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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About csawesome

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    Guru in Training

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  1. While I read the hundreds of 3 week post op posts about the stalling and the million "embrass the stall" comments I am fine. But everytime I hit a stall (which seem to come at 3 week intervals and last for 2+ weeks), I wanna warn others, if one person tells me to "embrass" this frigging stall I will stab them. I don't wanna embrass it. Sure I can deal with it, I can remember they happen, but embrass it. No. Never. What phrase do you get a lot lately that makes you crazy. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  2. csawesome

    Any Colorado sleevers?

    I am gonna try this month's support group at Rose for the first time. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  3. So I generally I only stand in front of the mirror with clothes on. Today I went shopping so at one point I was in from of a mirror in just my undies. Yeah, that will hurt your self esteem a bit. I look much better with clothes on and from my head down point of view. Oh well its a process, things will get smaller, things may get saggier, but that's what Spanx is for right? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  4. csawesome

    Pant sizes?

    Size 24/3x. 8 weeks now wear 18-20. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  5. So it's official nothing fits anymore. Great problem. I am going to do some shopping tomorrow after gym. My question is what is a reasonable amount of clothes to get? Obviously I need to not look like I only own one pair of pants and shirt and I have no idea how long I will stay this size. But I also don't want to spend several hundred dollars for clothes what will likely be too big by the end of the summer. I was thinking like one pair of jeans, two capris, two workout capris. A couple tank tops, bras, sports bras and maybe 10 shirts. I won't get them all tomorrow I am sure but does that seem like too much or too little. I have been searching used clothing places around me. They don't seem to have much in 18/20. Tons in 12's and under though.
  6. csawesome

    Nothing to speed up weightloss like divorce

    Sorry I haven't posted back. Well you guys were right it had been going on for months, the sex part didn't start until the last month. Everyday I think I can move on, something else comes down. Luckily I have the best support group of friends a person could ever ask for. Am still working on Protein and calories but keep working it. Sometimes I clearly see the path forward other times I just get through the day. I never thought a person could cause this much pain. Let alone my husband. But I cross my fingers that things will work, and in the mean time I prepare for when they dont. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  7. csawesome

    Nothing to speed up weightloss like divorce

    I called about sleep meds and asked about something for the anxiety not to numb the feelings but because my stomach is doing the stress which is making eating food impossible. I have been living on not enough Protein, not enough calories and can barely keep down yogurt. She gave me some stuff that she hopes will help. I tried to go to the gym today to take my mind off but didn't last long, no sleep and no food make for a weak workout. It's a process. I'll be fine most of the day then melt down... I truly hope things work out but still preparing incase it doesn't we both have a long way and a lot to deal with. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  8. csawesome

    Nothing to speed up weightloss like divorce

    Thanks guys. He called today to set up our first couples counciling session (2 weeks), he also set up his individual counciling as I did mine. I should clarify that he isn't trying to say his actions are my fault, but he still think his emotional state was my fault. Which is call BS, because it wasn't so bad I saw abything. He was playing happy at home. It's complicated. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  9. csawesome

    Nothing to speed up weightloss like divorce

    Well it's been a whirlwind week. So day two he was already starting to question his plan, he really had this totally dillusional idea about how it would be better for all of us and somehow failed to put any reality into it. By day three he broke up with her . By day 4 he agreed to marriage counciling. He is still living out of his office in my basement. We are still fairly seperate except for dinner with the kids. It's a lot of mixed emotions. I get frustrated that he isn't processing things. He still believes I played a part in this. Sorta. I am not sure how he feels about her. I wish he was in the making up for all the pain, hurt and lies phase. He isn't yet, but it's only been a few days. Somedays I wake up and just wanna pretend like nothing ever happened. Other days I can't get it out of my head. It's gonna be a long road. I still can't seem to eat. I can get a little Protein shakes (about 1/2 shake at a time), maybe one or two. I was able to keep down most of Greek yogurt yesterday. It's been such a nightmare. Last night was the first night I slept more than an hour or two. This week is try to get back to some normalcy, try getting protein in even if it can only be shakes now. Get back to taking medicine and Vitamins. I don't really wanna try the gym again until I can get more than 200 calories in. I am gonna call my PCP and see if she will order me some sleep meds and maybe some anxiety stuff...I dunno. For all of you, and all of the messages thank you. It's gonna be rough, I am so glad to have any support. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  10. csawesome

    8 weeks post op

    Sounds like a good question for your nutritionist. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  11. csawesome

    Nothing to speed up weightloss like divorce

    It's a fog here. I get sick after a few bites of anything. I know it's all stress and emotions. I just never thought it could be me. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  12. Today my husband of 16 years told me he is leaving me for his coworker who he started having an affair with when I had my surgery. We have two kids together. It comes as a total suprise. The last two weeks have been weird but I thought it was just stress from my school load and his over time. Well apparently I lost five pounds today in tears and heart ache. I know I am stranger, but I had to put it somewhere. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  13. So most people want to be more mobile, healthier as non scale . I want those too. But I realize I also have some stage non scale goals. M want to be able to wear converse all stars again. I used to love them, but as my feet got fatter, and I got heavier I had to get other shoes. I miss my chuck's. My jewelry. Over the years my husband has gotten me several very nice, very expensive necklaces that I never wear because they exaggerated how fat my neck is. What weird non scale goals do you have? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  14. As I turn in my last paper this morning, I am proud to proclaim finals over. As my reward, I am hitting the gym at 8am. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  15. I like the idea of net carbs much better. I don't see me eating a lot of non fiber carbs for a while, but I was suprised to learn how many there in dairy products. I think I will be drastically weaning down on those as I move onto dense Proteins. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

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