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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Christinamo7

  1. the hardest habit was that I would wait too long to eat, and then eat too much in a sitting. learning to portion out my food and eat slowly is not always compatible with my home/work situations - but I am continuing to find ways to make it happen. I have to portion out my Snacks and meals for the most part on Sunday so that I can grab and go pack my lunch bag during the week.
  2. Christinamo7

    In securities

    hopefully it will be as easy as reassuring him that you are married to him no matter what your weight is. you may need couples counseling to deal with any unhealthy issues lurking below the surface, I suppose I might tell him, "do you think I'm only married to you because I am fat and have no other options? no. I chose you and will continue to choose you". I am almost at the weight I was when I married my husband. He is thrilled and delighted with my new health, energy and shape. but I worry what will happen as I move toward a normal BMI, as he has never dated girls who were not a little voluptuous. but, we will deal with it if he finds me less attractive. We dealt with it when I was heavier than he liked too. We've dealt with far bigger monsters than that. He was scared to death he was going to loose me to a stroke a couple of years ago and my health is just too important.
  3. Christinamo7

    You want to take health advise from Coke?

    it is good! very tasty but. I think probably not necessary to fiddle with milk quite so much.
  4. She will still think you had the lapband. Whatever surgery sticks in peoples mind is what they think surgery is. It is like people who call all soda Coke. when in truth it is called POP.
  5. well. no. but I do make my own little on the go packages with cheese and spinach and lunch meat sometimes. I just use the little zip lock baggies. (I'm kinda cheap)
  6. Christinamo7

    3 days post-op, quick question

    it's liquids so it will pass through fairly quickly. I'd guess you're one of those who the swelling is going down more quickly. I was like that too. are you having pain or discomfort at this pace?
  7. Unfortunately this is the same lady that told me she would get this done and hasn't , I will be writing and email today and calling back Monday. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using the BariatricPal App go up a level, she's got a boss too.
  8. In most offices the doctor is just another coworker. You want your message left with the office manager. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. I know… and that's the dilemma. I know the sleeve isn't magic; it simply forces you to eat minimal calories at each meal. If I am eating smartly and exercising, how is that different from having the sleeve? I don't know- maybe I am just delusional from hunger at the moment, LOL, but I am less sure now about having surgery than I've ever been. Is this common? Here's the magic. It is not so much as it forces you to eat less(it does that) it makes you not WANT to. So you're not running around hangry. Hopefully you learn better food workout habits so when your capacity increases you can maintain the loss. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. Christinamo7

    VSG 5 year or more vets

    I suspect he was trying to scare her. I have friends 5+ years out from bypass some have done well some not but if they did not do well they are eating around it. For the others they use their tool and it still works Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. it is hard to see a friend going off in the wrong direction, isn't it? hopefully that little taste will scratch her itch - just do your best to be encouraging when you interact - and make sure you continue to pursue your plan and keep reaching for ever better health. perhaps if her success is not as good she will reach out to you for tips. it really is a struggle. my heart goes out to those who can not quiet the demons.
  12. it is a wild ride, isn't it? you look great! congrats on your success. I *need* new work pants. so I went to TJMaxx yesterday but kept veering off to the plus size. and when I would steer myself back to the normal sizes no one looked at me like I was a fake.
  13. also pay attention to your poo. why do I say that? I have been following my plan for the whole three months, but when I tracked my calories - I thought dang. I should have lost more. but I was constipated - once that has been resolving my body is letting go also of Water so bottom line? all the time the scale didn't move, or moved up a pound down a pound I was actually burning fat. which is what really matters. and, as the scale has been moving nicely again I am very sleepy. :-) It's a wild ride, I hope you like rollercoasters! We'll all get there if we keep putting one foot in front of the other.
  14. Christinamo7


    I did not have to have a preop diet like this so I do not know. But I would expect the most people would struggle because we all got here by having food issues. Talk to your NUT about what the goals are - I think that once you know what the rules are you can have peace of mind in your path to surgery.
  15. Christinamo7

    Multiple / LONG procedures - advice

    did the NUT say why? I think if it comes down to it, I'd expect the PS expert to know about PS, and the NUT to know about nutrition.
  16. Christinamo7

    Help me understand fruit and smoothies

    I have had some fruit since the beginning of being able to eat food again. at first it was bananas in my smoothie, and at 4 months was cleared to eat anything. Now. Protein first, then veg, and a little fruit but it is wonderful. my main reason for the surgery was to end diabetes - and I hadn't really had fruit for the year before to keep blood sugars down. now if I have a few strawberries and my blood sugar is normal it almost makes me tear up. This was how my doctor's plan advised me.
  17. Christinamo7

    Stress-induced Weight Loss

    Yup. I had a great time when family was here for Liz's graduation - and didn't eat anything I wasn't supposed to, but those days are a blur and I have no idea if I met goals or not. I do much better with a regular routine and just the normal stresses of life. you're in my thoughts as you move forward.
  18. Christinamo7

    You want to take health advise from Coke?

    @@VSGAnn2014 I am sure the loss of sales from my surgery alone was enough to send their board into panic mode............ but I've never felt better.
  19. breakfast for dinner. because I had such a long nap I am not sure what day it is!

    1. Christinamo7


      bacon and scrambled eggs. :-) perfect!

    2. Daisee68
    3. FrankyG


      Breakfast food is awesome any time of day. :)

    4. Show next comments  153 more
  20. yes, this! please take this surgery as a whole new opportunity to learn to have a healthy attitude with food and your body!
  21. wonderful success! it is encouraging to see your progress.
  22. Christinamo7

    What to do with clothes

    some has gone to goodwill - some went to my sisters - some I am saving for a clothing swap my Church ladies group does twice a year.
  23. Christinamo7

    You want to take health advise from Coke?

    when in fact, it's quite the opposite! crazy.
  24. Christinamo7

    Long night in the E.R. - didja know y'all are my peeps?

    oddly I can tell you my middle son has this condition. it is VERY painful. ouchy! you all regulars I consider my tribe too. Thank you for letting us know what is going on. the nice thing is there is usually someone running around here no matter what time of day or night.
  25. about to head out for my 3 month check up................ we'll see what they think of my progress. !!!

    1. heidikat72


      good luck! and your progress is fantastic - and as long as you are pleased, that is what really matters!

    2. KristenLe


      You'll rock it!!!

    3. Christinamo7


      thanks. argued with the NUT a bit ;-) the NP was pleased with my progress and activity level. blood work was all good (so far) except my WBC, so I will have to see about going back to the lymph node doctor sooner than July. don't know about iron yet. down to 202 - Onederland is RIGHT around the corner. come on! I am pleased with everything WBC related.

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