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About kiwijet

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  1. kiwijet

    Australia - Melbourne

    dedicated2Abetterme, Im 18 mths post surjury, from Dr McHendry from Lapsurgery Australia in Boronia, he is probably the most experienced surgeon in melbourne with over 700 procedures behind him, I had private insurance which covered the first 2 thirds of the operation which in total came to about 15k, i was able to pay the rest with my super as it is deemed a health risk. Privately, you dont have to wait long. So where am I at, I have gone from 163kgs down to my current weight of 113kgs. I have experienced it all from top to bottom, not many lows, itsw worth doing and some, my anxiety was worse than the reality, Dr mcHendry does a great job on looking after his patients. So i cant eat as much any more but i still enjoy food, but take a look at me, also I wouldnt be employed in my current jobs if I carried the same weight, so go for it I say, you will be so glad you did.
  2. kiwijet

    Australia - Melbourne

    Hey looking4support Im from the SE of melbourne, Ive been off the forum for a while, holidays and well afterwards you are busy getting on with your life. Ok a couple of things I dont think there is much difference between the various insurance companies, but remember you will probably have to have had the policy for at least 12 months, which means it may be better to stick with the company you have, or if you dont have insurance yet then it means having to wait 12mths. The good thing is that you can get it all done for basically nothing. Dont quote me on the exact prices but how I did it was private insurance covered two-thirds of the op 8-10k and then I was able to draw down on my super as obesity is considered a life threatening illness and that covered the other 4-5k. There is a straight forward process in applying for the use of your super and just requires alittle bit of support from your GP. As for surgeons, I cant recommend Ray McHenry from LapSurgery Australia enough, they are based in Boronia but there is about 3 private hospitals around melbourne he can operate out of, so you can pick the one closest to you. He has done this procedure over 600-700 times and has seen all eventualities. My kind of surgeon. Heres their ph no. 9760 2777. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have, but I have no reqrets at all. Regards Kiwi
  3. kiwijet

    Australia - Melbourne

    Hi Guys still here, 😁 just travelling around Tasmania on holiday. Having a ball. Alls good. Have lost 45kgs so far still 15kgs off my goal but night shift doesnt help it. But it has been life changing. I have no regrets, in fact am so pleased I have done this. The funny thing is if I eat too much I start sneezing. Hope everyone else Shell/Demon are going good as well.
  4. kiwijet


    I agree with those who have no interest in others condemnation, most people in here probably know when they mess up and are just looking to vent their own frustrations often without seeking comment or judgement. But all I can say is their must be alot of perfect people in by the crap they talk. Sent from my SM-G900I using the BariatricPal App
  5. kiwijet


    Sent from my SM-G900I using the BariatricPal App
  6. kiwijet

    Australia - Melbourne

    Im staying away from you two. They say things come in threes lol. Hope you both are on the mend soon. Dont get me wrong I'm grateful for the 30+kgs I have lost but I know there's room for more. Just have to dicipline my ill disciplined self. Sent from my SM-G900I using the BariatricPal App
  7. kiwijet

    Australia - Melbourne

    That should read and NOT as a neans to get to sleep lol Sent from my SM-G900I using the BariatricPal App
  8. kiwijet

    Australia - Melbourne

    Hi Shell, Im still here lol. Just been super busy. I can understand your guy's frustration with your eating routines as I feel it too. But I am way more undisciplined than both of you. My weight loss hasnt stalled its stopped at 31kgs. This is entirely my own fault and its due too two things. Back working night shift which results in me eating around the clock as I dont know what is breakfast lunch or dinner and an increase in alcohol consumption. I dont worry too much what I eat when I do as its not much but I think I have got into a habit of eating every couple of hours. I need to restrict myself to a few drinks once a week and as a means to get to sleep during the day 3-4 times a week. Some exercising would also be s good idea. You guys willbe pleased to know though thats its actually hard to put weight on, even when you are as undisciplined as I am. I might put one or two kgs on but it comes off again and hasnt continued to go up. But time I took this all a bit more seriously as I would like to lose another 20 odd kgs. So lets see what I can do. Sent from my SM-G900I using the BariatricPal App
  9. kiwijet

    Australia - Melbourne

    Hi Demon. Wow close on the 40kg mark thats fantastic and this is really the reason we have all had the surgery and why we have to remind ourselves of during the down times. I have been on holiday for the past 3 weeks and so dont think I have lost much during that time (too much alcohol probably) but I have still lost around 33kgs so far. I find eating to be unsatisfying in general and something I do because I have too but its normally over pretty quickly. I also find myself wanting to eat every couple of hours and Im not sure thats a good thing. I have noticed I have gone off carbs abit but can eat most things in moderation. But my stomach never seems to be settled its either hungry or uncomfortable from eating. BUT I love the weight loss and I hope I never take it for granted I do wish though that I had the ability to lose the weight without surgery but that isnt my story. I also have a big wobbly stomach now as well. Sent from my SM-G900I using the BariatricPal App
  10. kiwijet

    Australia - Melbourne

    Hi Shell, Im good. Im getting more used to this new life. I can still go from being hungry (feels like every couple of hours) to feeling nauseous after eating. Especially if I eat too much. But I learn as I go and manage it all alot better now. The important thing is that I have lost 30kgs with more to come and this has made a huge change in my life already. I am able to move alot easier now and my weight loss is becoming quite noticeable. I have to say I dont believe I could have done this without the surgery and so for all its tribulations I have to, begrudgingly even be grateful for it. Sent from my SM-G900I using the BariatricPal App
  11. kiwijet

    Australia - Melbourne

    Wow what a cut of meat. Not sure why you left this so long to enjoy lol. If we cant eat much enjoy what you can I say. Sent from my SM-G900I using the BariatricPal App
  12. kiwijet

    Australia - Melbourne

    Im not sure if I am getting my required fluids or even how much that is I just basically eat and drink when I want lol. I should try and put more structure into it but night shift makes it very hard. I also hate not being able to quench my thirst when i am eating. Sent from my SM-G900I using the BariatricPal App
  13. kiwijet

    Australia - Melbourne

    Hi guys been absent for a while. Had problems with an infected tooth and after 3 dentist visits I still have more to go with a root canal. It played up bigtime last week and pain relief wasnt working. Had to juse a mouthwash every 60seconds. Its settled down alot by I still have some more work to be done. As for the sleeve, I continue to lose weight, but Im .not sure if I have lost my interest in food or not but it just doesn't seem the same anymore. How bout you guys how are you all getting on? Sent from my SM-G900I using the BariatricPal App
  14. kiwijet

    Australia - Melbourne

    Thanks aussiegirl will give it a go. Sent from my SM-G900I using the BariatricPal App
  15. kiwijet

    Australia - Melbourne

    Yeah my partner and I can't believe how little I can eat now also. On another topic, not wanting to gross anyone out but my partner has noticed my breath isn't so good as of late. Im not sure if this is a sign that I need to see the dentist (booked an apt for tomorrow) or from stomach acids coming back up my throat. Anyone else notice anything similar? Sent from my SM-G900I using the BariatricPal App

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