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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by QueenLoser

  1. QueenLoser

    April sleevers!

    hey guys... started an April Sleevers group on facebook. It's a secret group which means no one can find it except for members. Translation... it's a safe place. Since we're all having surgery April 2016, this group was created so we can stay in touch throughout our journey. We can compare notes, share stories and give each other tips .... or just an encouraging word. Anyway...if you're an april sleever and would like to be added to the group, just send me your email and I'll send you an invite.
  2. QueenLoser

    April sleevers!

    I'm sure you've done your research...but I must also ask if you've been thorough about researching Dr. Mario Almanza? There are many stories about surgeries gone wrong with him. If you know and you're still good with it, then your call...but just wanted to make sure for in case you didn't. I have to say... I'm surprise he's still allowed to practice. http://www.abcactionnews.com/news/local-news/i-team-investigates/another-death-following-weight-loss-surgery-booked-by-florida-company
  3. hey guys... started an April Sleevers group on facebook. It's a secret group which means no one can find it except for members. Translation... it's a safe place. Since we're all having surgery April 2016, this group was created so we can stay in touch throughout our journey. We can compare notes, share stories and give each other tips .... or just an encouraging word. Anyway...if you're an april sleever and would like to be added to the group, just send me your email and I'll send you an invite.
  4. It doesn't do that to everyone. It doesn't do that to me for the most part. I'm no expert...but it seems to me (just like alcohol) everyone has their own reaction to it.
  5. Hey April peeps....I got this idea from one of the vlogs I follow, but I'm wondering if you would be interested in doing an April facebook support group. Since we're doing our surgery around the same time, we'll be experiencing similar things and we can check in with each other about the different stages. What do you think? Sent from my SM-G900T using the BariatricPal App
  6. QueenLoser

    Bypass vs. Sleeve

    Very well said Leebick. All the concerns you have and everything that's gone through your head is similar to my thoughts. Although I'm still pretty young, I was also concerned with the future given my family's medical history. Although I've chosen to just go with the sleeve, I still question myself every day, and I won't really know the full scope of my decision until many years after my procedure. As you said...there's really no way you can know how you will react to any of the procedures as an individual. That's why...as interesting and beneficial as it is to hear other people's experiences, it's not going to be yours or mine. Some people experience dumping syndrome with bypass while others never..and some end up experiencing it with the sleeve. For me personally, I wouldn't be surprised if I experienced it with the sleeve due to the fact that I already have a sensitive stomach. It seems like with all the procedures, most people are able to eat most things within reason given some time. Just one little tidbit... for a long time I really wanted to do the bypass because you lose more weight. However, a couple of things that finally made me make up my mind is 1) after the 2 year mark... people tend to catch up to the gastric bypass people. After some thought, I decided that's not so bad for me. 2) As some mentioned, how much you lose total is really up to the individual.I kept doing the math in my head, and thinking... well, if I do the bypass I'll lose 80% of the extra weight, versus 70% from the sleeve (according to the hospital who's doing my procedure anyway, these numbers seem to change with every source I look at) and I was stuck on that. The fact that these numbers constantly change from website to website is also an indicator that this is not an exact science. Finally I was like...wait a minute, I want to lose 100% of my excess weight, so either way it's going to be on me whether or not I achieve my ultimate goal. I think of it the same way as far as the regain.... none of the these procedures are going to keep me from regaining. It's up to me. That's why I laugh when people say WLS is cheating. There's absolutely no cheating because there's a lot of work to be done. I'm having my surgery in Mexico which doesn't require any of the usual stuff they require here in the U.S...but I was still adamant about doing the work: joining support groups, finding a psychologists to address personal issues, getting tests done, and so on because I don't want to treat this like the thing that's going to solve all my problems. I think if you look at it from that point of view, the decision will be less stressful. Both the gastric bypass and the sleeve are great options and at the end of the day you'll just be happy cause you were proactive about getting control of your life. I think anyone who decides to do WLS are strong people for acknowledging needing help and taking action.
  7. QueenLoser

    Bypass vs. Sleeve

    I don't know which comment/comments you're responding to...but since I'm the one who started with the Vitamin thing, I will say that I did not say that malabsorption is the same as malnourished. From all the stuff I've read...and I'm currently even reading a book on bariatric procedures...gastric bypass patients need to take more vitamins and possibly higher doses of medication. Some of the people on here have said that they didn't have to... so I'm assuming it's a case by case thing and depending on the medication and other factors. Surely if your body is bypassing some of the things you eat so that you can bypass calories, it's also bypassing some of the other good things you put in your body. I wasn't pointing this out as something that should deter one from having a gastric bypass.... although for some, it's enough as a pervious poster said. If someone is serious about getting a gastric bypass and does their research as they should, they will also learn that there are ways around these things if they are willing... so that you don't become malnourished. There's a difference between saying chances of becoming malnourished is slightly higher with this procedure than another...and saying that it will for sure happen, which is not true. And before someone says that Sleevers also need to take vitamins... yes, I know. The reason sleevers have to take vitamins and gastric bypass patients have to take vitamins, and heck... the rest of the population should take vitamins are all slightly different...at the end of the day each person has to decide what they are comfortable with.
  8. QueenLoser

