wooooohoooo for a little boy EJ i am soo excited for you :lunch:
as far as the u/s not being clear dont be worried....it happens... when i was 14 weeks they couldnt find the hb on the doppler and sent me for a u/s they just do these things to make sure and if they thought it was serious than you would have been sent for a 3d or 4d u/s with a peri doc who knows more....
i have one more u/s and i cant wait....we are going to find out just how big this little girl is before i have her :w00t: i cant believe in 2 weeks i am full term and she could come anytime :wub:
EJ your little boy is just fine (just to let you know sometimes boys can be girls LOL so just prepare yourself...the cord can be mistaken for a penis) i know we found out girl at 18 weeks and didnt have another u/s till 26 we were so worried they were going to tell us boy LOL but it was defintly a girl....girls are easier to figure out...and less likely to change to boy..but boys can be girls LOL just a little thing to remember...but i am sure your little man is a little man
HUGS!!! soo excited for you