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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cowboysfan

  1. cowboysfan

    Where do you live?

    CynthiaMcC...I love your city!!!! :thumbs_up:We went there on vacation in 10/06 & had the best time. Great place that I fully intend to go back to one day. Although, I do believe some of the bartenders there tried to kill us with their drinks. MAN....DO Y'ALL KNOW HOW TO MIX SOME DRINKS!!! HA!!!! :cursing:
  2. cowboysfan

    Where do you live?

  3. cowboysfan

    American Idol '08

    AMEN TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. cowboysfan

    Uncrushable Pills...What do you do ?

    Everybody is different. I was banded in 10/07 & didn't have ANY problems with my pills until my 3rd fill, which was just on Tuesady the 1st. I take 1 small pill, 1 daily vitamin, which is a little bit bigger, and an Omega 3/fish oil pill, which is damn big!!!! Since my 3rd fill the other day, it has hurt every morning when I take them. It eventually passes, but I need to do something because it hurt too bad. So, no at first I had no problems, and now I am. The fish oil pill is not one you can crush either or cut in 1/2 so I don't know about that one or what to do about it. The other 2 that I take starting tomorrow, I will be breaking them in 1/2.
  5. cowboysfan

    American Idol '08

    OK...Everybody, y'all need to give Dolly a break. She is 62 & has been around for more than 40 + years. I love her & I don't even like country music. That idiot Kristy, with her dumbass little sign, has GOT to go!!!!!! If any of you enjoy reading, then you must read Dolly's autobiography. It's one of the funniest things I've ever read, that woman is hilarious. I swear you'll enjoy it.
  6. cowboysfan

    i'am a newbie i'm cj44

    Hi CJ44. Congrats on making the decision to get healthy. It's the first step in becoming a new person. Don't worry, you are normal for being nervous & scared. I think every single one of us felt the same way before surgery. I know I sure did. It's all going to be o.k., and you'll do great. You've come to the right place for support & encouragement. I was banded in 10/07 & I've lost 36 lbs so far. I'm very pleased with my decision to have the band, and wouldn't change a thing. Just hang in there, listen to your Dr. & do exactly what he/she says. In a couple of weeks after your recovery you'll wonder what you were so nervous about. Good luck & remember you've got all of our support.
  7. cowboysfan

    American Idol '08

    I Am So Glad Rami Went Home! And David Cook & Michael Johns Are Just Too Hot For Words & They're Awesome Performers. :tt1::w00t: :wub: I Believe They Are The Ones To Beat In The End. I Can't Believe Brooke Was In The Bottom 3!!!!!!! That Made Me Mad. :biggrin: Sometimes America Is So Stupid With Their Votes. Her & Carly Are Certainly The Girls To Beat.
  8. cowboysfan

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    I hear ya on that one Manatee!!!!! I think mine is even shorter than that. HHHHHMMMMMM!!!!!!! Let me put it like this, next month will be 7 years. 7 is not such a lucky number for me!!!!! I think that qualifies me for a convent or something doesn't it????
  9. cowboysfan

    NEED a good sports bra.

    Oh...Well yeah, in your basement doesn't matter. I work out @ our gym at my place of work & when I purchased it, I had every intention of wearing it all the time if I liked it.
  10. cowboysfan

    NEED a good sports bra.

    Yes, I have the same problem with my girls bouncing all over the place during my workouts!!!! UUUUGGGGHHHH!!!!!!! :thumbup: So I checked out the Enell bras website (Enell Sports Bra - Welcome). However, when I went to my local location & bought one (uuuhhh...BTW....$64.90 after tax!!!!!!) after going home & putting it on (and yes, I tried it on first @ the store & it seemed fine) and wearing it around for a few hours, it just felt too weird and gave me NO shape whatsoever!!! NO!!!! Oh it held them in place all right, they weren't going anywhere for sure. But it just kind of mashed them down and I looked like I had a large hump on my chest as opposed to 2 boobies. Too weird for me, but of course, everybody is different, and you'd have to try it yourself. I wound up taking it back because for $64, I want some shape along with me being held in place. Just my 2 cents worth. Good luck because I know how you feel, and being beat up everyday by one of your own body parts is not fun!!!!!!!!
  11. cowboysfan

    Hello From Houston

    Welcome Mike. You've come to the right place for support & encouragement. I wish you the best of luck and the only advise I have to follow your doctors orders to the tee o.k. and all will be fine. Don't be too nervous, I realize it's scary & everybody who goes through this is scared at first. It's normal to feel that way. Just remember if you need to talk we're all here for you.
  12. cowboysfan

    When, Where, and Who?

