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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Bozzj

  1. ok, i'm back---again. i'm not tight at all (can eat sandwhiches), but i'm not getting a fill because i'm trying for a baby and that would be a waste of money if we are successful:cool: So, just going to suffer and try to hang in there....

    b: coffee, with coffee mate Creamer

    b2: 2 hard boiled eggs

    l: roasted chicken with steamed veggies and red sauce (no oil)

    s: 100 cal pack of light ranch dressing and baby carrots

    d: black bean Soup (no added fat--might top with a sprinkle of cheese).

    Going to repeat this menu all week (it works well for me if i stick to it lol)

    Gym: might skip, but go for a nice walk outside since it's a beautiful fall day :-)

  2. b: instant grits with slice american cheese

    b2: hour later, cup of coffee

    l: roasted chicken (no skin) with veggies (steamed), topped with red sauce (my new fav lunch) & maybe a sugar free Jello

    s: if needed, sugar free jello mouse cup, 60 cal in dark chocolate (so good)

    d: maybe some mousaka, made healthy

    Gym: my back has been hurting SO BAD again..ugh...but if it keeps up i'll do as i did yesterday--30 minutes on the treadmill going 3.0 (hey it's something). If not, 30 on the elliptical

  3. Sorry for your loss -diva

    I am assuming that the eggs was put thru a Magic Bullet. Since I have been banded can not eat it in the solid form.... loved your blog on skinny bitches. lmao

    Nope just regular hardboiled eggs. I'm not that tight at the moment...had some issues where i had to have some taken out, but i could always eat whatever. I haven't gotten a fill because i'm trying to get preggers and i might have to take it out anyway:rolleyes: Thanks, on the blog thumbs up lol.

    b: oatmeal w pb/syrup, 250 cal

    l: leftover chicken with veggies and red sauce, 300 cal

    d: lean cuisine, 320 cal

    Total Cal= 870 (unless if i add a snack somewhere)

    Gym: Going

  4. i'm back. but this time for real. i've fallen into the same old trap of eating during stress. work is crazy, been having some personal issues and on top of that we just found out a month or so ago that my grams is terminally ill. so i ate. i posted my gain (lowest was 205 for like 3 days lol--see avatar pic).

    b: high Fiber oatmeal with pb & Syrup, 250 cal

    l: lean cuisine, 350 cal

    s: (if needed) 100 cal pack almonds

    d: smart ones, 180 cal

    s: (if needed) sugar free Jello with a little light whip cream, 25 cal

    Total possible cal (including crystal light): 955

    Gym: GOING. it's going to be torture. i stopped going to the gym ages ago. i'm back..and accountable. :)

  5. today's my first day back...i weighed myself...and my lowest was 205...now i'm 213.8:frown: So, now i know what my actions did...and i'm going to get it back down!!!

    B: venti iced latte

    l: smart ones

    d: i'm going to try this new lean cuisine i have (bacon pizza)

    Gym: I'm going!!! woohoo. first time in foreeever. i'm going to listen to my body and do however much i can do. Definetly going to throw in some weights after cardio..i'm mushy. lol

  6. so i've only been on here a few times since late april. why is it that i still avoid when i know i've been bad? i'm been in a mental funk. can't shake it. then my grams got really sick (terminal) so i got worse. no idea how much i gained...but i know i did. weighing myself tomorrow. ugh.

    Anyhoo, i must ate something weird this weekend because i had to get an unfill yesterday. been in misery!!! ugh.

    back on track. i promise lol.

    b: venti iced latte

    l: 1 slice pizza

    d: probably Soup or something.

  7. decided to get a fill on weds. because i can eat like whoa.


    b: weight watcher egg/chz muffin, 210 cal

    l: lean cuisine thing, 320 cal

    s: a special k bar, 90 cal

    d: something. lol. i'll try to stay in the 320 range

    Total= 940

    Gym: I am going today i don't care what it takes to get me there!!! I'll start slow (with my back and not going for a while) and maybe do 30-40 on the treadmill.

  8. so i've been BAD lately...been on a 3 week bender....i don't know why i do this to myself!!! Anyhoo, my cheating and acting like what i eat does not make me gain weight actually made me gain like 7lbs. in 3 freaking weeks!!! Did i mention that i have not exercised either? oh yeah. just tv and food.

