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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Megall9

  1. Today I celebrate my 1 year anniversary of my sleeve surgery! It's amazing how much has changed in a year! I've lost 118lbs. I've gone from a tight size 28 jean to a loose 18, and a 4X shirt to an XL. I recently fit in an airplane seat comfortably and didn't need a seat belt extender. I love clothes shopping now, can pound out an hour on the elliptical with ease, and can paint my own toenails AND breathe at the same time! =) I still have about 60 lbs to go, but I have no doubts that I will get there. I feel amazing already, and it's only going to keep getting better from here.
  2. Megall9

    Anyone get new ink?

    I got my phoenix over my right shoulder to celebrate losing 100 lbs. He took 2 sittings to finish, one for outline, one for colour, about 4 hours in total. I love the way he turned out! Represents my rebirth into a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Megall9

    One year post op!

    Thanks! I was 377 the first time I walked into my surgeon's office, and 360 the day of surgery. It's nice to see someone else who started around the same weight, and seeing how successful they've been! I'm hoping to lose at least 40 more before I start discussing skin removal with him.
  4. Megall9

    Halifax ns

    From my referral date to sleeve surgery date was a year and a half. I didn't wait long at all. I didn't have a group appointment though, so I'm not sure what direction your appointments are going in. Hopefully things will move quickly now for you!
  5. Megall9

    Halifax ns

    Not Halifax, but I am a neighbour in NB I'm 10 months post op tomorrow. I don't know how they do it in NS, but all I can tell you is that it's worth it. Good luck!
  6. I'm not at my end goal, but I got my phoenix to Celebrate losing 100 lbs. I started the tat in January with the outline, and got the colouring done yesterday. I'm so in love with it! Not sure what my goal gift to myself will be yet. I don't know how to make the images just thumbnails, sorry!
  7. I can't wait to fly this summer and not need a seat belt extender. I can't wait to walk down the aisle of the plane to my seat and NOT hip check everyone along the way. I can't wait to march with my band in a parade again and not feel like I'm struggling the entire time to keep up. I can't wait to buy and wear a cute summer dress this year. It won't be this year (too busy!) but I can't wait to do a half marathon someday,
  8. I initially thought that I wouldn't tell anyone other than close friends and family. But, when someone asked me how I was losing weight and I replied with "High protein/low carb diet and working out!" it just felt wrong coming out of my mouth, and felt like a lie. Or at least a half truth. I didn't like it. Ever since, I've been upfront and honest about having the sleeve surgery as a tool to help me in my journey, and I've gotten nothing but positive feedback. Some people ask questions because they don't understand how it works, some people ask me questions because they have been thinking of having it themselves. Things probably would have been different though if I hadn't had such a support network, and supportive and positive experience in revealing the route I've taken.
  9. I've been celebrating little milestones with a new piece of make up that I've been wanting. I hit my first BIG milestone of losing 100 lbs right before Christmas, and celebrated by starting my tattoo! It's in my profile photo, my phoenix. I go back in 2-3 weeks for the colour to be added.
  10. Megall9

    I had a meltdown :(

    You are not a failure. You've just had a major surgery and it will take time to adjust to the way your new life is going to be. I remember the first three months I struggled daily and flirted with dehydration quite often, especially when I returned to work as I found it difficult to get my Water intake in between customers. I am now 8 months post op and drinking is so much easier. I can now take three gulps of water as opposed to sips, but if I take more than three I'm in trouble. You will learn your body's limits and tolerance as you go along, you just need to be patient, especially during the healing process. Good luck with your journey!
  11. I'm in eastern Canada. Layered up with fleece pants, fuzzy socks, fuzzy throw blanket, a cat on my lap, space heater pumping in the living room, and I'm pretty sure I'm still going to lose my fingers to frostbite. Gah! I'm down 104 lbs and have turned into a human popsicle.
  12. Megall9

