I am somewhat concerned about this issue. I'm annoyed to think of the drama which will be created when I do shed the weight. My family is extremely competitive. Being that I've been large since my childhood, I've never posed a threat in the physical sense. My sister-in-law was fairly slender. She's picked up a few pounds since and though she wants to lose weight, she discourages me from doing so. My mother wants me to lose weight, but there's this edge to it. What will she find to harp on when I've lost the weight? I don't think that anyone wishes me any harm, but unconsciously, I think they've come to depend upon being cute by default in comparison to me.
My friend's mother has always urged her to lose weight so she'll look better than I do. I think that is wretchedly silly. I have supported my friend's attempt at weight loss because I want to see her happy and healthy. I don't understand why people would begrudge a person those basic states.
In any event, I have decided to be positive. In the event that I do lose friends, I'll simply connect with new ones. If my family gives me a hard time, I'll define the problem, advise them of a solution and allow them to make the changes necessary to accept the situation. :eek: