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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    becomingmandikaye got a reaction from missengineer in Showering after surgery   
    It may depend on how they close your wounds. I had superglue and as allowed to shower the day after surgery. If you've got stitches or staples, it may be longer.
  2. Like
    becomingmandikaye got a reaction from Dub in Do I need a warm body with me?   
    I would assume they would want someone there until the surgery was over, but ask your surgeon's office!
  3. Like
    becomingmandikaye got a reaction from aquariusgirl in What NSV do you hope for post op?   
    This may be silly, especially since it might not happen for me genetically.... but I really want to see my collar bones.
  4. Like
    becomingmandikaye got a reaction from bornthisway622 in its done   
  5. Like
    becomingmandikaye reacted to Barry W in Down 65lb :-)   
    I am just shy of 5 months post-op, and have lost 65 pounds in total (2 mos pre-op dieting and post-op weightloss)! Things are going very slowly now, but that is okay so long as I am not going backwards.
    Moving much better now and have better cardio-fitness, beginning to get a little core fitness. I have begun riding my bike again for the first time in years now that I have slimmed down some and can feel a little more comfortable/safe on the bike. Little by little my body is getting fitter and I am feeling more physically confident. Have lost 8 inches off my waistline.
    The best was getting a compliment from a relative who hadn't seen me in some time, she said "Barry, I can't tell you how much younger you look!" ...at 57, those are welcome words to hear.
  6. Like
    becomingmandikaye got a reaction from Lmoore01 in Sweet tooth   
    Syntrax Nectar has a Cookies N Cream Protein Powder that is DIVINE mixed with Fairlife Skim. They have some other sweet flavors too, but I haven't tried them. Get a sample pack and see if they help.
  7. Like
    becomingmandikaye got a reaction from beautiful_alarms in the unbearable fatness of being   
    I see myself in your post.. I don't have the autoimmune disorder you do, but my name is also Amanda and in high school I was convinced that I was THE FATTEST PERSON IN THE WORLD. I've been considered "fat" since I was in middle school - if not earlier. But now, I look back at the photos, and I see a healthy, beautiful girl who had no idea who she was or how to love herself.
    I may have gotten fatter over my life, but at least I got smarter too!
  8. Like
    becomingmandikaye got a reaction from bornthisway622 in its done   
  9. Like
    becomingmandikaye got a reaction from lovelymilena in I'm APPROVED! 9/8/16 surgery date!   
  10. Like
    becomingmandikaye got a reaction from Lmoore01 in Sweet tooth   
    Syntrax Nectar has a Cookies N Cream Protein Powder that is DIVINE mixed with Fairlife Skim. They have some other sweet flavors too, but I haven't tried them. Get a sample pack and see if they help.
  11. Like
    becomingmandikaye got a reaction from missengineer in Showering after surgery   
    It may depend on how they close your wounds. I had superglue and as allowed to shower the day after surgery. If you've got stitches or staples, it may be longer.
  12. Like
    becomingmandikaye reacted to LisaMergs in Odd, but good!, NSV   
    So once again, I find myself out buying clothes because the ones from 6 weeks ago are falling off... I'm at Walmart (inexpensive) and of course I keep looking to the XXL or XL but I'm squarely now in Larges. After enough trying on clothing, I'm leaving but see a really cute top.
    Here's the odd-good NSV. I didn't feel like going BACK to the dressing room, so with out thinking, I just took the shirt, pulled it over my head OVER the top I'm wearing. Skid to halt---- huh? Before WLS I would need to strip down to my skivvies! And the funny thing was I didn't think twice before I did it!
    And yes, fit perfectly.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. Like
    becomingmandikaye got a reaction from Dub in Ok I have to ask...are things going too well? Am I overdoing it?   
    You will eventually feel fatigue from your body healing + lack of calories.
    Keep in mind - people post about complications FAR more than they do feeling good. That's why you feel like that's all you've read.
    I didn't feel quite as good as you, but I did end up feeling like my surgery was an anomaly because I had no complications, no pain, no vomiting, no Constipation, etc.
  14. Like
    becomingmandikaye got a reaction from Dub in Ok I have to ask...are things going too well? Am I overdoing it?   
    You will eventually feel fatigue from your body healing + lack of calories.
    Keep in mind - people post about complications FAR more than they do feeling good. That's why you feel like that's all you've read.
    I didn't feel quite as good as you, but I did end up feeling like my surgery was an anomaly because I had no complications, no pain, no vomiting, no Constipation, etc.
  15. Like
    becomingmandikaye got a reaction from MrsKarenC2008 in Weeeeee! A new NSVVVVVVV!   
    Those pics are AMAZING! How fun!
  16. Like
    becomingmandikaye reacted to LJDavenport in Wooohooo!   
    I know this may not be a big deal to some, may seem stupid to others, but the reason why I posted this is because many of my family members do not know that I had weightloss surgery, due to the fact they are very ignorant when comes to weightloss surgery. They think it's taking the easy way out without doing any research.
