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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Christinamo7

  1. Christinamo7

    Protein bar that tastes good

    they are about 1.50 at my local grocery store too! I love the triple chocolate. I love the power crunch bar!
  2. Christinamo7

    Bra sales, yay or nay to shop pre-op?

    would an extra hook extender make enough of a difference to make them comfortable until then? you can buy them at JoAnns fabric store where the notions are.
  3. Christinamo7

    After a stall...?

    probably not so helpful, but I've had it go either way. I can never predict!
  4. @ I've always gone by the saying wear clothes tight enough to show I am a woman and loose enough to show I'm a lady.
  5. Christinamo7

    Shower + Incisions

    oh no! shaving! I bet it *did* itch! yikes, I think I'd take the bald patches instead.
  6. Christinamo7

    Social Isolation

    the older I get the more hermit like I become. not sure if it is because "Saint David", my husband is an autistic genius and has been a bad influence on me or if I am just plum tuckered out raising 7 kids. seriously, I think the last two girls, plus chatty Nate have broken my ears from all the listening I do. I am also finally (at almost 50, slow learner) figuring myself out. I am both extroverted and introverted. so when I make the effort to hang out with friends I have a very lovely time, but the introverted side of me is horrified. I do it anyway. long story short, I know I have to not be isolated, but I also know myself well enough to know that I need plenty of alone time to recover. and, since I have ADD I have never been bored with just myself for company. For those of you who are lonely I am glad you have found this group. there's almost always someone here and wanting to be your friend because we are all on the same path.
  7. one sip at a time. right after post op I used a 10 ounce glass and counted them off. now I have my two Vitamin Water zeros and a big ole bottle of water with me when I leave the house for the day and when I get home they better all be gone. water bottle holds 50 ounces. Also play around with temperature. right after surgery I was only happy with room temperature or warmish liquids. nothing too hot or cold. now at 3 months temperature doesn't matter to my stomach.
  8. Christinamo7

    Is it ok

    stalls are pretty normal. what kind of activity do you do? where are your calories at? did you have a 3 month check up and were they happy with your progress?
  9. Christinamo7

    What are your favorite snacks?

    a lot of days I have 1 ounce almonds (with skins on) with 1 ounce of dried tart cherries and a few chocolate chips. mmmm so filling. I also love the power crunch bars - triple chocolate is my fav. this afternoon I have half a cup of cottage cheese and about 1/3 an apple sliced.
  10. Christinamo7

    New member here - surgery this Monday

    glad to hear you made it through ok! welcome to the club. :-)
  11. I'm not Canadian - just wanted to say congrats! and let us know how you are doing. how long until your surgery?
  12. Sometimes the light's all shinin' on me; Other times I can barely see. Lately it occurres to me What a long, strange trip it's been....

    1. SusanB55


      Oh, that's just way too deep for me ;)


    2. Christinamo7


      it's just a snippet of a song lyric - but it really struck me today for all I've been going through.

    3. Christinamo7


      yah......... I like a little bit of everything......... this section of the lyrics just JUMPED out at me today. spoke right to me. music is so powerful.

  13. tell me how does the restriction feel comparing the band to the sleeve? I've always been curious about that.
  14. Christinamo7


    exciting days! please let us know when your surgery day is.
  15. Christinamo7

    EKG complications

    YIKES! I am glad that turned out well for you! I have an irregular heart beat - especially when stressed. It's in my medical records so that when new doctors find out about the weirdness they can know I've had all the tests and this is what it is. Still scares me when its happening though. it's like it stops beating like it's stuck for a moment and then it catches up. and an innocent heart murmur.
  16. Christinamo7

    "57 Ways to be Happy Now"

    they are all good! and many of them I practice regularly. thinking of #37 though - many times, since my children were little when we bake Cookies we batch up some to give away. When you give a homeless man homemade cookies, be prepared for tears. I can not tell you how many men have told me that no one has made them cookies since their (Grandma, Mama, Aunt so and so) some would say keep these for your own kids (not being mean, just feeling like they didn't deserve it) and my kids would say, nah. she makes us cookies ALL the time, these we made for YOU. now adays I just usually participate in room at the inn when I have a chance, which is a local program where different churches or civic groups in the area sign up to host 8-10 men one night a week during the fall/winter months. Our church does Tuesday nights. Several of us sign up and provide a meal which we share with them. Always try to fix what I would fix for my own family dinners, and it is a good thing, a nice evening every time. Hearing people's stories, sharing yours. 2 of the guys from the church stay all night and we send them off with Breakfast and a bagged lunch the next day. The program helps a lot of people get back on their feet. I was homeless with 5 kids following my divorce 20 years ago, so it matters to me. This was our sunset last night. Can I just add another one? when you can do so safely and the weather is lovely - go for a walk by moonlight. It is soothing to the soul.
  17. Christinamo7


    first off congrats! secondly that will vary by plan, and even by doctor, and then further case by case. I went and bought chewables and then found out they didn't need to be (the booklet they gave said chewables forever but with my sleeve and my doctor he said, no regular was fine if I wasn't having any problems swallowing) I took what I had (hey, they were not cheap!) but I am very happy to be on my regular Vitamins now. blood work all good at 3 months.
  18. Christinamo7

    WLS and Diabetes

    interesting article. Being diagnosed with diabetes was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I went to the seminar within 2 months of getting the diagnosis. have been off diabetes medicine since 3 days before surgery and my sugars and A1c are completely normal. and I FEEL better. I hope that getting the word out can help more people be brave enough to consider surgery.
  19. I'm 5' 11/2" and my ideal size would be a 6. right now wearing a 14, highest weight I was in a size 20.
  20. maybe we should weigh on the moon On bad days....Id weigh myself in kg's. Definitely gives the ole ego a boost. Lol I love to sew, and over the years I occasionally sew an outfit for friends. I always measure them in cm, rather than inches because - vanity. ha. :-) makes no difference to the finished garment.
  21. Christinamo7

    Workout regimen-What's yours?

    I have the same interests so far after surgery as I did before surgery (walking, swimming, hiking, gardening, yoga, pilates) but I have a stamina that came even before significant weight came off. So prior to surgery even though I loved to walk, anything over 20 minutes and I had to really push myself. now it is *nothing* most days to walk 3 miles before work and do some other activity from the list later in the day - and I am looking forward to it. I hope that you also find it is easier and more pleasurable to move your body post surgery. some of these wild people here have me even considering joining a gym, I have done weight lifting in the past, but it was not something I enjoyed as much. currently viewing local gyms with pools and hopefully by the time I can't swim outside anymore (September) I will settle on a place to get started.
  22. maybe we should weigh on the moon
  23. I have this one, http://www.amazon.com/EatSmart-Precision-Bathroom-Capacity-Technology/dp/B001KXZ808?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00 and I like it very much.
  24. Christinamo7

    Feeling Judged

    they *really* get offended if you say - "Bless. you're some kind of special, aint ya?"
  25. Christinamo7

    Need prayers please.

    I know how scary it is - and I do believe prayer changes things. I am praying for you. Focus on taking care of yourself and the kids no matter what he decides or does.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
