not post sleeve experience, but I will say that about 10 years ago my marriage was falling a part. badly. husband had done some stupid things and I was finished. We had a lot against us. but we are people of faith, and I have children who I felt their best chance at a good life was if we could work things out. so I tried. but when my disabled son moved out I realized I couldn't have left at that time, so - after John moved to a group home things really fell apart for real.
Husband went through 6 months of hell when we essentially separated (stayed in the same house, separate rooms, separate lives) while he let me grieve the real loss of the marriage I thought we had, and gave me time to see him make real changes. He also did the "love dare" I don't know if you've seen fireproof - but it came from that. He was SO patient with me. At the end of the day I knew I either had to make things right or let him go, and the idea of him being out there somewhere, not loving me was harder than doing the work to forgive and move forward.
For us, we experienced a little bit of a miracle the day I decided to stay that confirmed things for us (God does wink from heaven sometimes, I find) He is a mechanic. He had lost his wedding band shortly before we separated. THE VERY day I told him I wanted to make things work his friend sent an email about a ring he had found on a post inside his car's engine bay. he had been driving that car FOR A YEAR with husband's wedding ring on a post in there. I knew that was God's little hug to tell me he was with us.
Now, all these years later I am glad we did the hard work to make things right. But know this, it will take both of you. My first husband divorced me after 9 years. He did not want to work things out or get counseling. he just wanted OUT. you can't make someone stay. my second (good) husband was willing to do the hard work of making a good marriage.
Wishing you all the best as you move forward and hoping that you can get good counsel.
Let me also add right after surgery at week 3 I was ANGRY about everything and at everyone. then I was depressed for about a month, which is not like me. I have a good friend and my husband both that I am filtering every important decision through right now because I recognize that with the hormone dump I am not in a good position emotionally to make decisions on my own. not forever, but for now. Please consider that this may also be a factor going on with you right now. make any decisions carefully.