    So that said... I'm so excited! After two weeks into my liquid diet I've gone down two bra sizes , not sure how much weight I've lost, but to me that's good sign. But I can tell I've lost weight. Last two weeks have been a struggle, but because I've seeing results of weight lose, it's been very rewarding to me.
    Sent from my SM-G930V using the BariatricPal App
  17. Like
    becomingmandikaye got a reaction from LJDavenport in Cravings   
    I had cravings, but they weren't true cravings. I wanted all kinds of food, but it was because I couldn't have it. If someone had actually put a cheeseburger in front of me, I would have been disgusted by it.
  18. Like
    becomingmandikaye reacted to VSGAnn2014 in I was a bad girl   
    I had to google "sugar free rockstar."
    Everything else I understood.
  19. Like
    becomingmandikaye reacted to Cervidae in I was a bad girl   
    Man, if this is your version is being bad, bad, bad, then I think you're probably doing a-okay.
  20. Like
    becomingmandikaye reacted to Sharon1964 in I was a bad girl   
    We're in a loving, poly relationship.
    Here is the note she sent me after this weekend: You are amazing. Thank you for everything you did for me this weekend and everything you have brought to our lives. We are so lucky to have found such a caring, loving and gentle soul to share our lives with. I have so much love for you.
  21. Like
    becomingmandikaye reacted to WLSResources/ClothingExch in I was a bad girl   
    The only thing bad about you is your penchant for exaggeration. You gave two forks of cake a rating of three bads. No way. Two bads and not a penny more. Keep it up, Chickadee, and you'll have to sit out the next three scene parties.
  22. Like
    becomingmandikaye reacted to Nurse_Lenora in Settling in ?   
    I noticed today , I stepped on the scale and lost over a pound but I was just happy not like the "OMG I need to tell everyone I know" crazy excited like I have been.
    It's like now that I'm 30 pounds from my goal weight I have settled in and know that if I continue to eat correctly and get my steps in I will reach my goal weight.
    It's a nice feeling knowing that this will be my life from here on out...
    Nice feeling to know I have control over my weight...
    Nice to now I have control of my food ....
    Nice to know I look "normal"
    Nice to know I wear a size 10
    Anyone else settled in ??
  23. Like
    becomingmandikaye reacted to iamjohnbamber in Creamy Tomato Soup from Panera   
    It's heavenly good... So good I had to take a selfie... Genuine reaction after the first bite.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal app -- it's great!
  24. Like
    becomingmandikaye reacted to gowalking in Misinformed....still.   
    I was banded 3 1/2 years ago and at goal for more than two years. My younger son, who I am very close with, mistakenly believed that I can't overeat. I found out yesterday because we were talking about my possibly getting fat again and he said, well, you can't overeat so why would you get fat again? I had to let him know that it's easy to gain it back. Yes...even with surgery we can all get fat again.
    What I have found in my experience, is that the band helps me to keep on track but that doesn't mean I haven't gone off track on occasion. Because I have. I'm not perfect...no one is.
    So the message here is not so much how non surgical folks don't get our experience...I'm realizing there will always likely be a basic misunderstanding of WLS. And that's coming from family all the way to strangers. It still bothers me when they say that someone lost weight the natural way, or old fashioned way. People still and likely always will misunderstand this.
    More importantly though...is my understanding that I will always till the day I die, have to make choices about what I put in my mouth. I think those of us with food issues don't always realize that most of the normal sized world makes these choices daily. For us though, it's not a normal way of looking at food...because we never saw or see food in a normal way. Especially if we are emotional eaters and the weight is a symptom of deeper issues.
    Sorry that I'm sorta all over the place on this post but I really think that when I experience something and think about how I react to it, or how it impacts me, I figure I'm not alone and I post it. There's always someone out there who says, 'oh...me too'.
  25. Like
    becomingmandikaye reacted to LipstickLady in Now I'm pissed. Seriously pissed...   
    People are killing police officers. Police officers are scared and some are trigger fast. Terrorists are gunning down people in nightclubs and running families down with trucks. College campuses are under attack, high schools are using metal detectors.
    Innocent people are losing their lives around the world because of senseless hate.
    Yet here we are, on this forum, worried about who is eating crap, drinking and smoking four days post op? People are fighting about straws, about carbonation, about f'ing popcorn? People are pointing fingers, cyber stalking, name calling, accusing, getting defensive, cursing at, reporting, conspiring against... All because they don't "like" someone they never met?
    I'm not crying innocent, I'm certainly no angel, but I am tired. In light of all that is happening in this world, is a post that can easily be skipped, or a poster who can be ignored, really worth all this nonsense?
    Personally, I'm done. Have at it, folks. Do what you want to do. Live your life, eat what you want, ask for advice and love it or hate it, take it or leave it. It's your choice.
    While you're doing all that? Hug your kids, call your mother, text your best friend, smile at a stranger, give a homeless guy a gift card for a meal, take Cookies to a neighbor, pay the toll of the lady behind you...
    Tell your loved ones how much you care about them and take a minute to care about a stranger, too.
    Spread a little love. Please.

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