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Everything posted by kstein01

  1. Hey ya’all. I am 3 days post op from a lap band revision to the RNY bypass. It wasn’t the smoothest of recoveries. I was sick for almost 2 days. Vomiting more than I was taking in. Also I got Crepitus from my breast to my eyes and it swelled up my left side of the face. That has subsided a bit but still painful in the neck and it rubs on the inside so I get terrible chest and upper back pain. Now my abdomen on the left is so swollen than my left upper this is swollen. Feel like a fatty. The worse of it all is that i gained 22 pounds in the hospital and I ate barely anything. I just about lost it when I got home. But since I couldn’t eat anything they continuously pumped in fluids. Anyone else out there he any of these problems and relate and help me through this “scary phase” of healing? Otherwise I am pretty excited I had it done. I was able to drink a crystal light tonight and not get heart burn like I would have with the band so i was excited about that.
  2. Update....I managed to lose all the water weight in a week. I was 202 when I left the hospital and today at my one week check up I was 183. Feeling great. Best decision i ever made!!!
  3. kstein01

    The shakes three weeks post

    I had the shakes before the RNY and it was my blood sugar dropping. Drink a small apple juice or orange juice and see if that helps.
  4. kstein01

    March Bypass Buddies

    Mine is also. Good luck
  5. kstein01

    March Bypass Buddies

    My lap band revision to RNY is Friday the 29th of March. I just got approved yesterday and they are rushing me through because my insurance switches at the end of the month. So my head is spinning with excitement. I have had the band since 9/06. Tried to get a revision in 2016 when I had all kinds of complications but insurance wouldn’t approve it and the thought of gaining my weight back was a worse feeling. Fast forward to 2018, tried again and UHC denied me again. Moved to Kansas and got Aetna insurance and they approved me!! My surgeon knows my history and he is allowing me to bypass some of the stuff as I have been restricted for 13 years so it’s not completely new to me. I have had a slipped band for over a year gained about 45 pounds of my 136 pounds loss. Ready to get rid of the band pain. I hope I am making the right decision. It’s happening really fast. Starting weight before band in 2006 was 335, lowest weight in 2016 was 155 and my current weight is 195. Could use support if anyone out the has had revision. Thanks and good luck to all the Marchers out there.
  6. Mine was 3500.00 out of pocket. But I believe each state is different. I live in Kansas.
  7. I have had the lap band since 2007. I lost 163 pounds over the years. Then had complications last November gained 40 pounds back after they had to open my band completely. I am slowly in the process of getting filled and struggling to lose the weight again and meanwhile getting depressed. I have an option of having a revision to sleeve or GB. My insurance has approved the revision. Question is which one should I do. I am leaning towards the sleeve, however my surgeon said he will take the band out and then I may have to wait 3-6 month doe the sleeve because of band scarring on my stomach. I CANNOT WAIT THAT LONG FOR FEAR OF GAINING MORE WEIGHT!!! I am miserable with 40 extra pounds. Can't imagine any more. He didn't say anything about the GB and a waiting period. Pleas help me understand and decide which way to go. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. Ok good news and bad news. I went to see my surgeon today and he told me my surgery got declined be used I wasn't "fat" enough to have the revision. I have to have a bmi of 40 therefore I need to gain 35 pounds. Well to me that is stupid and since my whole lap band problem I have already gained 35 pounds. I used to weight 335 then got down to 165. Then the issues started and now I am over 200. This has been very depressing for me. I cried at the office cause I have been trying so hard to lose this damn weight and then I am told I have to gain weight to get the surgery. Just ridiculous. That just puts me a higher risk for anesthesia and other problems. I left without making any decisions and crying. I called back and requested for my nurse to ask the dr if he would do a peer to peer review on my case. The whole thing is just a joke to me. So good news I can have the revision but bad news I have to play their damn game and maybe have to gain weight which is depressing to me. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. Back in November I was vomiting a lot. Even in my sleep. I had to go to a new place for my band cause my original place closed. So the new surgeon sent me in for an upper GI. Come to find out I had a grossly enlarged esophagus and hiatal hernia and my band we over constricted. I went back to the surgeon the following week and he had to pull out all my Fluid. Keep in mind my band was a 10cc and he pulled out almost 11cc. He was like how on earth where you eating? I was like slider foods and lots of vomiting. Needless to say we discussed in having it removed because he absolutely hates the band and with my GERD and heart burn so bad again I am ready for this band to come out. Oh and btw I have gained 35 pounds since November. Just really sad and depressing. I have even been dieting and I can't get if off. Ugh. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. Heatherg0907 I am in the second week of insurance review. I hope to hear something by the middle of next week. I will keep you posted on my happenings. Keep your head up, live in the moment and just think how happier and healthier you are going to be when this is all said and done. I am jealous of you already haha. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. Heatherg0997 I am in the process of waiting for approval for revision. Congrats on getting it done first of all. Second l, don't compare the band to GB. There is a huge difference and be positive. You got this!! I am hoping for a May revision as well. I have had a lot of problems with the band too but did have 163 pound weight loss until my problems started now I have gained 35 pounds. So depressing. Keep me posted on your journey. You are going to be successful. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. kstein01

