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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Christinamo7

  1. Christinamo7

    Is your surgery a secret?

    perhaps it would be a good idea to evaluate how you share these ideas. I have seen the people you speak of. they don't usually stay around very long - but you have been here long enough to not get down on that level. When you say things like labeling a group "tellers" you imply that everyone who tells their story is of that same ilk. rather than saying something like "some who tell" do this or that - where as there are probably a lot of people who do not tell who DO struggle with shame, and embarrassment as reasons to not share (I believe to their own detriment as most of this battle is in our minds and emotions) but I do not assume, and try very hard to come across as not assuming that *everyone* who chooses not to tell is in that group. some people are just very private, and others have their own reasons for not sharing. when you lump a whole group of people together like that what we say in the south : "you were showing your a$$". and no one cares to see that even if you bedazzle it.
  2. Christinamo7

    Is your surgery a secret?

    you know what, I tell anyone just about anything - and that does not mean I care a fig about what you do or do not tell anyone else. The thing is, my WLS likely saved my life. and I am grateful. I don't feel I have a "duty" to share it with others - but if I can do someone a good turn who may be interested, so be it. what's the point in going through garbage in my life if I can't use it to help someone else out?
  3. Christinamo7

    Is your surgery a secret?

    my youngest daughter is thin, always has been. she is a real foodie, a food snob - you know in Ratatouille when the critic says if he doesn't love food, he spits it out? that is her. she doesn't justify her food decisions to anyone, not even me! if she is not hungry she doesn't eat. when she eats she eats food that is good tasting to her. I am trying to watch how she does and learn a thing or two from my baby.
  4. Christinamo7

    Is your surgery a secret?

    I don't tell everyone I know all the details of my life............ but no, my WLS is not a secret. If someone is negative I'd rather know it up front. Nothing anyone says about the surgery can compare with what people have said to me about my son who has a disability so I am pretty immune to it at this point in life. we might be kindred spirits
  5. Christinamo7

    Oklahoma City Metro Area

    my husband has to go to Norman often for work training - if I visit him on the next round I'd love to meet up with anyone out that way!
  6. Christinamo7

    Waiting period between surgeries

    this will vary with different insurance plans. my federal BCBS standard had it so that once I got my approval, it was good for 12 months, which allows easy scheduling without having to resubmit everything.
  7. Christinamo7

    Waiting period between surgeries

    last summer I was supposed to have some problem lymph nodes in my belly biopsied, but I ended up having an urgently done hysterectomy and then couldn't do the biopsy because they said they needed more time between. when my bariatric surgeon did my VSG, he took a look at the hysterectomy scar and the lymph nodes but didn't feel the lymph nodes needed biopsied at that time, which is good because if he had then they would have closed me up without my sleeve until the results of the biopsy were in. He said everything looked normal.
  8. a coworker told me today that I was starting to really look like a 'petite' woman, rather than the plus size petite I used to be. we are friendly enough that her comments were completely appropriate. feels kinda crazy good.

    1. pr_pitbullgrl


      well ur coworkers are better than mine. one told me i was TOO SKINNY (she used all caps) and one told me i was starting to look "sickly" so there you go. -_-

    2. Christinamo7


      haha. I am mean as a snake, I don't know if they'd say anything so rude to my face.

    3. heather5565


      Petite is a beautiful word! that's so awesome! :D

    4. Show next comments  108 more
  9. Christinamo7

    Anyone with a high BMI?

    Hi there! I don't have the stats you're looking for - but I will be looking to see your progress. this is a wild ride!
  10. Christinamo7

    Slider food

    anything you can eat a lot of and not feel full. however, I only worry about slider foods that are NOT good for you. so, for example - I can eat a lot of salad greens, but they are low calorie and some have trace nutrients so I don't worry about those at ALL.
  11. Christinamo7

    Weight gain at 3 Years Post Op - WHAT TO DO?

