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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    SassyScienceNerd reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Dates that don't revolve around food   
    Well if they are asking me out, I assume they want to spend time with me. If they don't then that is fine too, my dog is better company than most people and better dressed.
    The kind of men I date aren't the kind of men that don't take charge. If you can't tell by my posting style, I'm pretty aggressive. I need someone more aggressive than me or I will be bored.
    I work for my self and have for a very long time and I usually date men on that same level, and that comes with a certain personality.
    I get that you are disappointed in your dating life and having a hard time, but I'm not going to be your online punching bag because you are bitter you can't get a date.
  2. Like
    SassyScienceNerd reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Dates that don't revolve around food   
    If I have to plan a date, I can just make a date with my friends, people that I actually know and I already like. Instead of leading a middle aged man by the nose. I expect to be courted or it isn't worth my time.
    Think dating one month post-op you are creating a lot of your own problems. If you waited until 6 months, you could eat enough what you eat or don't eat on a date would be a non-issue. Men are used to women not eating a lot on dates, especially first dates.
  3. Like
    SassyScienceNerd got a reaction from elliekay in Dates that don't revolve around food   
    My surgery, my business who I tell upon meeting or not. These are first-second-third dates here, he's not proposing. I will reveal personal information about my health when I am good and ready. YMMV, but that's how I am doing this. I don't tell them my salary or my mommy issues on the first date either. There's honesty and there's oversharing too soon.
    I'm not asking anyone to cater to my restrictions, either. I simply want to have suggestions on hand for other things to do besides going out to eat so I can steer the interactions that way.
    Love live music. I have done a lot of concert dates, those are probably my favorites. I'm also adding paddleboarding to the list.
    OMI- I like that you make them choose the dates. After about the first or second, I expect them to do that otherwise I dump them too.
  4. Like
    SassyScienceNerd reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Dates that don't revolve around food   
    I kind of judge guys on the kinds of dates they take me on. If I'm not asking, I shouldn't have to plan. If a guy can't come up with a good date that allows me to actually get to know him and he isn't trying to impress me, there is no future in the relationship.
    I'm saying it like that because I want someone that is active and likes doing activities and doesn't plan dates that revolve around meals, which is boring to me. I was like this with dating before surgery. I want to do an activity so I can make a judgement on their personality. dinner is too easy/boring.
    Anyway, I like concerts and outdoor events. I get to evaluate how they act in public, how they react to crowds, if they will protect me and treat me like a lady, how good they are with parking and other things. Basically I can see how the act under slight pressure, early on, without having to date them and waste my time.
    Also you kind of can't plan a date for a man because you don't know their finances. How creative they are with a date tells you a lot about them.

  5. Like
    SassyScienceNerd got a reaction from Sosewsue61 in First mini-goal - before and after   
    Made my first mini goal of reaching 208 lbs, have to share a quick split screen!
    (Disclaimer: this happens to be a fabulous angle and I'm wearing the hell out of some industrial strength Spanx)

  6. Like
    SassyScienceNerd got a reaction from Sosewsue61 in First mini-goal - before and after   
    Made my first mini goal of reaching 208 lbs, have to share a quick split screen!
    (Disclaimer: this happens to be a fabulous angle and I'm wearing the hell out of some industrial strength Spanx)

  7. Like
    SassyScienceNerd got a reaction from sassperillo in First mini-goal - before and after   
    I'm just saying, I have my neck back. I didn't know how much I messed having it. Haha
  8. Like
    SassyScienceNerd got a reaction from Sosewsue61 in First mini-goal - before and after   
    Made my first mini goal of reaching 208 lbs, have to share a quick split screen!
    (Disclaimer: this happens to be a fabulous angle and I'm wearing the hell out of some industrial strength Spanx)

  9. Like
    SassyScienceNerd got a reaction from Sosewsue61 in First mini-goal - before and after   
    Made my first mini goal of reaching 208 lbs, have to share a quick split screen!
    (Disclaimer: this happens to be a fabulous angle and I'm wearing the hell out of some industrial strength Spanx)

  10. Like
    SassyScienceNerd got a reaction from brigjoe998 in First mini-goal - before and after   
    No, one is a selfie and one was taken by someone else so my arm was down. Tattoo is still right where it started.
  11. Like
    SassyScienceNerd reacted to BostonGary in First mini-goal - before and after   
    Amazing... Transformational. You can see the glow of happiness on your face...
  12. Like
    SassyScienceNerd got a reaction from Hoping052017 in Will anyone see me?   
    I totally relate to the issue of having someone love me for what's inside... I'm not to my goal weight yet, but the last ~50 lbs dropping off has increased the attention I get from men. I just keep telling myself that if he's only into me for looks, his inner a**hole will reveal itself eventually. I'm being careful not to jump into anything too fast. I need to give them time for their crazy to come out.
  13. Like
    SassyScienceNerd reacted to Hoping052017 in Will anyone see me?   
    It isn't that I'm looking for a magic ticket to getting a man. It's more that I'm afraid that I won't trust whoever I meet that seems to see me for me instead of what I look like. Sometimes I think that is why I have repeatedly failed at diets. Because of I can't find someone at the size I currently am that can accept me for what's on the inside, then how do I find someone that will accept me for what's on the inside when I don't have the weight on me?

