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About FreeTheSkinny66

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  1. FreeTheSkinny66

    BCBS Insurance/attorney question

  2. FreeTheSkinny66

    Trans-nasal Endoscopy

    Thanks! I need to put my big girl panties on, I guess!
  3. FreeTheSkinny66

    Trans-nasal Endoscopy

    Thanks. I actually did already express my concern/apprehension, but was told it really is no big deal - will take all of about 5 minutes. I asked about something to "relax" me. lol I'm being a big baby - do whatever to me...as long as it doesn't involve putting anything up my nose! lol I suppose I should be glad he does it this way - less $$. I have a high deductible plan (it is all my company offers these days), so whatever the cost, it is out of my pocket.
  4. FreeTheSkinny66

    Trans-nasal Endoscopy

    Anyone have a trans-nasal endoscopy? I'm scheduled for mine in a few weeks and I'm a bit freaked about it. No sedation - they just numb up the throat and pass the tube up the nose and down the throat. I am way squeamish about things up my nose - I can't even use saline spray! I'd rather be put out and have it done the normal way, but this is what he is doing so.... Anyone do this?? I need reassurance that it doesn't completely and totally suck.
  5. FreeTheSkinny66

    Sleep Apnea as Comorbidity

    Ooohhh....good luck!! I wish I were that close!! Keep us posted!
  6. FreeTheSkinny66

    Sleep Apnea as Comorbidity

    I was told by my surgeon's office that when they submit, they simply say "Obstructive sleep Apnea" ...they do not qualify as mild, moderate or severe. I asked specifically because I have Anthem BCBS (in CT) and for it to qualify as a co-morbidity, sleep apnea must be severe...and mine was mild. Also, the ICD-10 code is the same regardless of if it is mild or severe, so there's that. Good luck. It is nerve-racking. When will you be submitted? I am curious to see how you make out!
  7. FreeTheSkinny66

    Joint pain/arthritis as comorbidity?

    Woo hoo!
  8. FreeTheSkinny66

    Anthem BCBS (in CT)

    @@silverthreads I was able to get the Plan Document directly from my husband's employer, and it showed that there IS coverage for WLS (the exclusion is for NON-surgical weight loss), yet UHC maintains that there is no coverage. So I asked them the effective date of the plan they were referencing, and it is different that what the company gave me. So I went back and asked for the most current version from my husband's employer, which they assured me they gave me. So.....SOMEONE is providing or looking at the wrong thing! Since UHC refuses to send me what they are reading from, and my husband's Benefits Coordinator confirmed that I was given the most current version, I think there is coverage, but there is no way to convince UHC of that! UGH. Such a pain in the butt. I have yet to look at coordination of benefits since I am not sure if I have the "right"document. Sigh.....
  9. FreeTheSkinny66

    Joint pain/arthritis as comorbidity?

    @@Jennjjcac Have you been approved yet?
  10. FreeTheSkinny66

    Surprised at how fat I am

    @@VSGAnn2014 This: "For those of you who haven't lost all your weight yet or who haven't thrown away all your fat clothes, please save one outfit to remind you of how far you have come and of the respect you owe to the person you once were for having the fortitude to survive the burdens of morbid obesity. One day, you will appreciate more than you can imagine right now that fat person's courage. Wow. Very powerful. For those of us living in this moment of disgust, being able to step outside of ourselves and appreciate that we are summoning up the courage and fortitude to do this...to take drastic action to fix this....that is important to recognize. Thanks for that.
  11. FreeTheSkinny66

    BCBS Insurance/attorney question

    Go to your husband's employer!! Contact the Benefits Coordinator for his employer and request a copy of the Plan Document. As an insured, you are entitled to this document, as it lays out what is covered what is not, etc. I just had a similar situation with United Healthcare - I asked multiple times for thePlan Document and they just kept telling me to go to the employer. I did and got it within 15 minutes. Good luck. This can all be SO frustrating!
  12. FreeTheSkinny66

    Surprised at how fat I am

    @@jane13 Thank you, thank you, thank you for that. Your post actually made me tear up a little tiny bit - I guess that is a testament to how alone I feel in my misery (I try to hide the real depth of it from my husband and others) and how much I crave support and a sense of not being the only one who feels this way. So...thank you. I will keep coming here.
  13. FreeTheSkinny66

    Not sleeping during the sleep study

    @@Rainy Days You are getting a C-PAP machine for mild? My surgeon said he doesn't for mild apnea, especially since the surgery will take care of it. Hmmm.... Sadly, I was "happy" when I found out I had mild sleep apnea - it meant possibility a comorbidity to help with insurance approval. Ugh
  14. FreeTheSkinny66

    Surprised at how fat I am

    Totally hits home for me. I have my full length mirrors at home propped up at just the right angle so that I look thinner....or I would probably never leave the house. Talk about gaming and denial! But when I catch a glimpse of myself in a store window reflection, or in the bathroom mirror when I go into the office (I work from my house), or someone takes a photo and I am in it, I am horrified and sink into a deep depression. It's weird. I KNOW I am fat, but I've always thought I was fat - even when I wasn't! So somehow, I keep talking myself into believing I am fat but not THAT fat....that it is worse in my head than in real life. Except that now real life really IS that bad. Since I decided to pursue WLS and went for my initial consultation, I have been reading so many posts on here, and honestly, I feel worse than ever. It is almost as if I am staring down how far I've let myself go....how bad it really is, and I feel completely disgusted with myself. Like I am repulsive and shouldn't leave the house. I know that is extreme, but it is hitting me hard. I am still a few month away from being submitted and I am concerned about insurance approval - my BMI is not quite 40 and I don't have the "standard' comorbidities. Honestly, if I don't get approval, I don't know how I will manage. I'm sobered by my reality at this point. Glad I am not alone.
  15. FreeTheSkinny66

    Joint pain/arthritis as comorbidity?

    Oh, google and I are WELL acquainted, and I have read multiple comorbidity lists from reputable sources. But in the world of insurance, all bets are off and they can be fickle on what they consider "good enough" to be considered as a comorbidity for THEM. (oy!) For example, sleep apnea is a comorbidity. But my primary carrier says it must be SEVERE sleep apnea to qualify. There are many more examples. Was just looking for some personal experiences to get a "feel".

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