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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    gina31love reacted to sbg224 in Is this a usual thing...   
    I always felt I was a slow loser. At my first post op I lost like 3 lbs, I was so upset. Doc said slow and steady. Here I am almost 8 months out and down 90lbs, it's amazing, and I love my sleeve. I seriously thought for the first 2-3 months I was going to be his first failure, good luck.
  2. Like
    gina31love reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Almost 4 weeks out and stalled   
    Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing weight. We all experience periodic stalls and almost everyone experiences a stall about three weeks after surgery.
    Just follow your program.
    Track your food.
    Get in AT LEAST 64 oz of liquid a day.
    Focus on reaching your Protein target every day. The sooner you can get in ALL of your Protein the better for both healing and weight loss.
    Take all of your Vitamins and supplements as instructed.
    Exercise when cleared.
    And, stay off the scale.
    Embrace the Stall!
  3. Like
    gina31love reacted to Bufflehead in 5 days post-op questions   
    You aren't going to stretch your sleeve with liquids. Liquids go right through your pyloric valve and into your intestines. The reason some people have trouble drinking enough early on is because they have a lot of post-surgery inflammation, swelling, and bruising in their stomach tissues, which makes it hard for even liquid to get through. If you don't, that means your surgeon did meticulous work, you are a great healer, and you should be happy because you are not at risk of dehydration.
    The four ounces per hour guideline is meant as a minimum for people who are struggling, not a maximum to avoid stretching your sleeve.
    Unless the liquids you are consuming are not enough, are causing you distress, or are loaded up with carbs and sugar, you are doing it right. Don't overthink it.
    As for hunger pains, are you on a PPI? Many people deal with excess acid immediately after sleeve surgery and your stomach gets confused and starts relaying "hunger pain" signals to the brain.
  4. Like
    gina31love reacted to SassyNanny in I had my surgery this morning (12 hours ago) and I feel fantastic   
    Great News! Take it slowly. Ramp up to the Protein and Fluid goals. If you need help with getting Protein into things like applesauce, Soup or yogurt try GENEPRO unflavored Protein powder. 1 tablespoon has 30g protein and 98 cals. I still use Premium protein (Choc and vanilla) premade drinks from costco. 30g 160 cals. Couldn't have kept my protein high without these 2 products. Best Wishes!!
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Like
    gina31love reacted to tobysgirl in Pre-op Friends -- What did you eat today?   
    I am on day two of my pre-op diet. I'm sticking to it but I'm struggling at the same time. I thought I would struggle less on a workday with all of the distractions -- WRONG. At least at home I could just take a nap.
    I've had two Protein Shakes and a Protein Soup so far today. I'm looking forward to a sugar-free Jello and some chicken broth later. What's your plan for getting through the day?
  6. Like
    gina31love reacted to LeighAnneF in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    OMG. You have amazing results. I am just 4 days post op. With my Hw of 372. During this process. But my overall HW was 393. Would you mind telling us of your stats and timeline. You are an inspiration
    Thank you for sharing
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    gina31love reacted to sassypants in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    heres mine me at my biggest of 425lbs, then a the full body was oct of 2013 and the head shot was new years eve

  8. Like
    gina31love reacted to Marie2016 in Dear Sleeve   
    Dear Sleeve,
    Today, day 5 was better having you around. You have made more room in my stomach- so we are sharing that space in my tummy. We successfully negotiated a compromised a treaty on where to draw the line to prevent discomfort for both of Side. I was able to reach both my Water and Protein goal.I is so nice to wake up to my sleeve with an appetite I think we are getting used to each other better. My Sleeve's pain has gone down significately. Now the feeling is much more like a muscle pull or twing
    Day 5- starting to see the sun shine I relieved a sign from God today that everything was go to be fine. My hubby ad i saw 7 deer in my backyard. 4 of the 7 were babies .Those babies represent the new life i as starting. So far the road has changed- No longer feeling regret> My sleeve has moved in and has stopped some of the disruption.
  9. Like
    gina31love reacted to VSGAnn2014 in If you are a year or more out, how is your restriction?   
    P.S. You probably already know this, but the extent and rigor of your sleeve's restriction depends greatly on what you are eating. The sleeve REALLY restricts Protein. But it doesn't restrict at all what are called "slider foods" -- highly processed, high-carb foods that require little digestion, turn to mush almost immediately, and slide on right down the pyloric valve into the small intestine. In other words, you can eat potato chips, Cookies, ice cream, and stuff like that all day long and never feel much restriction. And you can eat little bits of all kinds of food all day long ("grazing") and eat a helluva lot of food without feeling much restriction. And if you drink with your food, you'll push the food sooner down into the intestine -- again, leaving your stomach empty and able to accept more food.
  10. Like
    gina31love reacted to livvsmum in New! And I have questions!   
    Congrats on your surgery date! I was off of work for 2 weeks with my surgery. i was fine physically to go back, but was pretty exhausted still at that point. I don't think I had any restrictions on driving. Pretty much once I was off pain meds I was ok to drive. As far as exercising, I didn't start til probably 2 months or so post op. I started with running and from there have become an avid runner and love all kinds of work outs. My favorite is probably barre. Good luck to you on your journey!
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    gina31love reacted to cindyw41 in Protein Drink witch one   
    Here is a great resource on Protein powder PDCCA scores.
    I just tried the unjury chicken Soup tonight. It was surprisingly good.
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    gina31love reacted to 24601 in Protein Drink witch one   
    For vanilla, my favorite Protein powder is Met-rx vanilla Protein Powder (only click on the Amazon link). It mixes well, tastes great, and only 100 calories for 24 g/protein.
  13. Like
    gina31love reacted to BLERDgirl in Sleevers over 300lbs?   
    Just a quick check in. I haven't been around these parts lately dealing with a few issues. I'm experiencing my first stall. The thing is I'm not panicking. I knew this was going to be a longer haul for me. My allergies are acting up. In an attempt to wean me off of the need for daily antihistamines which 1)slow down the metabolism and 2)cause hunger, I am trying to switch to a low histamine diet. That would be a challenge for anyone, but when you add in needing increased Protein as a bariatric pt, being a vegetarian AND being allergic to seafood, it's even more challenging. To top things off, my car died so I haven't been to the gym and I'm not a very motivated home work out person. Unfortunately if I don't work out, I don't lose.
    I'm not discouraged. I went from a size 30/32 to my current 18/20. I have lost 115lbs. I was fortunate to not have any stalls for the first year post-op. The rest is on me. I'll adjust this latest health challenge or stay on the antihistamine. There is a new supplement I may try and my allergist will continue to monitor that.
    I just want to say to those of us who have more than 200lbs to hang in there. Be patient! Follow your program. I'm still food logging and still drinking my Water. 115lbs is an adult person! That's an accomplishment! The rest will happen once things normalize for me.
  14. Like
    gina31love reacted to jennaggie in Is it normal to still have pain one week Post-Op?   
    I was in pain till exactly one month out. I was surprised at how long it took because others made it seem so easy. Wait it out. It gets better.
  15. Like
    gina31love reacted to Miss Mac in My body thinks it's funny!   
    Erma Bombeck was a satirical newspaper columnist who shared her views on love and living. This was one of her articles:

