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Everything posted by LisaMergs

  1. LisaMergs

    Two days post op incision pics

    Definitely worth it. One week post op and from wearing a 22-24 3 months ago yesterday I put on a pair of size 20 Capri jeans comfortably. Haven't worn them in over 2 or 3 years. Just came back from a mile long walk ! My surgery was LAST WEDNESDAY!!!!! Yahoo!!!
  2. LisaMergs

    How can you tell you lost weight?

    And the thing is- I can't see any difference. And I will not step on the scale until next week Tuesday for my post op visit. After that- once a week max. I hate being tied to it. Thank you! When was your surgery??
  3. LisaMergs

    How can you tell you lost weight?

    Here is a NSV 7 days post op- this am in my closet for the heck of it I grabbed a pair of size 20 Capri jeans I couldn't get over my hips let alone ZIP 4 weeks ago. Guess what? I'm wearing them right now!!! And they look good on me!!!! Yahoo!
  4. LisaMergs

    How can you tell you lost weight?

    I'm guessing that what you are experiencing is called head hunger. We THINK we are hungry. Our new little stomach is not actually hungry. I'm 5 days post op and have dealt with this twice. However- if your liquid diet is like mine- you are drinking your Protein shakes in between meals which also keeps the hunger at bay. And when you aren't doing any of THAT, you should be sipping away at your Water, crystal light, tea etc. just get up- walk around a bit and it will pass!!!
  5. Well surgery is in the morning at 11:30 am- 3/23. I have spent the last two days inundated with last minute things- my daughter leaving for France on Friday, one of my sons had to get scheduled for wisdom teeth extraction next week. Monday I woke up shaky and crying- like when hormones overtake you when you're pregnant- no rhyme or reason you just start bawling. Lasted for a few hours and then I calmed down. Tuesday I saw my surgeon for my "day before" appointment. Begged him to let me have a turkey sandwich ( I was kidding!) and he said no way! I told him he was a bully and we laughed so it helped relieve some tension. Meanwhile it is 2:14 am and I can't sleep a wink. Never can when something important is happening the next day- like a trip or in this case surgery. Had a great conversation with my "Bariatric buddy" tonight and now I'm one hundred percent ready to go! But these last two days have been a crazy roller coaster.
  6. LisaMergs

    Very Lazy Stomache

    I was told no gummy anything ever again after bypass....
  7. LisaMergs

    And away we go!

    Seem to be doing better. I e been up for regular walks. Weather here has been great. No issues with throwing up or anything. The largest of the incisions still burns and is painful and no BM yet. No hunger- not even head hunger yet.
  8. I was never so happy to be allowed to drink water! Lol. Here's my question- I'm not having any issues with liquids/jello going down. Is this odd? Ive been sipping all day without feeling bloated, full or any other odd feeling. Is this normal? I know people worry about getting their ounces in. I managed to drink 62 today. Tomorrow I add my Protein shakes- in between "meals". Am I doing ok here or overdoing?
  9. I'm two days post op. No gas pain but two of my incisions are seriously painful. The largest one and the one over my belly button. Horrid bruising there as well but it actually burns when I try standing or sitting.
  10. LisaMergs

    One day out of surgery...questions

    Ooh. I have to stop drinking the thirty minutes around my protein shakes as well?
  11. LisaMergs

    And away we go!

    Well, here I am. Yesterday after the surgery was horrid. Took forever to get me out of recovery- apparently I had a hard time waking up. I have no recollection. But the "gas" pain in my back and shoulders and the center of my chest was beyond unbearable. Finally dissipated by 2 pm today- about 24 hours. Only area that hurts is the largest of the incisions. I'm now home- at my sisters though recovering. My house is like grand central station and here it is quiet. I'll stay for a few days
  12. LisaMergs

    6 months

    May I ask- have you had to deal with a lot of excess skin? My biggest worry- hoping insurance will cover it if I have to have it removed. Surgery is tomorrow. Dang. Forgot to say you look amazing and healthy!!!!
  13. LisaMergs

    Cauliflower Pizza Crust. ????

