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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. kmorri

    Slow Weight Loss

    What are you eating? Are you avoiding breads and starches? For me what works is staying very low carb.
  2. kmorri

    "She's blushing!"

    OK... Dr sent me a new vid to watch talking about open bypass and he has a hiatal hernia, 2 incisional, and 1 umbilical hernia plus a mesh to remove... he had said possibly laprascopic but I think he's decided on open lol... still have 2 more weeks before I find out... Hope Your Day is Great, *Amber* The Starving Mom starvingmom.wordpress.com “I'm not telling you it's going to be easy - I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.” - Art Williams ekkk I would hate the idea of open.....but I'm sure he has a reason for it needing to be done that way. good luck to you.
  3. Yes the one I used was actually the one my daughter got right after her C-Section. It worked wonderfully! Did it help at all with skin? Hope Your Day is Great, *Amber* The Starving Mom starvingmom.wordpress.com “I'm not telling you it's going to be easy - I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.” - Art Williams I don't know what you mean by helping with skin???....I only wore it for support and pain relief....about two weeks.
  4. Yes the one I used was actually the one my daughter got right after her C-Section. It worked wonderfully!
  5. kmorri

    "She's blushing!"

    @@The Starving Mom Yes they did the hiatal hernia repair at the same time they did the sleeve and both were laprascopic
  6. Here's an example of my day Breakfast = Dannon lite and fit Greek yogurt lunch = half to 3 quarter cup of homemade chili (made with ground turkey, kidney Beans, and bell pepper, and tomato puree and seasoning of course)....that's this week..........some times I have an Atkins frozen dinner, but can only eat a little more than half. Dinner = 3 ounces of Grilled or baked meat (chicken, fish, pork chop) with non starchy veggie. I can usually only take a bite or two of the veggie If I'm hungry after dinner or need more Protein I may have another yogurt... As far as Water I drink water all day....on average about 80 ounces. I don't drink any Protein shakes.
  7. kmorri


    For the most part I don't usually comment on these "alcohol" post, because quite frankly I just don't get it. I've never been a drinker but maybe once in a great while.....and I really mean a "great while".....I haven't had a drink in well over 2 years....haha I'm not against drinking it just doesn't take drinking in order for me to enjoy myself.....I have no problem turning down alcohol when I'm out with friends or at a party....once I get to my goal weight I'll go back to the way I used to be....once in a "great while" I may have a mixed drink....but while I'm in the weight loss phase it is not even a consideration! I have a hard time understanding people who have gone to the extreme of having most of their stomach surgically removed in order to lose weight and within a very short period of time begin drinking completely empty calories....I just can't wrap my head around that. I'm sure folks think "of course she doesn't understand. She's not a drinker.".....But I relate this to me like this; prior to surgery I loved loved Cookies and ice cream! But after letting the surgeon remove most of my stomach because I was so desperate to lose weight I would not even take a small bite of a cookie or ice cream while I'm in the weight loss phase!...but I guess that's just me. I'm also a believer in do whatever you feel is best for you....so if that includes drinking alcohol, more power to you. Good luck I wish you all the best.
  8. kmorri

    Anybody struggling?

    Stress is a terrible thing.....but it's also time for you to work to get a handle on your eating issues. Reach out to your bariatric team....your NUT or a counselor.....someone. You know what you're doing wrong.....now do what it takes to get it under control. Good luck!
  9. Wow!! I'm not obese anymore!!! I'm just overweight!! I can't believe the progress I've made is just 3.5 months!

    1. JJCool


      Well done, that's awesome :)

    2. CLN.BK



  10. kmorri

    How does it feel?

    I ditto what the other's have said.....I feel completely normal. The only time anything is any different is when I eat....and then it's only because I fill up so quickly. It's not like I feel like I'd like to eat more but can't....it's wonderful! I'm satisfied! I guess it also feels a little different when I drink and sometimes my stomach gets really gurgley.....but that doesn't usually last long and it's not unpleasant just different.
  11. I have not regretted my surgery for even a second! Prior to surgery I was very afraid that I might regret it.....but I was terrified of what all the extra weight was doing to me!!! I feel like I had my surgery "just in time.".....I truly believe I was just before something very serious going wrong with my health. I feel like a completely new person!!! I'm doing things I haven't done in years and loving every minute of it. I'm walking almost 10 miles a day!!! and have actually started to add in a little jogging which I've never done in my life. I'll be 57 years old in December and I can't remember feeling this healthy in many many years....and I'm not even to my goal weight yet. I'm only a little over 3 months post op......if I feel any better when I reach my goal weight I don't know what I'm going to do with myself...haha I think zip lining is going to be in my future!!
  12. kmorri

    Pop Rocks and Coke . . . .

