I had vsg surgery 1-20-16. Sw 301 Hw 293 week three weigh in 278.I'm hoping to be at 265 by the end of the month. I would like to work out more at this time it's minimal. I have trouble getting in more than 60grams of protein and at least 64oz water. I have been reading other vsg post and im not sure if I'll be successful at this. I am on soft foods currently and so far I've had salmon and really fine beef. I've had a very small portion of broccoli and mashed potatoes. I've tried sugar free ice cream and I've also had Cheeto puffs. I guess I read thru post and I feel abnormal because majority seem to have a hard time tolerating food and i haven't displayed any discomfort with foods. I know this may be a silly concern I just don't see anyone else discussing similar food choices lol. What are your thoughts? Or what has helped u?