    Bypass vs. Sleeve

    I started super morbidly obese and I got the sleeve. I couldn't be happier with my experience, my recovery, and my progress. It really comes down to what is best for you. Learn as much as you can about all the options but ultimately talk with your surgeon about what is right for you, Best of luck. I agree. I've also encountered many people who were super obese before and decided to to do the sleeve instead and had a lot of success. It's one of the reasons I decided to go with the sleeve. Although I'm not super obese, I figure if it works well for many super obese people...then there's no reason it can't work well for me. Although, I know everyone is different. I've also met people who weren't that big starting off and did the gastric bypass and that also worked for them. That's what makes deciding so difficult. My statement earlier was just an example for why gastric bypass might be a better choice for someone else... of course weight is only one element, and there are many other components that goes into the final personal decision.
  9. QueenLoser

    Bypass vs. Sleeve

    The original question had to do with which surgery is better, but the OP didn't want to hear the typical... "the choice is yours, it's personal, and up to you" which is btw, the correct answer. Regardless of what a previous poster said...there's really not a right-size-fits- all answer. So I proceeded to explain why I've chosen the sleeve for April for myself. My choices are based on my research...and I've done a lot, speaking with my doctor, hearing stories from different support groups, watching tons of youtube videos of both gastric bypass and sleevers, and most importantly taking into account my personality, my beliefs, strengths and weaknesses. My surgery is in April and I continue to do research every day. I think the gastric bypass is a great procedure, but I finally chose the sleeve due to the reasons I listed above which I'm standing by. Yes with the sleeve you lose hair, with the sleeve you have to take Vitamins, with the sleeve you have loose skin, some people even experience dumping syndrom, and some people have complications like with any other surgery. And yes, some people don't lose hair due to genetics...some don't even get loose skin due to genetics...and so on. You'll find all kinds of stories out there. However, all these things are greater with the bypass because you are losing weight a lot quicker... how much that matters to you is really up to you. I'm not saying it should be that important... I'm saying if you're making a pros and cons list for both surgeries...these are things that you should consider. Also... FYI...even though you initially lose more weight with the gastric bypass...it's been found that in the 2 year mark that sleevers end up losing just as much. Gastric bypass people lose majority of their weight during the first year, while sleevers keep losing a good amount of weight during their second year. From listening to other people's stories, it seems to me with eating right that sleevers can loose just as much weight. The most important thing to remember is that both the sleeve and the gastric bypass is a tool and not some magic cure for all your weight problems. There is some work and discipline involved for reaching and maintaining your goal. Gastric has it's advantages... people here have already listed them and I agree with them. In fact, I was leaning towards Gastric for a long time because I have a sweet tooth and the gastric is supposed to be better for that due to dumping syndrome which makes it more difficult to process sugar and bad fats. At the end of the day... just make sure you're making your own decision based on your own opinions, what you need, and the research that you've done. If you have a good primary care doctor that supports you, get her opinion as well. Be sure to get as many input from all sides of the spectrum. I learn something new every day.
  10. Mine is early April, with Dr. Cabrera as well. Excited!!! Sent from my SM-G900T using the BariatricPal App Great! Would you please let me know how everything went? I've read good things about Dr. Cabrera but to actually talk to someone who just went through it would be nice! Good luck & God bless!Yup! But are you also part of Mexico Bariatric support group on Facebook? There are tons of people on there who've already had the surgery and had Dr. Cabrera. Sent from my SM-G900T using the BariatricPal App
  11. Mine is early April, with Dr. Cabrera as well. Excited!!! Sent from my SM-G900T using the BariatricPal App
  12. QueenLoser

    Bypass vs. Sleeve

    Again...I would like to say that I have nothing against the gastric bypass and I'm sure it's better for some. I will however once again say... do as much research as possible. ...the sleeve has become so popular and Is as successful that many are calling it the new golden standard. Also, I never said that you don't have to take Vitamins on sleeve....but you have to take more on gastric. One other factor is weight....from what I understand, bypass is highly recommended for people who are morbidly obese. Sent from my SM-G900T using the BariatricPal App
  13. QueenLoser

    Bypass vs. Sleeve

    I was set in doing the bypass for a long time and then I decided to change it to the sleeve for a few reasons. The number one reason is that after some thought I decided that it was not a good idea to create a condition that would mean that my body cannot absorb all the things I put in my body. With the sleeve you can't eat as much, but at least what you eat is what you eat and all the nutrients and Vitamins you put in your body will be received and not bypassed. Since you have a medical condition already....and I'm assuming you take meds or might have to in the future....your body will have trouble absorbing all of your dosage which means that you will need higher dosages for everything. I personally don't like the idea of having to take higher dosages of any medications that I might have to take in the future. Also the bypass is way more invasive and requires rewiring your stomach. I thought I was going to be okay with that, but with much thought I decided that I really wasn't. Bypass also has more complications and it seems to me, that the side effects are worse than the sleeve. Since you're losing weight at an even faster lost than the sleeve...it means more hair loss, more loose skin, and dumping syndrome seems to be worse (although some people think of it as a pro). I would suggest watching youtube videos with people who've done both the sleeve and bypass, and do as much research as possible. I have nothing against the bypass as an option and I'm sure it's a better option for some people, but since you have a heart condition you might consider doing the procedure with fewer complications. Also ask your doctor what she thinks. Good luck! Sent from my SM-G900T using the BariatricPal App

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