    Lap band revision

    What is the bpd-ds procedure? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. I have had the lap band for over 9 years and I have a diet soda at least once every other day. I enjoy them. I wasn't told when I got it that I couldn't have them so I do. I read a lot of people were told they can't have it and I don't know why but I enjoy one every now and then. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. kstein01

    Yikes! Arm Flab

    I had bilateral brachioplasty twice. It wasn't bad. I much prefer the scar then the hanging skin that I had. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. kstein01

    2 step revision

    I am in the process of waiting for insurance approval, however my surgeon say he is a 2 step surgeon. He said he will go in and if he can do it then he will after the lap band removal. But If there is to much damage to the stomach then he will make me wait 3-6 months. But that is scary to me cause after he removed all my Fluid in November I gained 35 pounds. I have bad GERD and an enlarged esophagus and pain in my left upper quadrant. Good luck and keep us informed. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. Hi group. My Story is similar. I was banded in 2007. Lost 163 pounds. Was doing great until last year. I went to a surgeon in town and he sent me for an upper GI. I had a severely enlarged esophagus. I also had vomiting and bad GERD. The surgeon removed all my Fluid and I gained 35 pounds in 2-3 months. I inquired about the sleeve or GB. He was on board with removing the band because he absolutely hates them. I am in the waiting time frame for insurance to see if they pay for removal and revision. I have benefits with United health care but it comes down between them and the surgeon. He is gonna pull thru for me, fingers crossed. Keep me posted on your journey. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. kstein01

    Upper left Abdominal Pain

    I just joined the group and I saw your post. I too have been having left upper quadrant pain after I eat. Long story short, I have had the band since 2007. I the last 2 years I have been vomiting and couldn't keep a lot of food down. I was ok with that cause I was losing weight. Now, because of this I had to have my band completely drained, gained 35-40 pounds. Slowing increasing the volume in the band, but now when I eat I get pain and heartburn. My esophagus burns and hurts. I am in lala land waiting on my insurance to see if they will pay to have band removed and get GB or the sleeve. What have you done since this post? Just curious, are you going to have another wls again? I hope things are going better for you. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. kstein01

    Lap band revision

    Jake, I was told the same thing that I could wake up and have the sleeve or not and that it was his discretion. Do you know if there are concerns with GB such as waiting after the band is removed or can they do it right after? I cannot find anything on that. I really don't care which surgery I have I just don't want to gain anymore weight. It scares me and depresses me. I was 160 and now 200. I want to be about 140 eventually. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. kstein01

    Blood while pooping

    Internal hemorrhoids cause the bright blood. You need to drink more Water and take stool softeners which may take a couple of days to work. But make them a regular thing. No pun intended. Lol. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
