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Duodenal Switch Patients
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Posts posted by LosGal

  1. Wow awesome! Yes Smith and his team are amazing!! Love leah! I started at 287lbs, surgery 2/15/16 ... I am currently 193lbs.. I've had great results and no regrets! I'm so excited for you!! Such a huge step towards a healthy lifestyle! If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask!

    That is awesome! I had the SIPS surgery on 4/14/2016 and 294lbs. I am now currently 225lbs. And so far...Just like you I've had great results and no complications and ABSOLUTELY no regrets. The best thing I ever did for myself. So glad to hear a fellow wls person that has gone through the same thing I have.

    Sent from my LGLS775 using the BariatricPal App

  2. Yes. I agree with you. I am only 1 month and 2 weeks post-op. So a very newbie lol. My surgery weight was 294lbs and I am now 260lbs. I am an emotional eater and I know it. Which is why I'm seeking therapy. Cause I need to have healthy habits, and break old ones. I'm doing good diet wise but every now and then when I'm making food for my kids it gets hard. If you don't mind me asking ...what is like your daily diet like? Breakfast, lunch, dinner, Snacks etc...and how much are you eating? I'm still in puree stage and will move to soft foods next week. It's a challenge to get all my Protein shakes in and Water too. I'm eating at most 2 meals a day ( one food item each meal at 4-5oz). And then I just pick here and there off my kids plate which probably isn't good. But I'm learning.

    Seattle WA

  3. Sweetmel17...I am already seeking therapy now, that's a great reassurance that I'm on the right path. Your regimen is quite strict, but it makes sense. This might be TMI but do you get bright oil spills when you use the toilet? I get them every now and then and usually after eating something that has fat in it.

    Seattle WA

  4. Sharon16...i do get the "feeling" of food stuck in my throat or chest but it's not painful just uncomfortable. And usually its w when I'm eating too fast or something I shouldn't be eating like a piece of chicken and I mean a piece like a small bite and chewed 30 times. I'm not at the meat stage and thought I was brave enough to cheat. Bad move lol anyway I live and learn. And I'm ok with that ????????????????

    Seattle WA

  5. Actually intestinal obstruction happens with any weightloss surgery that requires any movements with your intestines. It can happen with a gastric bypass or even a traditional DS. Now a SIPS/SADIS is like the traditional DS which we have in the US "track records" of. Except with SIPS/SADIS it's shortening just the small intestine. It's considered a better version of the traditional DS. Look it up ...just Google difference between traditional DS and SADIS/SIPS. Anyway, I'll keep y'all updated and I'll soon have a before and after pic.

    Seattle WA

  6. Peggy thank you for sharing your experience. I get little tummy aches here and there but I think that's due to not drinking enough Water. And sometimes drinking to fast will give me a tummy ache. I'm still in my puree stage no meat. So I'm looking forward to meat when its time. I really dislike Protein shakes I just hate the taste and smell and texture and I can't seem to get more than 60 grams. But I'm working on it.

    Seattle WA

  7. Actually I've heard it has been done internationally. Spain and other countries. My surgeon recommended it to me after I initially went in for a VSG. And was recommended by him that SIPS providedQ a greater weightloss and greater chance of keeping it off long- term. He's a great surgeon and many of my co- workers have gone to him for wls. My insurance actually gave me his office as a first number to call as one of their in- network providers. And now there are alot more people that have had lap bands and vsg come into his office to get a revision to SIPS/SADIS. So I trust him and I'm not worried at all. So far so good and no regrets.

    Seattle WA

  8. It's not as common to find other people with the SIPS procedure, online ....like vsg, gastric bypass and traditional DS. So when someone on this forum has had it, I like to ask what there experience is like so that I have some sort of an idea of what I might be going through. Well good luck and God bless.

    Seattle WA

  9. When I downloaded the bariatric app. It was my first time on the site. And on my android phone I am limited to what I can see and change. So, when I first started I couldn't find the DS forum and with many days of trial and error...I found the forum. I am pretty new to this site about 4 months. I'm assuming I should just go to the actual website and make some changes, but I'll do it when I have time. Sorry for the confusion.

    Seattle WA

  10. I'm still only 1 month post op. So I couldn't tell you my true experience, but I've heard it both ways. For some it changes and others there taste remains the same, they are just better able to handle their cravings and so far I'm in that category, however this may change over time, I'll just have to wait and see. That's all part of the journey. You will do just fine. We all think the same way...before surgery I was a bit concerned that I won't be able to succeed...just do to the fact that I thought MY eating habits was WORSE than anyone, but I found alot of people on here think the same way. So don't be so hard on yourself. Have fun be excited! Your journey is going to be rewarding and life changing. God bless.

    Seattle WA

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