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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Christinamo7

  1. if you have an appointment at a month like I did, your NUT and team will help you make any tweaks you need to get moving again. for me, at that point I was struggling with constipation issues, once they were resolved I started loosing again. When I stalled again around 8 weeks I did a few days of logging my food on the app I log my exercise on. Realized I either needed to cut back on the walking a bit (the dog was running away from me sometimes) or eat a little more. cut a few workouts, and added a Protein snack, and boom, loosing again now, so maybe that was what was needed. I don't mind embracing a stall, but I don't want to move in and unpack.
  2. if you have an appointment at a month like I did, your NUT and team will help you make any tweaks you need to get moving again. for me, at that point I was struggling with constipation issues, once they were resolved I started loosing again. When I stalled again around 8 weeks I did a few days of logging my food on the app I log my exercise on. Realized I either needed to cut back on the walking a bit (the dog was running away from me sometimes) or eat a little more. cut a few workouts, and added a Protein snack, and boom, loosing again now, so maybe that was what was needed. I don't mind embracing a stall, but I don't want to move in and unpack.
  3. Christinamo7

    Post Op cravings?!?

    so for me, the first two weeks were HARD. I would expect you still have ghrelin in your system. I almost had to smack a teenager who kept coming to sit by me when she snacked. BUT after that, and when I was on soft foods, it was not a problem, and at least so far I have not had much in the way of cravings - and eat according to plan. learning to eat s l o w l y and stop before I am full have been the only real challenges.
  4. Congrats! I am really looking forward to seeing your progress!
  5. Christinamo7


    I started walking that first day, v e r y slowly at first, short times. by week 3 I was back to my normal routine of walking. Now I am up at dark thirty every day to get three miles in, and sometimes a second walk. my goal is at least 20 miles per week. at one month I was cleared for other exercise and so also add in pilates and yoga for stress relief and strength. Now that pools are opening I am looking forward to getting back to swimming. !!! You don't want to do more than walking until the doctor says you are healed enough.
  6. Christinamo7

    Not losing weight

    how are you doing with your fluids and Protein? sometimes not getting enough nutrition in can slow things down. sometimes it's nothing we're doing
  7. Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something

    1. JamieLogical


      Resorting to Princess Bride quotes so early in the morning? Sounds like you had a rough start to your day!

    2. Christinamo7


      rough turn of events in my work life

    3. 2goldengirl


      As you wish.


  8. Christinamo7

    Breakfast ideas.

    my own doctor's plan has breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. if I am doing heavy gardening, or hiking or two walks I add one snack in the evening too. They are all small, and my weight loss is good. lots of Protein, some veg, a wee bit of fruit, and that one slice of toast a few times a week. so far the weight is falling off at a fairly steady pace. Quite please.
  9. you're good enough. you deserve a healthier happier life. don't let anyone tell you otherwise. if they try you just remember that I think you are fabulous!

    1. Valentina


      I know. For now, I'm on a mission to live up to your status. It's been a tough week, but hey!, right?


    2. Christinamo7


      I don't remember a time when I didn't have a tough week. KEEP GOING. you know the song, if you're going through hell, keep on going? you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.

    3. Valentina


      Ha! That's the ringtone on my cell. Great minds and all, right??

    4. Show next comments  198 more
  10. Christinamo7

    Negative Nancy

    when do you have your one month check up? I think that is more trouble than would be normal.
  11. Christinamo7

    Breakfast ideas.

    the plans are all different, so please refer to your plan package. For me, on week days I have either a scrambled egg on one slice of oat bread toast or scrambled egg with cheese and turkey sausage. Weekends I have more time for maybe a poached egg - or some other such. but breakfast can be oatmeal with Protein powder - deli meat and cheese - yogurt -
  12. Christinamo7


    I have told my husband that I don't care for plastics unless there is a skin breakdown issue - and he doesn't care either UNLESS I step on my nipples. if that happens, they have to get put back where they belong. :-) I am 1/3 of the way there though and so far the girls are holding up well.
  13. Christinamo7

    Breakfast ideas.

    when was your surgery? what stage are you at?
  14. Christinamo7

    Advice on eating

    a lot of plans have pureed food at that point. try just having that if you are going to break down and eat. my swelling went down fast and my NUT said I could try scrambled eggs, so I did, slow - small bites. got full fast. Talk to your team.
  15. Christinamo7

    100 Pounds Down Today!

    That's FABULOUS! what a difference! you must feel great!
  16. what a PERFECT little baby! and you look just fine. :-) I use coconut oil on my neck, well and body too.
  17. Christinamo7

    Weight loss after sleeve

    yup, you're right on track! Keep going.
  18. Christinamo7

    Anyone else experience this?

    I don't think that is nearly enough calories at this point.
  19. Christinamo7

    Hard to walk

    you're doing just fine. at one week out I was walking 10-15 minutes every hour that I was awake, but VERY slowly. it helped me a lot to get up and move. Water, and Protein is all that you need to worry about at this point.
  20. no, it is not the "easy way out" although if there WAS an easy way out I'd take it in a heartbeat and not think TWICE about it. and it is a hell of alot easier than trying to loose before surgery. it's a powerful tool. but it is not easy to change your whole life and realize it's not a diet, it's not going to end. this is forever.
  21. Christinamo7

    Looking for support

    40 pounds since January seems just about perfect! keep going, it will all come off. I had my sleeve in February and I am just a smidge over 30 pounds down, right behind you. I almost think I couldn't handle loosing it faster, from the mental aspect of it, because of adjusting to how my body is changing.
  22. I really enjoy the unjury chocolate splendor with pb powder or sometimes with half a banana. I use the fairlife milk in mine. But after one month my plan wants me getting most of my Protein from food, so the shakes have become a treat for me now and then when I need to grab something on the go.
  23. Christinamo7

    Portion Control Plates/Containers

    this is what I use: http://www.target.com/p/rubbermaid-lunchblox-sandwich-kit/-/A-14051284?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&CPNG=PLA_Grocery%2BEssentials%2BShopping&adgroup=SC_Grocery_Top+Performers&LID=700000001170770pgs&network=g&device=c&location=9013184&gclid=CjwKEAjw9Zu5BRCS_OuVibujhQ0SJAD7t4KrEaruFLjfO6bQGkpANU-yyUpg_EiU24NMFFJJTCUJhBoCuyXw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds works great, I have a few sets so I can portion out my Snacks and such for the week and then my lunch box is grab and go except I have round porcelain small "augratin" containers for anything that needs to be heated up, because I do not microwave plastics. even has a wee ice pack, which is handy. as an added bonus, their lids lock onto the bottom of each container, so makes keeping them together a breeze.
  24. Christinamo7

    I'm BAAACCCKKKKK to the land of the internet ...

    welcome back!
  25. Christinamo7

    My Surgery Tomorrow is OFF!

    oh no! but I honestly believe it is BETTER to take care of that tooth before rather than after. you do NOT need tooth bacteria and junk going down into your stomach when it has a fresh seam in it, and is healing. So, one thing at a time and please let us know when your new surgery date is. in the mean time, gargle salt Water.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