    NSV of sorts

    Sounds like you dodged a bullet with that one!
  13. Megall9


    I started Biotin from GNC a few months before surgery. I got the 5000 mcg tablets, not the chewables. I'm honestly not sure if it made a difference or not as I still lost a lot of hair. The worst of it was between the 3-6 month mark. I'm 7 months post op now and the hair loss is still happening, but it is slowing down thank goodness. I often wonder if it would have been worse had I not been taking the Biotin? But I'll never know. I've been using a local pharmacy brand shampoo that has biotin and collagen in it, so maybe that is helping as well. Even with as much hair as I lost (and it was coming out in gobs!) I never dealt with any bald Patches. There was some thinning around my temples but it was only noticeable if I pulled my hair back into a ponytail for work. New baby hairs are finally starting to grow in their place, making my ponytails look wild now. Did the hair loss suck? For sure. Enough for me to regret the surgery? Hell no. 9 days away, so exciting! Good luck to you!
  14. Megall9

    Chinese Food

    I had Chinese food the other day with some girls from work. I got the half order of pineapple chicken, no rice, no noodles, while the others got the buffet. It was delicious, big chunks of chicken, pineapple, onion and peppers. I ate it again for lunch and supper the next day with what I brought home.
  15. Megall9

    I'm a hater.... lol

    Where are you? I'm on the East Coast, and I too waited about 15-16 months from referral date to surgery date. In the beginning I was told to expect to wait any time between 4-7 years! While I'm glad the wait wasn't nearly that long I am glad for the extra time. For me it helped me wrap my head around what I was really doing, and I also had to do a trial liquid diet BEFORE the pre op liquid diet.
  16. Fredericton, New Brunswick here! Was sleeved by Dr. Boisvert at the DECH on May 9th 2016.
  17. Megall9

    Over 300's

    My highest recorded weight was 388, and day of surgery I was 360. This morning just shy of 7 months out I am 280. I'm happy with my progress so far and look forward to what the next 6 months bring.
  18. I haven't uploaded photos before, so I'm hoping I've done it right! Green shirt photos were the day I came home after surgery, so 3 days post op and 360 lbs. the black shirt photos were end of October 2016. I've lost 95 lbs. The face shot in the green shirt I was at my heaviest of 388 lbs. The difference in my face astounds me. I still have a long way to go, but I am thrilled with how far I've come in in just under 7 months. Yes, my bathroom mirror needs a good cleaning. Sorry
  19. Yup, he's a little on the conservative side. Toward the end of the 4 week full fluids I was starting to go a little squirrely, but I remember being cleared for soft foods and thinking my first scrambled egg tasted like heaven! It's all behind me so I can laugh about it now, but there were some tough days in there!
  20. Mine was 4 weeks. This followed 4 weeks of full fluids immediately after surgery. It was 2 months before I was allowed to move to regular foods.
  21. Megall9

    food funerals?

    I had a last meal at my favourite pub before I started my 2 week pre surgery liquid diet. All my friends are super supportive, so we all went out to dinner together, then got silly on some bevvies. It was a good time, and I don't regret it. Looking back on that evening though what stands out to me was the company, not the food.
  22. Megall9


    The day after surgery I was sleeping on my side. the nurse said as long as it didn't cause me pain it was fine. It was a little sore getting into position, but once I was settled it felt really good. I brought a pillow from home that I hugged against my tummy.
  23. Megall9


    Mmmm Starbucks. When I go, I get what I want. Full fat version of whatever strikes my fancy! I only visit it about twice a year, so I don't worry about it too much.
  24. I had mine done in early May, meaning that I was recovering during the summer. For me if I had the choice to do it over I'd have chosen a winter surgery simply because I struggled through the summer with dehydration. I'm in a competitive bagpipe band as a drummer, and 2 months after surgery I was approved to lift again and was out on the field competing with my drum attached to me, and wearing my heavy wool kilt and socks. It was difficult, and I was probably pushing myself when I shouldn't have been, but I didn't want to let my band down either. That being said, I don't regret my surgery one bit, or when I had it. I wanted it asap so I could start the journey to saving my life.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
