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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ReadyinPA

  1. ReadyinPA

    Did everyone have a Pre-op diet?

    Best of luck with your surgeries, KristyVSG and narfd!
  2. ReadyinPA

    Did everyone have a Pre-op diet?

    Wow, thanks everyone! I appreciate the feedback very much. I had some broth this afternoon and felt ok. I guess I do have a sensitivity to sweeteners. My surgery is next week, 3/23. It can't come soon enough.
  3. ReadyinPA

    Did everyone have a Pre-op diet?

    Has anyone experienced nausea/vomiting on the liquid diet? I am on day 3 of a 10-day liquid diet and I'm nauseous and vomiting. I contacted the nutritionist that I am working with and she explained that it may be a sensitivity to sugar substitutes.

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