Hi there! I take a lot of supplements for just general good health, along with my muliti and Calcium that are required now. the picture is what I take regularly. minus my BP pill which I take first thing in the am, and is not in my pill case.
some I had to go off for the surgery it's self but I was able to take all of them by 1 week post op. I didn't have any trouble with them post sleeve. The salmon oil I take for my ADD, and my family reports much chaos if I stop but I know these are not as serious as your meds, but I worked with my team to discuss why I take each, when I could go off them pre surgery, what I didn't need to go off, and also the plan for me to resume each medication.
The only concern would be the volume of fluids you have to take - and I think you're just going to find you are drinking all the time. This week I had to do a gallon in half a day for a colonoscopy prep. I did not make it through the whole gallon and I stayed up ALL night drinking. I was pushing fluids in constantly. thankfully I got enough in to get cleaned out. So, I think it would be important to your team to have a close eye on your fluids, and a back up plan for if you fall behind. you may possibly need IV hydration from time to time? but I know that if they can work with you having the sleeve could be a very big positive in your life!