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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by missistark

  1. Hello, this is my first time posting on BP. I am 48 years old and had my lapband in 2008. I lost almost 100 lbs over the span of a year. I kept it off for 4 years. In April of 2012 my 8 month old grandson was killed (homocide) and it really sent me into a downward spiral. I was so busy with court and keeping my family from falling to pieces that I got lost somewhere in the shuffle. I really have gotten off track and don't know how to find my way back. I pray, take my antidepressants and have finally gotten to a fairly good place emotionally. However I look in the mirror and am disgusted by all of my hard work and lifestyle change being wasted. I have an appointment for April 4th with my lapband surgeon but am terrified of going back to him. I have failed miserably by gaining most of my weight back. I really need advice from you all. I need ideas for jump-starting my weightloss so I can feel good physically and mentally. It seems like a mountain I don't know if I can climb again. Help please.
  2. missistark

    Trying to find the courage to start over.

    This is the 5DPT (5 day pouch test) you go on full liquids for 2 days, soft Protein then work up to ground meat and chicken. I did it and found it very helpful. While it's not always easy, it did cure my cravings for carbs and sweets. If you google it, the whole plan will come up. I am so sorry for you loss. Wanting to change is the 1st step. Good luck! ???? Ah that answered my question. I will begin this on Friday when I do the grocery shopping. Thank yous so much. Sent from my QMV7B using the BariatricPal App
  3. missistark

    Trying to find the courage to start over.

    When you do the pouch test, exactly what do you eat? How do you do it? Sent from my QMV7B using the BariatricPal App
  4. missistark

    Trying to find the courage to start over.

    Great advice! Sent from my SM-N920V using BariatricPal mobile app Very good advice. ???? Sent from my QMV7B using the BariatricPal App
  5. missistark

    Trying to find the courage to start over.

    Hey guys. Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. Youngest child home from college, with friends, and work. Just now getting some time to myself. My band was empty when this happened because I had a stomach virus and the band wouldn't let anything come up. I was heaving for a day and a half, so I met my surgeon at the ER and he took all the Fluid out. It was very swollen by then and awful. Lol Then my husband got laid off and we lost our insurance. Then he the baby died about a month after that. I think you all are right. I just have to get back into focus. I had been really excited and determined to succeed and really changed the way my family ate and got out into the woods on trails hiking etc. My daughter tends to be a little heavy as well so I tried to lead by example. To me the band is just part of the big picture. I wanted it to be part of a lifestyle change. On the bright side, my blood sugars have not been up since 2008. That was one of the main reasons I wanted to change my life. I'm so glad you are all here. No one understands how it feels or the challenges.
  6. missistark

    Trying to find the courage to start over.

    Do any of you feel guilty when you eat? Even if it's good for you? Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
  7. missistark

    Trying to find the courage to start over.

    I did the C2 5K before this happened and was so happy to run one. I finished dead last, but I finished! I'll look up my fitness pal and see how I can use it too. We're moving back home Tn in a year. Miss it. Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
  8. missistark

    Trying to find the courage to start over.

    I am seeing a psychiatrist at my VA hospital (I'm a veteran ) who has lots of experience with PTSD & anxiety attacks and he's really giving me some tools about letting the guilt etc go. Started seeing him in January and I finally feel like getting my life back. I agree about the liquid diet, set myself up for failure if I get too hungry. Lol Cleaned the carbs out of my kitchen yesterday. Nutritionist is a great idea. Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
  9. missistark

    Trying to find the courage to start over.

    Well, my doctor is awesome and kind but won't hear any excuses. lol I don't feel very brave. but thank you for saying so. I have had a hard time talking about Baby Jack's death and don't want to use that as an excuse for my choices. However, it was the catalyst for knocking me out of my established routine. I am just now coming to a place in my grieving process (I didn't really get to grieve because I was so consumed with keeping my son, who had just come home from Iraq, from killing himself.) that I can start to get back to the land of the living. I want to be healthy and feel good again. I just need to know where to begin. Maybe just the basics? like low carb eating and increase my exercise gradually? I thiught about going on liquid/shake diet but I don't think I have enough will power for this right now. We use to live around Nashville, Tn where are you?
  10. missistark

    Trying to find the courage to start over.

    Thank you for your advice. I have been exercising for a week now as weather permits (I live in the mountains of West Virginia, very rural) and doing my elliptical machine for very short intervals. I have spinal arthritis so I do it a few times a day. What is the 5BDR or something like that that I have been reading about? It sounds like it may be something that I could use to begin again. I have joined this support page to encourage and be encouraged. It's hard when no one around you understands what you are doing as a bander. ???????? Takes a will to change your lifestyle forever. I walk when it's 95 degrees and when it's 9 degrees. I have dance parties for one in my kitchen just to move my body! Lol Banding is not an easy fix, but worth the journey. Love to all! Missi. ???? Sent from my QMV7B using the BariatricPal App

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