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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tobysgirl

  1. tobysgirl


    Any update Muniraali?
  2. tobysgirl

    I can eat ANYTHING

    Are you taking probiotics or digestive enzymes? I am not as far out from surgery from you but I find I can tolerate nearly anything. My doctor encourages lots of drinkable yogurt/kefir, probiotics and digestive enzymes. I think these may be the reason I can tolerate different foods. I still feel the restriction if I eat more than a couple of ounces.
  3. tobysgirl

    Date moved -rant/pout

    Hang in there Believe16. Your surgery day is coming. This delay just gives you a little more time to prep and you can be assured that your medical team has your best interests in mind.
  4. Mine was less than 1 hour for the surgery. I was in recovery for another hour.
  5. tobysgirl

    Memorial Day Challenge

    Weight today 197 Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. tobysgirl

    Day 1 liquid diet (pre opp)

    Oh yes! The struggle is real! The pre-op was the worst! I still feel a bit traumatized from having to go through it. Protein Soup and broth became my lifesavers during pre-op.
  7. I'm less than a week out from surgery. I am not sure if I know what hungry feels like either. Frankly, I wasn't too sure before the surgery either. I still have "head hunger" where I feel I should be eating but it's greatly reduced since the surgery. I'm on full liquids now. I did have a slip where I had a thicker cauliflower-Protein puree rather than making a thinner cauliflower-protein Soup. I found out really fast what full is like. In three teaspoons, I was done and understood what other posters mean when they talk about "restriction". Clear Liquids and thin full drinks, I can handle with no problem. I do chewable and liquid Vitamins. I tried one regular-size pill capsule and it was horrible. I couldn't choke it back up but I could feel it sitting there in my stomach. If I have to take a capsule or hard pill again anytime soon, I'm definitely opening the capsule or grinding the pill. You should ask your doctor about the Levsin and the chest pain. I was told to call if I had any chest pain post-op.
  8. tobysgirl

    Before & After - 6 mo out

    Congratulations! I am 5'1", 200 pounds and less than a week post-op. Your success has made MY day!
  9. tobysgirl

    You know you lost weight when

    You move the belt a notch -- I'm only out from surgery a few days and this is the first time post-op I've noticed weight loss. Yay me!
  10. Clothes shopping! I dream about clothes shopping. Jogging and doing a 5k and other group runs. Going to the gym and not feeling self-conscious. Taking lots of family pictures and participating in family fun like bike rides, swimming and skiing. Fitting into a normal airplane seat and not having my arms jousled because they no longer extend out into the aisle and having the seat belt and tray fit comfortably. And walking up and down stairs normally.
  11. tobysgirl

    No Pre Op Diet

    I had a pre-op liquid diet and I'm still envious of people that didn't have one . It was the worst part of my journey so far. I was also required to start b12 and probiotics with my two-week pre-op diet. My surgery was a breeze and I think the diet and the vitamins helped.
  12. tobysgirl

    4/5/16 Gastric Sleeve

    Congrats on your surgery. I had surgery just a few days before you on 4/1. In the first few days after surgery, walking and Gas-x strips helped me tremendously. As soon as I felt even a little gas discomfort, I took a Gas-x strip and started walking.
  13. tobysgirl

    Needing persuasion !

    I had surgery a few days ago. My experience was completely different but everyone is unique. There were six patients who had surgery on the same morning as me - one was in terrible pain after, one felt like she had done hundreds of sit-ups, one had issues with nausea and gas, one had soreness from the incisions and two of us had no issues at all. On her nine-month update video, the woman in the video you posted says that even with all the "ups and downs" life is so much better. She's lost about 125 pounds too in the nine months. Do your research and remember that every surgery has risks. So you have to make the best decision for yourself.
  14. tobysgirl

    Vitamins during Post Op

    In addition to the Vitamins you listed, my doctor requires Calcium and a probiotic. I also take Biotin to hopefully help against hair loss. I'm four days out from surgery. So far, I can tolerate chewables, liquids and the kind you dissolve under your tongue. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. tobysgirl

    Memorial Day Challenge

    CW 202 GW 188
  16. tobysgirl

    Memorial Day Challenge

    I'd like to join.
  17. Hi, I feel fantastic. So much better than I ever expected. I've been up and walking around, using my laptop and talking to the other patients. I've been catching up on Netflix as this clinic has private rooms and televisions with apps. I can even call back to the US for free. I expected that it would be a trying physically and emotionally but it's nothing like that for me (so far). I received some xanax crushed up in apple juice before the surgery and had an iv put in with meds (painkiller, antibiotics, anti-nausea and an antacid) plus a blood thinner shot. Ten minutes later they took me to the operating area. I dozed off and when I woke back up didn't even realize that that the surgery was finished. I was told it took about 30 minutes for the procedure. I'm feeling very fortunate and hope this feeling of wellness lasts.
  18. It's April 1 and my surgery day. I'm getting all of the pre-op tests now and then it's surgery time!
  19. tobysgirl

    Pre-op Liquid Diet

    I'm on day 7 of the pre-op liquid diet. My surgery is April 1. The first two days were the worst. Now I just try to take comfort in the convenience of just grabbing a protein shake or sugar free jello and moving on to do something else.
  20. That is really awesome! I'm hoping that navigating stairs becomes a lot easier after surgery for me too.
  21. I am on day two of my pre-op diet. I'm sticking to it but I'm struggling at the same time. I thought I would struggle less on a workday with all of the distractions -- WRONG. At least at home I could just take a nap. I've had two Protein shakes and a protein Soup so far today. I'm looking forward to a sugar-free Jello and some chicken broth later. What's your plan for getting through the day?
  22. Thanks Icemom. I'm not getting nearly enough Water. In fact, barely any. I have to do better with water.
  23. tobysgirl

    Pre Op liquid diet

    My doctor requires a two week pre-op diet that's basically 3 Protein shakes a day and 2 green salads with zero calorie dressing. I can have sugar-free Jello and sugar-free popsicles. Getting started was TOUGH but I keep reminding myself that my surgery date will be here soon.
  24. tobysgirl

    April sleevers!

    I'm having surgery April 1 with Dr. Ariel Ortiz.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
