out of the 190's...189.8 today! Down 62.2! Yay me! Everyone have a great weekend!

    1. OzRoo


      Awesome! Going down and down......!

    2. kmorri


      @krakow57 does that mean I'll soon be "Down Under"?? haha I wish I'd love to visit!

    3. OzRoo


      I hope you do come and visit us at Down Under, one day when you can :)

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  6. I've used a straw from day 1........if it works for you go for it.....if it makes you feel better ask your doctor.
  7. kmorri

    Oh gosh what have I done.

    everyday will get a little better.....walk as much as possible and take your pain meds.....and sip sip sip...I promise it gets better!
  8. kmorri

    Deal breaker.

    I was only without my coffee for a few weeks....I stopped a couple of weeks before surgery and stayed away from it for about three weeks after surgery....at that point my doc cleared me to have it again if I so desired.....and I so desired! I drink it everyday! This surgery was the best thing I have every done for myself! I have not regretted it for even one second! Good luck to you.
  9. kmorri

    30/30/30 rule

    There's a guy that did a You Tube video that to me gives a pretty clear picture of why not to drink and eat at the same time......My disclaimer is I haven't actually "listened" to what he said as I watched it with no sound turned on......I just like the demo he does at about 2 minutes into the video.
  10. kmorri

    30/30/30 rule

    My plan says I can drink right up until the time I take my first bite of food......once I start eating, no drinking until 30 minutes after I've finished eating. I really have no problem doing that. I just don't put a drink on the table for me......it it's there I'll drink without even thinking about it...so I just make sure I don't have a drink within reach and all is good.
  11. kmorri

    Questions For Surgeon

    You should be ready to tell him why you want the sleeve over the bypass......and what your concerns are regarding bypass. I wouldn't worry unless the sleeve is medically not the right choice for you he'll agree with you.....For example if you currently have severe acid reflux the sleeve wouldn't be a good choice...So just be ready to discuss it with him. As far as questions for him just make a list of anything you want to ask because when you get in there you're going to forget. Have them jotted down so you can make sure you ask.....you'll probably want to know things like, what type of pre-op diet he does, how long is the surgery, how long of a hospital stay, how many incisions he usually does???.....just write it all down. Good luck to you!!!
  12. kmorri

    Would you do it again?

    I'm 56 and I had zero complications!....54 is not too old! I can't help regarding surgeons in your area but agree 100% that you need a surgeon with lots of experience....it's not a simple procedure so you want someone who does it all the time and has great outcomes......Good luck to you!
  13. kmorri

    Would you do it again?

    That will be fantastic for you both to have it done together......adjusting to the new eating plan will be much much easier with you both doing it.....and your grocery bill will go way down!!! haha Good luck to you both! Being nervous is normal. In fact if you were not nervous something would be wrong with that.
  14. This morning I was trying to decide what to wear.......my closet is getting skimpy since a lot of stuff is too big now......but I pulled out an old pair of size 14 capri's and they fit perfect!!! I was wearing a size 20 to 22 before surgery and that was less than 3 months ago!!! Yay me!!!
  15. kmorri


    Same here, I was able to sleep however I wanted.....right at first it took putting pillow right in the right spot but I was able to sleep on my side or stomach as soon as I got home from the hospital.....actually I slept on my side while in the hospital.
  16. The Progresso Lite Soups are really good....while you're on full liquids just strain them....once you can have pureed just do that. They have some really tasty ones that really hit the spot for me
  17. kmorri

    When will i feel better..

    I'm not sure what's in phase 2 as my plan didn't lable anything by phases.....but no matter what it is, measure it....if it's like pureed foods or full liquids just measure out about a quarter of a cup and eat just that amount.....where you are now the most you should be able to eat is a half of a cup....so just try a quarter of cup and eat that really slow....when I was at your stage all my food go cold before I could finish it... Hang in there!!
  18. kmorri

    When will i feel better..