    Ok. I'm a Chicagoan as well and a purist when it comes to my pizza lol. Thin needs to be super thin and crispy and deep dish is deep dish. So what in the world is chicken or cauliflower pizza crust???? Sounds sacrilegious!
  14. Hmmmm. Makes me wonder. I have RA and take a crap-ton of meds for it. Hoping my body doesn't go haywire post surgical and then not be able to get it back in control. I had to stop all my meds in Feb and already I'm hurting pretty badly. Dang. Now I'm really bummed. Surgery is Wednesday. Better get my RD on the phone.
  15. LisaMergs

    Fear of eating out and dumping

    Sounds like my oldest son! He will just glance over at me and my plate and I find myself shoveling my food into his plate. Been that way since he was 7 or 8 and I didn't have a weight issue. Now- at 18 he is 6'4" and a whopping 160 pounds. Where he puts this food I haven't a clue!!!
  16. Good luck! I'll be in the day after!!!
  17. Truly the biggest issue when looking at malabsorption is when you consider your vitamin absorption. And that's why you take vitamin supplements!!! As for the food part- well that just gets the weight off when you consider calories. We still need the RDA of vitamins no matter our weight or age.
  18. LisaMergs

    Bad news

    Almost my story- except my doc rescheduled me because he didn't want me traveling a week after surgery. We were headed to Texas from Chicago by car. Soooo. I had completed 2 of my 3 week pre op liquid diet by then. I was told that I could go off it while on my trip. Then o get home to find a message from my nurse that I needed to go back on liquids for two weeks prior to new surgical date. That was last week. My surgery is in two days- which gives me exactly 1 week of a liquid diet and now I fear he will reschedule me again. I swear I will tell him to just do an open RNY and be done with it. Four weeks of liquid diet when others with higher bmi's have a lap procedure and no preop diet just seems unfair. And yes. I'm whining lol. Sorry[emoji4][emoji4][emoji4]
  19. And thank you. What was the "stink" part for you? Are you up and moving well now? Driving? I'm not a big pain pill person so if that is the only holdback I should be able to drive relatively soon post surgery?
  20. I hear that the gas pains are the worst part. I look at it this way- I've had three kids. One vaginal, one an emergency c -section and the third a scheduled C. I was cut from stem to stern- up and down- not the cute bikini incision because they needed to get the emergency one out FAST. Not only did I survive the sections - I actually PREFERRED them to the feeling of passing a watermelon!!! lol. Having rheumatoid arthritis I'm always in some state of pain. I suppose it is the fear of the unknown in play. I could likely get my doctor to keep me in an extra day or two but my 16 year old is going to France Friday with her French club and I want to see her off- even if they have to wheel me to the tsa checkpoint. I don't understand why some docs do the liquid pre op and others don't. It makes no sense to me. My docs are part of the Centers of Excellence at my hospital. My friend sees a doc at a different hospital- also a center for excellence. So both docs are well- respected, part of two huge universities ( University of Chicago and Northwestern University hospitals) yet they have completely different approaches. BMI, weight, medical history we are mirror images. I just don't get it. I'm almost considering not saying anything but that would be dishonest.
  21. Ok guys. Was supposed to have surgery on 3-3 but dr postponed it because I had a trip to take a week later and he didn't want me to travel. Now my surgery is in two days. I woke this morning like a train wreck. Spent hours sobbing off and on for no apparent reason. Like I was pregnant or something. ( I am not preggo! Too old -50- and fixed! Lol). I think it's just nerves Here is the other issue- I was required to do a 3 week liquid diet prior to surgery. I got to two weeks before he rescheduled me. I was able to stop it but told to do another 2 weeks before THIS surgery date. Well- I only got back a week ago from my trip and I've only done one week of liquids. I will tell him tomorrow for my presurgical visit, and now I'm freaking that he will postpone me again!!!!
  22. This thread made me giggle. I needed that! Thank you!!!
  23. I've been chatting with different people- all who see different surgeons. Seems like each has their own Pre Op diet requirements, which type of Protein to use, etc. Mine is very specific. I have exactly 6 different brands I'm allowed to use PreOp. I'm also allowed all the raw vegetables I want. I just finalized my first day. With a BMI of 45, I'm required to follow this for 3 weeks. Would love to hear what others have or are doing and if you find it difficult!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