    When - 10/31/07 Where - Specialty Surgery Center Of Fort Worth Who - Dr. Richard Carter First Fill - 1/30/08 2nd Fill - 3/4/08 3rd Fill - 4/1/08
  13. cowboysfan

    Sex Life

    I take anti-depresant/anit anxiety meds too & it hasn't affected me in that way. I've always had a high sex drive & lord help me after all the weight comes off & being single too...DAMN!!!! Anway, sorry, got sidetracked there for a sec...ha...Try talking to your doc about changing meds. If that doesn't work, then be creative, use your imagination, whatever it takes to enjoy it because you're too young to give up now!!!! Good luck!
  14. cowboysfan

    Sex Life

    DITTO ON THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. cowboysfan


    CONGRATS BIG DAN!!!! We're so happy & excited for you. You'll love it...Don't worry about a thing. It'll all be o.k. Everybody goes through the nervousness & being scared. That is just human nature. You'll do fine. You have come to the right place for encouragement & support. Everybody on here is great! Keep us posted so we can cheer you on o.k. BTW...Where are you from?
  16. cowboysfan

    American Idol '08

    God I am so pissed that America is that dumb & voted off David H. instead of that horrible Kristi. Her whole performance was torture. I don't know if I can take another week of her. Did anyone notice Simon's face when Ryan said David was going home instead of Kristi? I actually think that's who HE wanted to go home. If that girl buggs her eyes out anymore during her performances, they're going to pop right out of her twangy head!!!!
  17. 6 here, but I had a Hiatal Hernia fixed too so....
  18. Not worried at all about what I'll look like. As a couple of other people have said in this thread that I once was skinny so I already know what I look like. With that said, I'd never pick looks over health, but I am glad that (now let me put this to where I do not sound vain or conceded), I really don't have to worry about it. As I age, (will be 40 in July) the only thing that concerns me, other than my health, is the little tiny crows feet around my eyes & my mouth when I smile. But I've got some very deep dimples to take the focus off of my tiny wrinkles. HA!!!!
  19. cowboysfan


    Hi Jigboy. I'm sorry to hear your insurance company is being a PITA & that they denied you. Don't let them deter you in any way!!! Keep fighting them until they approve you or until you can change to a company that will. I have UHC, and was approved & scheduled for surgery before I could blink!!! Seriously!!! It was fast. Anyway, you have us here on this website to get all the encouragement you need while you continue to battle them. Don't forget that o.k. That's what this is here for. Now I really can't say that I'm not glad Bambi may be safe for a little while longer, but Angelyco is exactly right, you must do what keeps you happy & you're right too about wanting to live more than you want to hunt. Priorities of food & excercise will be key in your life once you are banded (and you will be), so I'm glad to see you have that attitude...you will need it. Good luck with everything, and remember, don't let them get you down & keep on fighting. P.S. By the way, I see we are the same age & have the same ticker, well almost the same ticker. Football fan are ya???? I live for the game!
  20. cowboysfan

    question.. bout the fil neddle??

    I was 3 Months Post-op When I Got My First Fill. Now You Must Understand That I Am A Baby When It Comes To Needles Too & My First Fill Hurt Like Hell. I'm Not Trying To Scare You, But I'm Being Honest. However, My 2nd Fill Was Nothing. Didn't Even Know He Had Done It. My Surgeon Is My Fill Dr. As Well, And He Is Great!!!! I Guess That 1st Time Maybe I Was Still A Little Sore & Sensitive In The Port Area Which Is Why I Hurt. I Don't Know.
  21. cowboysfan

    American Idol '08

    I hear ya Libra!!!! He is one hot Aussie!!! I looooooove him! HA!! Him & David Cook both.
  22. cowboysfan

    Shortie Porties--Banders that are short!

    Another shorty porty here...I am 5'4. Longer legs than torso, sometimes a good thing, sometimes it sucks.
  23. cowboysfan

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I just wanted to know what it meant....that's all. I said I was new & yes I was being straightforward. But I like to joke around just like the next person so it's all good.
  24. cowboysfan

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I can only imagine, but it's just not making any sense to me in the context it's being used in this thread so I just HAD to ask.
  25. cowboysfan

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Oh...OK thanks. I never would've figured that out.

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