    Diet Totals 758 - Pound Loss

    I have dieted continuously for the last 2 decades and lost
    a total of 758 pounds. By all calculations, I should be
    hanging from a charm Bracelet.< /span>

    I have done a lot of kidding around with Weight Watchers,
    but it is the only organization in which I ever lost a
    great deal of weight. But I fought them. Every Tuesday
    morning, a group of us had to " weigh in " before the
    lecture. Our ritual was enough to boggle the imagination.
    We got together a check list of precautions before we
    actually stepped on the scale.

    Bathroom? Check. Water pill? Check. Have you removed
    underwear, wedding rings, nail polish? Check. Set aside
    shoes and earrings? Check. Are you wearing a summer
    dress beneath your winter coat? Check.

    The first week I stepped on the scale and my instructor
    said, " You have gained. " ( Next week, I cut my hair. )

    The next week, she said, " You have lost 8 ounces,but
    that is not enough. " ( I had the fillings in my teeth
    removed. )

    The third week, I had dropped a pound, but my instructor
    was still not pleased. ( I had my tonsils taken out. )

    Finally, she really chewed me out. She accused me of not
    sticking to the diet and not taking it seriously. That

    " I didn't want to tell you, " I said, " but I think I am
    pregnant. "

    " How far? " she said coldly, clicking her ballpoint pen
    to make a notation on my card.

    " Possibly 3 days, " I said.

    She glowered. " Any other excuses? "

    " Would you believe I have a cold and my head is swollen? "

    " No. "

    " How about I was celebrating the Buzzard's Return to
    Hinkley, Ohio and had butter on my popcorn? "

    She tapped her pen impatiently on the card and stared at
    me silently.

    " Lint in the navel? " I offered feebly.

    " How about first one to the trough? " she asked dryly.

    I learned quickly never to argue with a woman who had the
    scales on her side.

    I saw my old instructor the other day and she eyed me
    carefully and said, " When are you returning to class? "

    " As soon as I have my appendix removed, " I said
    returning her gaze.

    I'm not sure, but I think I heard her moan.
    Also, clean and trim your fingernails and toenails, pluck your eyebrows, and shave your body.
  16. Like
    gina31love reacted to laura_rose16 in Why did I do this?   
    I have to say 48 hours makes a big difference. It quickly gets better. But the first 48 hours is hard. I am glad I had support from all of you. Heating pad was a god send.
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    gina31love reacted to Babbs in Why did I do this?   
    Just remember, what you're feeling now won't be what you're going to be feeling 1 week, 3 months, a year from now. The pain and discomfort is all temporary. You'll get through it, and come out a stronger, healthier, happier person in the end. I promise.
  18. Like
    gina31love reacted to BevBrown34 in Why did I do this?   
    I am 7 days out. I went to Walmart yesterday but my husband wouldn't let me drive, lol. I am sore but I am able to get in and out of bed without any problems and I can even sleep on my stomach. I got 2,200 steps in yesterday, not the 10,000 I usually try to aim for but it's something. I won't hit 10,000 until I can exercise again. My problem is fluid/protein intake. I was finally able to drink 64 oz of Water yesterday. I am nowhere near 70 grams of Protein. It gets better every day. On Tuesday, day after surgery. I thought what in the world did I do. Just take it one day at a time.
    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
  19. Like
    gina31love reacted to Barry W in Why did I do this?   
    I was hating life for the first 8 days. But things began to improve noticeably on the 9th day. On day 13 now, and getting in and out of bed no longer a challenge, and my walks are lengthening. It's the long run that matters, in my opinion.

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