    SO i'm back..and i'm ready to be accountable again.


    b: plain greek yogurt with fresh blueberrys, granola and a little honey on top

    l: lean cuisine panini

    d: not sure. i might make myself a salad with some leftover roasted chicken.

    s: fruit--if needed

    Exercise: well i'm going to the chiropractor today right after work to have my back checked on...i have this funny feeling though that it hurts because i stopped exercising...i might go for a walk tonight if i don't get home too late from the doc

  9. i'll just speak for myself.

    my dr had no menu plans other than incorporating all food groups : Protein, fruit, dairy, veggies, complex carbs. i self imposed a low carb diet early on, and i didn't lose that much - once i went to what was "recommended" i lost more regularly.

    while i keep track of my calories per day - i don't monitor fat, carbs, Fiber, sugar etc..

    Ditto to that. In the beginning i tried to eat low carb, high Protein for a while, but after 6 months or so i got bored of that. now i eat what anyone else in the world eats, but i try to stay to less calories than a "normal" person. Like most people eat 1200-1600 cal a day...i try to stay under 1000 most days.


    b: oatmeal with pb/syrup, 250 cal

    l: lean cuisine, 230 cal

    d: sheperd's pie, probably 400 cal

    s: maybe some fruit, 100 cal

    Total Cal= 980

    Gym: Going. 2nd day back so i'll probably do another half hour workout then turn it up for tomorrow.

  10. b: cherrios with oat clusters, 3/4 cup, with some skim and half banana, 170 cal

    l: lean cuisine, (some chicken thing) 330 cal

    d: lean cuisine, (turkey), 250 cal

    s: maybe some cantaloupe (2 cups), 120 cal

    Total Cal= 870

    Gym: well my foot is better, but i hurt myself again in a class this weekend...i'm a nightmare. no gym until i heal. again. ugh.

  11. So I don't normally post my weight until my weigh-in at the Dr's office - but this one time I think I'll make an exception - this morning I hit 100 lbs gone forever! :smile: To Celebrate I am donating 100 lbs of food to my local food bank - see photo below!

    That's AMAZING!!! You should be so proud of yourself!

    b: oatmeal with pb/syrup, 250 cal

    l: lean cuisine, 290 cal

    d: probably another lean cuisine, 350 cal

    s: i'll try to not have one, but just in case- 130 cal (goldfish)

    Total Cal= 890 without snack, 1020 with

    Gym: none- again. foot.

  12. aww you were banded on my birthday!

    see i've been at the same weight for a month, but it's because i'm eating badly on the weekends:thumbdown:

    If you are eating right...why don't you start writing down your food intake and posting it on the thread in this section (what did you eat today). It helps all remain accountable.

    I asked my doctor your question a while ago and he said this (and he put it bluntly):

    If you are eating right, staying within a good calorie range for you (varies depending on each person) and exercising you will lose weight. If you aren't--you may think you're doing it all right, but you are not (for your body).

    That being said, again post it up here so we can maybe look at the types of foods you eat and see if you can swap out things that might help you out of your slump. Losing weight is all math--you have to burn more than you eat. I hate this!! I Wish i could eat more than i burn hehehe :eek:

  13. well i ate horrible yesterday after my race--had a drink, mexican, ice cream at night lol. So it's back to business today...

    b: iced venti skim caramel macchiato, 300 cal

    l: a lean cuisine, about 230 cal

    d: something. i don't know yet. with a budget of 360 cal

    Total Cal= 890

    Gym: Can't go. Since my ankle was hurt going into the race...it's badly hurt now (couldn't even put weight on it after the race yesterday evening).

  14. well i'm not a doctor, but my advice is if it's working for you...go with it, but make sure you get your Vitamins in because you're not getting them with food.

    i would maybe sneak in some milk though...or yogurt or something. just realize you can't eat like that for the rest of your life..ya know? so when you're ready you may want to introduce some other foods.

    i know how it feels though to stick with what works. I eat lean cuisines during the week like they are going out of style!!! i just can't muster up the energy to cook after the gym. not the most healthy option, but it works for me.

    Good luck!! Seems like you're doing great.

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