    OMG! I have never felt so much like a fuddy-duddy! I can't believe I've never heard of this! I feel very deprived.....here I am 56 years old and have never ........wow....(grabbing purse headed to the store....candy isle here I come) ......will people know why I'm buying pop-rocks?....should I put other stuff in my cart? hahaha
  13. I used one for the first two weeks after surgery and loved it!! I didn't have any gas pain it was more about the support for the muscle pain....really helped when sleeping on my side. I wore it from the day I came home from the hospital and on and off thru about two weeks......I used one my daughter had after having a c-section.
  14. Congrats on skipping the cake!!! I'm a little over 3 months post op and not to brag or anything, but I don't really know if sugar makes me dump or not. I haven't had any sugar in order to test it! .....I'm sure I will one day, but so far I haven't tried it. As far as not drinking while you eat, the only way I was able to do it is to make sure I don't have a drink within reaching distance while I'm eating.....I drink right up until the time I start eating.....so my thing now is once I fix my plate, I put my bottle of flavored Water in the freezer.....eat my meal and wait about 30 minutes and TaaaaDaaaa I have a slushie!... Good luck with your upcoming surgery!!!
  15. I had a hysterectomy about 12 years ago.....it was the easiest surgery I had ever had! I was approved for 6 weeks of paid medical leave but only felt like I needed about a week....after that first week I didn't feel like anything had been done to me...of course I was still healing on the inside so I took the 6 weeks... The sleeve, I expected to be very similar and it was.....if I had to compare the two I'd save the sleeve was a little more uncomfortable....neither were bad from a pain standpoint.....With the hysterectomy there was nothing for me to "get used to" afterwards....With the sleeve I had to learn how to eat. After my sleeve surgery I was back working one week later. I never used any of the pain medication once I was home from the hospital. Just be aware that everyone's experience is different. Just go into yours with a positive attitude. The first week was the only uncomfortable time for me. After that it was all smooth sailing! Good luck!!!
  16. kmorri

    Newbie saying hello

    Welcome! @@Angel75 and @@PNWsleever It's a crazy ride but jump on and hold on. The time will pass quickly and you have lots of time learn all you can learn. Read all you can read and ask all the questions you have. We'll help when we can.
  17. kmorri

    Why sleeve?

    Same here! I didn't want them in there muckin' with my intestines. My primary problem was with portion size and the sleeve is really helping me with that. I've not regretted my decision for even a second.
  18. I had pretty bad swelling in my feet and lower legs and it was really the first place I started loosing.....My surgery was 5/16/16 and I've lost 63 pounds so far and all the swelling in my feet is pretty much gone. Good luck to you!!
  19. kmorri

    Worried about gas pains after surgery

    I was one of the lucky ones and I didn't have any of this kind of gas pain....I felt a little bloated but nothing more than that.
  20. I've really wondered this same thing......I really haven't ever had anyone ask such personal type questions from such a rude frame of mind. The only people that know are my close family members, and I work from home so I don't have to worry about work people. The only other people that see me on a regular basis are my neighbors and they see me when I'm walking .....and I walk a LOT! So it should be obvious to them why I'm getting smaller....The only comments I've gotten from any of them are complements.
  21. kmorri

    What do you tell the waiter/server?

    When we eat somewhere I'm going to just eat off my hubby's plate, he orders and asks for an extra plate and just says we're going to share..............at a seafood place we go to he orders whatever he wants and I order a side order of grilled shrimp....and don't explain anything. I've never felt then need to explain anything to anyone.....
  22. Are you referring to the little laparoscopic scars??? If so, I'm 3 months post op and I can't find any of mine. They were all tiny and now they're all gone.
  23. You won't feel full while on liquids as they just pass right through the sleeve........But don't worry you'll feel that full feeling once you move to more solid foods.
  24. kmorri

    I want to stress eat

    I'm really not stupid.....I do know that this should have read "This too shall pass".......I hate it when I don't see my typos until it's too late to edit them...hahaha
  25. kmorri

    I want to stress eat

    This two shall pass.....start new "good" habits. My new habit is walking. I've been walking almost 10 miles a day! Broken down into 2 different walks but it's a great stress relief. You don't have to do 10 miles but do something that's good for you. I'm sorry you're feeling stressed and I hope things get better soon.

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