    I'm not losing weight in order to find a man. I'm losing weight so I can be with my children and grandchildren when they come. I'm losing weight so I can be healthy and live longer.

  14. Like
    SassyScienceNerd got a reaction from Sosewsue61 in First mini-goal - before and after   
    Made my first mini goal of reaching 208 lbs, have to share a quick split screen!
    (Disclaimer: this happens to be a fabulous angle and I'm wearing the hell out of some industrial strength Spanx)

  15. Like
    SassyScienceNerd got a reaction from Sosewsue61 in First mini-goal - before and after   
    Made my first mini goal of reaching 208 lbs, have to share a quick split screen!
    (Disclaimer: this happens to be a fabulous angle and I'm wearing the hell out of some industrial strength Spanx)

  16. Like
    SassyScienceNerd got a reaction from Sosewsue61 in First mini-goal - before and after   
    Made my first mini goal of reaching 208 lbs, have to share a quick split screen!
    (Disclaimer: this happens to be a fabulous angle and I'm wearing the hell out of some industrial strength Spanx)

  17. Like
    SassyScienceNerd got a reaction from Sosewsue61 in First mini-goal - before and after   
    Made my first mini goal of reaching 208 lbs, have to share a quick split screen!
    (Disclaimer: this happens to be a fabulous angle and I'm wearing the hell out of some industrial strength Spanx)

  18. Like
    SassyScienceNerd got a reaction from Sosewsue61 in First mini-goal - before and after   
    Made my first mini goal of reaching 208 lbs, have to share a quick split screen!
    (Disclaimer: this happens to be a fabulous angle and I'm wearing the hell out of some industrial strength Spanx)

  19. Like
    SassyScienceNerd got a reaction from Sosewsue61 in First mini-goal - before and after   
    Made my first mini goal of reaching 208 lbs, have to share a quick split screen!
    (Disclaimer: this happens to be a fabulous angle and I'm wearing the hell out of some industrial strength Spanx)

  20. Like
    SassyScienceNerd got a reaction from GrrlAnn in Not at Goal Weight   
    There's your problem. You have no idea how much your intake actually is. Start tracking it. You might be surprised at how much your snacking adds up. Or you may find that you're not eating enough. You can't figure this out until you become serious about tracking everything for a while.
  21. Like
    SassyScienceNerd got a reaction from GrrlAnn in Not at Goal Weight   
    There's your problem. You have no idea how much your intake actually is. Start tracking it. You might be surprised at how much your snacking adds up. Or you may find that you're not eating enough. You can't figure this out until you become serious about tracking everything for a while.
  22. Like
    SassyScienceNerd got a reaction from carlychloe2 in 4 month post update   
    No judgment here. I'm 5'4" and 230 now (hw 248) 3 days post-op in MX. I'm not very high on the charts but watching my mother get a wheelchair at 47 years old due to the same edema in her legs as I am developing was a wake up call for me to do the surgery. At lower weights the edema is not a major issue. After the lbs start packing on, it makes it so much more difficult to move and lose the weight. We all have our reasons and they are all just as valid. Don't ever excuse yourself for taking a step in a healthy direction.

  23. Like
    SassyScienceNerd reacted to bitingcat in Protein drinks in week 1?   
    My stomach was deeply confused during the clear liquid phase (this improved with time). My favorite things were strained miso Soup with collagen powder, sugar free finger Jello, and Bone Broth my husband cooked with a Parmesan rind for flavor and then strained. Surprising amounts of Protein in those. When I was cleared for thin Protein Shakes, I really liked the nectar fruits and unflavored. And my oh-look-I-need-hysterectomy surgeon cleared those as clear liquids for that surgery.

  24. Like
    SassyScienceNerd reacted to Ldyvenus in Secret Sleever   
    I told everybody hiatal hernia. It worked perfectly, it explains the absence and the strange eating.
  25. Like
    SassyScienceNerd reacted to Paul Bahr in How do you know when you're full?   
    When I had my lap band installed, the signs we were told to look for were a sigh or a small burp. Without drinking with your meal, both should signal that you're all full up.
    Since being sleeved and on soft foods, I've had both happen.
    One of the things I'm trying to work through is not eating until I'm full. This is the old way of thinking. Eat until you're satisfied, or you've eaten what would fit into an 8 oz measuring cup.

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