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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Megall9

  1. Megall9

    What Is Your Biggest Fear?

    I have the fears that everyone else does, will I get to goal? Will I regain? I'm still waiting for my surgery date so my anxiety and stress are ramped up a little more than usual. But, I have another fear that goes beyond the numbers on the scale. I've always wanted to do things, but couldn't because my weight held me back. I want to do a half marathon, a full someday, I want to climb the stairs of the Empire State building on a trip to NY just because I can. I vacationed in North Conway, NH a lot as a child, and I want to climb Mt. Washington. I want to walk, I want to run, I want to parasail and ride roller coasters. I dream of doing all kinds of things. But, what if I get to a normal weight and none of these things happen? I won't have my weight to blame for it anymore. What will be my excuse? Losing the weight will make me accountable to myself to do the things I dream of. I'm afraid of letting myself down. That is my biggest fear.
  2. Megall9

    What's the 1st thing

    We are planning a trip to Scotland in summer 2017. I am still pre-op but it will be happening hopefully this spring. I am looking forward to NOT using a belt extender on the flight, and being able to walk around the city without being in pain or out of breath. I love to travel, and am really looking forward to doing more of it!
  3. Megall9

    tomorrow is the day

    Good luck to you all! Can't wait to hear how it went.
  4. Excited for you! Good luck!
  5. Megall9

    Fear of not waking up!

    I don't worry about not waking up. Rather I worry about being put under, unable to move, but still able to feel everything that is happening.
  6. Megall9

    This Pre-Op diet is the pits.

    I'm doing the pre op diet right now, it's just a trail since I am still waiting for my date. I was told to do at least 7 days, aim for 14. I am on day 8 today. the first few days were the worst, I was hungry all the time, and that I work in a grocery store didn't help! Day 4 it got better, and last night, at the close of day 7 I was fine, not hungry, but I still needed to have something else to make my Protein and calorie goals. I'll have to do this again for a week before surgery, but I'm glad that my surgeon makes this trial run mandatory. It helps to know that I've done it once, and can do it again. Talking to my fiancee when I'm craving or missing foods helps too. I certainly feel your pain, just know you're not alone! You can do it!
  7. Megall9

    Excess Skin Issues

    Baby powder with cornstarch. It helps me stay dry when I notice chaffing issues.
  8. Megall9

    Body Image Issues

    I'm still pre op, but I've given this a lot of thought during my pre op journey. It actually frightens me a little and I can't even picture in my head me being a smaller size. It's scary, and I feel like a toddler who has to give up their security blankie. That's how I've come to view my size, as a security blanket, or a cushion against society. Being as big as I am I know that the people who like me and love me do so because of who I am, and not what I look like. But what about when I don't have this to hide behind anymore? I wish I had some answers for you, or could relate, but all I can say is that I hope it gets better for you.
  9. Megall9

    Reason for surgery?

    I've told my manager and supervisor about it. I wanted them to know that I would be looking for a short leave of absence. They were both really supportive of me, and on the plus side since my job involves hours of standing and lifting, in the long run it will make me a better employee. It's nice to have their support, and in return I've also been offered a different position when I return that doesn't involve lifting right away.
  10. Megall9

    Two week pre op diet

    If Water is hard, ask your nutritionist if you are allowed to add things to it. I'm on my 2 week trial liquid diet (just a trial, not pre-op yet) and I am allowed to add liquid crystal light to my water, or to have Diet Ocean Spray to drink if I need a change. It's not easy though, and like you I am dealing with a lot of hunger, especially in the evenings. I try to spread my calories out evenly through the day, and drink lots of water. One evening I couldn't stand the pangs, but I had another Boost shake instead of food. I figure in the long run it's better to have another shake than to cheat and have actual food. It would set me back. Do you have someone you can turn to when you feel like it's too much?
  11. Megall9

    Who Are You?

    Hi, I'm Megan. I'm from New Brunswick, Canada. I'm 37, and have a fiancee (we've been together 10 years, celebrated 10 this past January!) and a 13 year old daughter. I went to college to become a Youth Care Worker, but as luck would have it most of the programs have closed in my area. I currently find myself working as a grocery store cashier, and I can honestly say I've NEVER had a job as interesting as this one is. Some of the customers are completely wonderful, and others are completely horrid, no two days are ever alike. I enjoy making my own jewelry, reading, and am a tenor drummer in our local pipe band. My group is currently playing at a Grade 4 level, and our society's 90th anniversary is coming up in 2017, which the band will Celebrate with a trip to the World Championships in Glasgow, Scotland! I am very much looking forward to this. I have rediscovered my love of travel. I took my daughter to Florida and Disney World in winter 2014, and in fall of 2014 I spent a month in Thailand with my mother. What an amazing experience that was! It was honestly a once in a lifetime trip, and I am SO glad that I didn't let my size stop me from going on either trip. After Scotland I think my fiancee and I will be planning to go visit England, and Iceland. I can't wait until I am smaller, and more comfortable while traveling. That's about it, me in a nutshell. I love my family, friends, and my two cats
  12. Like most people, it wasn't a single event that caused me to finally make the decision. I had been "thinking about it" for the last 10 years, and I'd lose some, and always gain it back. I started thinking seriously about it in January 2014 when I took my daughter to Disney World. I have severe arthritis in my left ankle from an old injury, and it almost ruined our trip. I was able to walk through the parks one day, but the next we'd have to stay in our hotel because the pain and swelling in the ankle was so severe that I could hardly make it from the bed to the bathroom. We spent 5 days in the parks, and I needed recovery time after each day. I also regret choosing not to ride certain things with her (like flying Dumbo) because I wasn't sure I'd fit. On our flights down and back I had to use the dreaded seat belt extender on our flights. I have my first appointment with the surgeon on March 8th, and will be getting a date shortly after that. I am excited for how this is going to help change my life. My ultimate goal is to take my daughter back to Disney when she graduates high school (spring of 2020) and to be able to go on ALL the rides, and go back to back days to the parks! Maybe even take her to one of the Water parks as well. I'm done sitting on the sidelines of my life.
  13. Megall9

    Where Are All The East Coasters?

    I am from Fredericton, NB. It's nice to see a lot of East Coasters on here! I am still pre op, and Dr. Boisvert will be doing my sleeve. If there is anyone nearby who would like to get together just send me a message
  14. Megall9

    stop the food funerals

    This was a good thread that I needed to read. I am doing a 2 week liquid diet right now to satisfy the needs of my surgeon, and to prove that I can do it. I will need to do it again for a week before surgery (still unsure of the date, but it is close) and for 4 weeks after. I am on day 2, and all I can think of is when I am finished these 14 days I want to eat a donair the side of my head lol. I am hoping that within these 14 days that my mindset will change and rather than having the food funerals I will continue with better choices. No point in taking some weight off with a liquid diet only to put it right back on.
  15. The comments in this thread make me sad and angry. But unfortunately I too can relate. My BFF isn't being very supportive at all, with the usual "Why can't you just diet and workout?" "Come to the gym more with me, that'll fix you right up!" or "I don't think you need to do this." It's awful to say, but she is only about 50 lbs lighter than I am, and I have a feeling she is trying to discourage me from getting the sleeve because she doesn't want to be the "fat" one. I try to steer conversation away from that topic now. It will be interesting to see what happens with the friendship post surgery. I'm lucky though that my parents, my husband, my bother, my daughter, my gym coach, and two other friends are being very supportive.

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