    I would recommend tracking everything to make sure you are not eating too little, as well. Sometimes we go all gung ho when we get serious about changes. Also, choose some work outs where you push yourself, hard and others that are gentle and relaxing to reduce cortisol. and, as always get plenty to drink and be patient with your body. Also, I recommend epsom salts baths and massage as a way to help your body realize you aren't trying to kill it.
  12. Christinamo7

    Digestion issues?

    constipation could certainly cause your symptoms. I hope you've gotten some help with all of this.
  13. Christinamo7

    Post Your Silly Rant

    there's a group of gentlemen that regularly sit behind the gas station at the end of my street, who knows why - and they keep 3 dogs with them. they are never on a leash. they always run over and growl at my dog and I have to get physically between my dog and them all the while these men are hollering for their dogs to come back, and dashing over to grab them. last Saturday one of the dogs nipped toward my dog, who is, OF COURSE - on a leash. I got in that mans face and told him he better learn to control his dog or I would teach the dog some manners myself. I shouldn't have to carry pepper spray with me because they can't follow the law like everyone else.
  14. Christinamo7

    Post Your Silly Rant

    if you call me call me at work, I rarely answer the phone once I get home.
  15. Christinamo7

    Celebrate Progress

    timely post! I am exactly half way between what I have lost since surgery and what I need to get to my personal goal.
  16. Christinamo7

    Scheduling Appointments

    that's rough - be sure to offer them feedback as they usually do research to find out when people want a seminar. the center I went through offered evening seminars. I don't know if they also offer day time or only the evening. how much notice do you have to give for time off? 3 weeks seems like a lot.
  17. Christinamo7

    Favorite Milestones So Far?

    normal blood sugar all the time, no matter what I eat. weighing less than my husband. my daughter walking right past me at Liz's graduation. (you know the change is profound when your own child doesn't recognize you!) (she's grown, moved out, hadn't seen me in about 6 weeks at that point)
  18. it does NOT violate any of those except FMLA rules. HIPPA would only apply if her boss tried to look at records without permission. ADA only applies where there is a documented disability, which WLS is not in of it's self that.
  19. Christinamo7

    Six Month Stall, anyone?

    If only you knew. Just this afternoon........I've done something that I am sure I'll regret hugely.........because I'm stupid that way. I'll regret it, yet let things simmer down and take the course they must. Wisdom comes after the fact for me far too often. as long as she (wisdom) does come, my friend. are you going to spill the Beans? inquiring minds want to know now.......
  20. Christinamo7


    my doctor's plan for me allowed salad and anything else at 4 weeks. but this is an individual thing based on how you are healing I think. Protein is my focus, but I do like some greens thrown in there.
  21. Christinamo7

    Six Month Stall, anyone?

    @@Dub I'll buy enthusiastic, slow learner, maybe. but not 'the stupid type'. nope. no way.
  22. Christinamo7

    Six Month Stall, anyone?

    we are all going to be watching you to see if you are more careful this time! seriously, I really hate to see you get hurt. I admit, I don't do any tricky yoga, just basic stuff and I am not going to walk on my hands to work on my arms like I do my legs, but there are things I can do to step it up a bit. yoga has been the one thing that helps the most with long term sciatic nerve pain, and as I sit in a chair most of the day it has become invaluable to me at the end of the day. sometimes I need to do some on my lunch break if it is bothering me.
  23. Christinamo7

    Workout Music

    what kind of a workout? running? walking? weights? yoga/pilates?
  24. Christinamo7

    Digestion issues?

    how are your bathroom habits going? is everything normal in regards to that? I think I'd be calling my doctor. something could be preventing food from moving through in a normal fashion.
  25. yes - you will be able to eat more at 3 months, and at 6 months more still - and at 12 and 18 months, so, as long as your hot dog is an occasional treat and not a regularly occurring meal, you will probably be able to do so without any issue once you are in the maintenance phase. at almost 4 months I think I could probably manage half one. I'm not going to try though as I am still in the weight loss phase.

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