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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Christinamo7

  1. my husband has a lot more tact and self preservation than to say that kind of thing, but I think for a long time he really did think it was that simple because he has never struggled with his weight. to loose 10 pounds he just cuts back on his potato chip habit. seriously. not eliminate them, cuts back. it took him quite a while to accept and see that my body is different and it wasn't going to happen for me without serious medical intervention. I hope your husband can come around and see what you need, and be willing to do whatever it takes to get you to good health.
  2. Christinamo7

    57 and ready to live for me!

    Happy Birthday! a year from now you'll be so glad you did this.
  3. I think the only thing I have in my goodwill bag are 18s, or I'd send them.
  4. Christinamo7

    No more alimony

    and prouder still to have raised them all to be good people whom I like, and who still are able to have an appropriate relationship with their father. like you I had no desire to bad mouth him in front of the kids. but yah, I figure I can survive just about anything and that does a lot for the ole self esteem.
  5. Christinamo7

    No more alimony

    you're a real stand up guy, Pirate. my ex left me homeless with 5 kids under 8 when he divorced me. but, I'm a survivor so it all worked out in the end for me. nice to be able to move forward though, isn't it? boy did I ever Celebrate when the youngest from that marriage turned 18 and there was no more interaction beyond the kid's life events.
  6. one thing that might help would be to add Fiber to your drink daily, and it's easy to take with you. that, along with good Protein might leave you feeling satisfied for a longer time.
  7. Christinamo7

    When online dating didnt work out....

    I had to kiss a lot of frogs to find my prince............. just move forward with good boundaries. get out, enjoy life, do things you like, meet people. I believe the right one will show up probably when you're just doing something else. I met my husband online at a common interest site, there wasn't online dating back then - not that I know of anyway.
  8. Christinamo7

    Anesthesia consult?

    it's an opportunity to find out what you can expect from that standpoint as the surgery goes, and also a chance for them to ask you detailed questions to make sure the anesthesia plan is safe and effective for you. They will go over drug interactions, and also past history with pain meds and anesthesia. I was given the option of a nerve block, which hurt like **** but was worth it afterwards as it really was good, effective, safe long lasting pain relief. I was also able to discuss with them my post op pain management plan because from other surgeries I had learned that one pain med worked well for me, but another did not work at all for me. so the plan we came up with was tailored to my needs and worked out quite well in the end.
  9. Christinamo7

    Pain meds

    this is going to vary depending on what they gave you in the hospital and what your surgery entailed. Mine had no hernia repair and I had a nerve block in my abdomen, so I was only on pain pills a couple of days and a week at bedtime. only needed a low dose. but you should take them as long as you need them, and hopefully you have a one week follow up where you can discuss and concerns you have if you are still having that kind of pain.
  10. it's not Monday, so it's not official yet - but I hit ONEDERLAND this morning! had to get David up to come look at the scale. :-) without a witness I am afraid I would have told myself I imagined it.

    1. Valentina


      Damn! I missed it. Damn, Damn, damn.


      I was in NJ with a Viet Nam wounded friend of mine. When he "remembers" and calls for me---I go. People ask, "why do you go to him? He doesn't remember". I tell those people, "I go because I remember".


      Anyway, CONGRATS!!!!!! It's a wonderful day, isn't it??? Of course my grandson (2yrs) who weighs himself every time I weigh, was terribly upset when "Granny lost her "2". He is learning his numbers and just couldn't understand where my "2" went to. (isn't he adorable?)


      So, have you come back out of the clouds yet? No rush. Stay up there and enjoy. You've worked hard. You deserve some "air time". Great job, my friend.

    2. Christinamo7


      @Valentina today it is *official* so you are here in time for that! and yes, I am so pleased. Somehow, it feels like turning a new page. I am determined to leave the old page in the past and not revisit. Next goal is to be in Onderland at the end of the day with clothes on. he he. Your grandson is adorable! I wish mine was not so far away.

    3. Valentina


      Sooooooo, YYYYAAAAAAAHHHHHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! So glad I didn't miss the big day! :) When your feet finally touch down, remember how you feel. It will be a memory of a lifetime! Great Job, Friend.

    4. Show next comments  120 more
  11. Christinamo7

    So I finally heard it tonight!

    I would also add, if there *was* an easy way out, and if I could cheat my way to not being obese, I'd be at the front of the line. while this is easier than doing it without the WLS, but it ain't easy to change your life - and it sure isn't cheating to have surgery when you need it.
  12. Christinamo7

    At Long Last!

    feels so good to get that date, doesn't it?
  13. Christinamo7

    So I finally heard it tonight!

    that is not cool........ not cool at all.
  14. Christinamo7

    To Drink or No?

    you will not really be able to rely on your body to give you hungry/full feelings for a little while. if you don't think you can tolerate some more Protein then sip your Clear liquids. and then rest. and then sip some more.
  15. isn't it great? I look forward to seeing your progress.
  16. Christinamo7


    for me it was one month. I love to swim!
  17. Christinamo7

    Worst Experience so far?

    I am not sure that is even possible. mmmmmmm coffee..............
  18. surprises......... I really didn't think I looked as much like my mother as my weight loss is showing me - not a bad thing, but still a surprise.

    1. JamieLogical


      Love the new pic!

    2. Christinamo7


      thank you - it was taken on my 3 month surgiversary

  19. Christinamo7

    Post Your Silly Rant

    if the teenagers would just text me when they use the last bit of something I wouldn't have to turn into a raging madwoman when I discover the empty container still in the cupboard or fridge....................
  20. Christinamo7

    people not educating themselves

    this is the 'rants and raves' section - I don't think peeps are allowed to get offended if they read something here.
  21. Christinamo7

    Pushing to Eat

    I would ask them what the concerns are - and see if there is something your team is watching, or if they are just following general protocol.
  22. Christinamo7

    Spiked M levels

    I hope all is well also - but I will say it is worth it to take the time to see the specialist. I had an issue with my WBC being high, and it was important to investigate the issue and make sure it was safe for me to have surgery. We still don't know for sure what is wrong, and it is irritating, but they did come to the conclusion that it was safe for me to go forward with WLS. it delayed me a year almost in full and I am not going to lie, many tears were shed. it was hard all those months to not know if I would make it to surgery, but I did.
  23. hands down the c-section was more difficult. but I got an adorable baby boy and I don't think he would have survived otherwise, so he was worth it. of all the surgeries I have had the VGS was the second easiest, with getting my tubes tied being the easiest.
  24. Christinamo7

    Building a Post-WLS Wardrobe

    interesting. in the between sizes, I am either buying at Goodwill, or buying staples in the S,M,L, XL type sizes (L for now) because I find they last me through more pounds lost than numbered sizes. it feels so good to get rid of the XL and 2X - I never want to see them again.
  25. Christinamo7

    Soft foods

    my plan was clear liquids for in the hospital, then full liquids until the two week mark. when I went in for my one week follow up I was doing very well, and I asked about starting soft foods - and they told me in the next few days I could go ahead but to choose really soft things (they gave me a list - scrambled eggs were NOT on the list, however that was due to so many people having trouble with eggs. I wanted to try them, they told me just go slow only a bite or two and see how it set with me) so, I did. and I didn't have a problem. but my point is I saw my doctor and talked to my team. I just didn't decided for myself that I was healed enough to move my diet forward.

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