    I can't figure out how far out you are. You said "surgery on August 26??? Maybe you meant July 26th.....so I'm guessing you're 3 weeks post surgery. What kind of pain are you having? As far as eating, what have you tried and how much?.....If you're in the soft food stage most folks do well with a scrambled egg....just make it very soft, and you won't be able to eat the whole egg. Most of the time throwing up is caused by eating too much, too fast or the food is not soft enough.....and then there may also be foods that don't agree with you......going back to liquids for a day or two is good, but when you try something again make sure it's just a very small amount. Everyday will get better. Good luck and keep us informed on how you're doing.
  19. You've gotten some good advice so far. In addition if you don't have an abdominal binder get one. It will help a lot with any pain you're having. You can get them at most drug stores or Babies R Us...(women use them after C-sections). The bad taste in your mouth is very normal and for me lasted about 6 days.....I was able to sleep on my side from the first day I came home from the hospital....by wearing the binder and also by using a pillow to support my belly. Lastly make sure you are up walking around as much as possible....this will help you heal faster. Don't lay down unless you are sleeping. Stay moving. Make sure you are getting in all your Fluid and Protein.....if you're having difficulty with these work on the fluid intake first as it's most important and then work on the protein. The protein will also help you heal, but dehydration from not getting enough fluid will land you back in the hospital. Know that these first few days are the worst. For me the turning point was day 6. Everyday will get better. I'm 3 months post-op now and I know that this is the best thing I've ever done for myself. I've lost 61 pounds and can't remember when I've felt this good. For now just take one day at a time and know it gets better for sure!! Take Care, Kathy
  20. kmorri

    Would you do it again?

    Call your insurance company and ask them to send you all the requirements for weight loss surgery....each insurance is different but there may be a requirement for a supervised weight loss program...usually either 3 or 6 months.....but call them and ask for the policy so you know exactly what you need to do in order to qualify. I will tomorrow. I thought that's what the corrfinator did since she told me we couldn't start anything until 3 months before surgery. But I'll find out tom. Thank you Sent from my SM-G930T using the BariatricPal App Yes it really is good that you have all this time. The first thing I would do is call the insurance company and find out all the requirements......because if yours requires a 6 month medically supervised weight loss program you don't want to wait till June to start that.....but maybe that's what she meant when she said you can't do anything until 3 months prior to surgery....maybe you have a 3 month weight loss program requirement.....either way get the information yourself...and you're insurance will probably renew in January so make sure you call after that and get the updated requirements.....I retired after working in insurance for 29 years .....knowing your requirements and having them in writing is the best thing you can do for yourself. You're already off to a great start! research research research!!
  21. kmorri

    Would you do it again?

    Call your insurance company and ask them to send you all the requirements for weight loss surgery....each insurance is different but there may be a requirement for a supervised weight loss program...usually either 3 or 6 months.....but call them and ask for the policy so you know exactly what you need to do in order to qualify.
  22. kmorri

    Would you do it again?

    I would do it a dozen more times! My surgery was on Monday 5/16/16 and I was back working the following Monday. I had absolutely no problems. I'm now three months post op and I'm already down 61 pounds!.......I didn't throw up until the first meal I had when I moved to the soft food stage....it was fish and I just ate one bite too much.....but throwing up after being sleeved isn't anything like before. I was terrified of throwing up so when I felt it coming on it was scary....but it wasn't a big deal and I learned from that point to make sure to measure my food and only eat that amount.......since then I've thrown up two other times and interestingly enough both times were when I ate watermelon.....again I think I ate too much.....I love watermelon, so even though I threw up two times in a row after eating it I had it a third time but only a very small amount and that time it was fine...hahaha My advice is to do lots and lots of research even attend some support group meetings....they are usually put on by the baritric center and most of the time open to anyone. Also know that all the feelings you've had so far are normal and all of us that have already had the surgery have been right where you are. Good luck!
  23. kmorri

    Hunger Pains?

    I remember the feeling well and it's really not hunger.....It's your stomach healing.....it can't really even properly communicate with your brain right now other than to say "WTH just happened?" At this point you should just be eating on a schedule based on what your plan says. Measure your food (I imagine it's full liquids right now) and eat only the amount your plan calls for. The reason for that is your stomach really can't tell you when it's full right now....so small amounts very slowly.....on a schedule. I'm 3 months post surgery and my stomach still grumbles sometimes after I eat but I think it's just working on digesting....don't really know, but it's not painful just annoying sometimes if I'm in a quite place and everyone around me hears it..haha .....just know that just because your stomach growls it doesn't mean you're hungry...... Congrats on your surgery....stick to your eating plan and know that each day is better. Take Care, Kathy
  24. kmorri

    Blood clot concerns

    Sounds like good questions for your surgeon........ The only thing I can tell you is I had Venous Stasis in my legs prior to surgery and now 3 months later it's much much better! All the swelling is gone now and I only have a little bit of redness still in my lower legs.....and that is fading as well. Check with your doctor about your concerns. Good luck with your up coming surgery.
  25. kmorri

    3 days post op troubles

    I agree with what the other's said....What does your plan say you should be doing now?...does it say an egg is okay??....My plan at 3 days out, I was on full liquids which included things like Greek yogurt, strained creamed Soups, sugar free pudding, broths, and Protein shakes.......You may also want to check with your doctor about a medication for nausea. Good luck to you.

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