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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Megall9

  1. Is it always going to be about food? When panic and anxiety hits, is food always going to be the first thing I think of for comfort? I am on my pro op liquid diet as my sleeve date is May 9th. Less than two weeks away! But today my family got hit with the news that my husband got laid off from his job. His job that he spent almost the last decade at. The job he was insanely good at. The job that we rely on to pay the mortgage and his car payment with. No notice, it was completely out of the blue. He is upset, of course, and so was I. All I could think of was how I wanted to eat my sorrows away. I didn't though, I didn't fall off my liquid diet. But it makes me wonder, when the bad times come, is food always going to be my first thought? How do you cope when something bad happens?
  2. Thank you so much everyone, your support has been amazing! Today we are both feeling much better. He has been in touch with some people about references, and already had someone ask him for his LinkedIn profile. He didn't have a LinkedIn profile, but he sure scrambled to get one ready lol!! The wife of one of our friends is a professional resume writer and adviser, and we are fortunate enough to have her help so he can present a well constructed resume. He was toying with the idea of taking the summer "off" but I am gently pushing him to get back into the game asap. I worry that if he takes the summer off he will get himself stuck in a rut and it will be hard to go back. Not to mention, he wasn't the only one who was laid off. All the offices, here, and international, were hit with lay offs, so if he waits too long all the "good" positions will be snatched up by his former co workers. Our family has been very supportive as well, and whatever happens, happens. I know in my heart that we will be alright, and that he will find something soon. Maybe, like you say, something better is just waiting around the corner.
  3. Thanks for the support, today has been a very trying day. It took everything I had in me to not stop at McDonalds on my way home from work and eat my feelings. My friends and family and you have helped calm me down so that I could come home, and give all my support and love to the one who really needed it today. He did get a severance package that will see us through alright until he lands a new job. With his skills and the companies in the city that are hiring right now I would be very surprised if he isn't in a new position by the end of May. We discussed things, and he has tonight and tomorrow to lick his wounds. The weekend we will spend sprucing up his resume, and he will hit the ground running on Monday. I'm so proud of him for already putting his ear to the ground for a new job, because it's all too easy to let depression in to get the better of you in a situation like this. I am emotionally exhausted after today, but not physically. I do need to start upping my physical activity, especially with surgery so close. I have the Les Mills Combat DVD that I might bust out tomorrow, and get rid of some of the anxiety that is just below the surface.
  4. I'm a grocery store cashier, and I was told by my surgeon that two weeks off was fine. I'm not allowed to lift anything over ten pounds until six weeks out. So when I go back I'll be on light duties like customer service desk, or express lane. I'll still be standing for four hours at a time at first. My manager has been great about everything, and when I come back she will start me with two shifts the first week not on back to back days, so I can see how I feel, and start upping my shifts from there if I feel well. Sent from my SGH-I337M using the BariatricPal App
  5. Megall9

    Leading up to my death?

    I've never lost anyone to wls. While I am anxious and nervous about surgery and recovery, I'm not worried about dying on the table. Of course surgery carries risks, but I'd rather take a risk than face the certain future of heart attack if I keep going the way I've been going. I go in just shortly after you, May 9th.
  6. I'm so jealous, I loved Thailand! Mind you I went before surgery (surgery is coming up on May 9th) but you will have tons of food choices while there. There is a wide variety of fish and seafood, my favorite dish by far was chicken cashew. Some places serve it mixed with rice, but you can ask for it to be separated. The Soups are really good too. A lot of their food is spicy, and you will know by then if you can handle spicy or not. My mother couldn't while we were there, so she would ask for her food "one chili" meaning mild. If you hit markets or street vendors there is usually a ton of fresh fruits and vegetables as well. Pomello and jack fruit were my favorites, I didn't get to try durian but have heard that it is very stinky! Apparently if you can get past the smell it's supposed to be delicious. Don't cancel, just be mindful of how you are feeling. I flew from Canada, 30 hours, and was sick my first two days there. Make sure when the seat belt light is off on the plane that you get up and move around. And of course, stay hydrated! It's a different kind of heat from anything I'd ever felt before. Always always have Water with you and sip sip sip! I hope you have a wonderful time!
  7. It's not easy, that's for sure!! Today is day 3 for me. Last night I was so hungry I thought I might gnaw my own arm off. Sent from my SGH-I337M using the BariatricPal App
  8. This made me LOL and I'm happy to know that I am not the only tub eater for my "last" food! Hahaha!
  9. Megall9

    Work related

    I told my manager and supervisors the truth from the get go. I wasn't sure how much time I'd need off, and I knew there was going to be a lifting restriction as well, and since I have a very physical job I wanted to give her a heads up. Not only is my work super supportive of me, they are also very excited for me, which is nice! I am only taking two weeks off, but when I come back they are going to give me half day shifts at first until I see how I feel, and go from there. I'm also switching to a lighter duty position for a bit which is nice.
  10. Megall9

    Nervous and wondering

    From what I've been told and read, not only does it shrink the liver but also makes it more pliable, therefore easier to move out of the way for surgery. For those with a higher BMI (like me) it's just something that is done to bring your risk during surgery down. My surgeon told me one week was mandatory, two was better. I'm going for the two, and today is the first day!
  11. Megall9

    Pre-Op Diet Jitters

    I'm right there with you. My sleeve date is May 9th, and I start my liquid diet tomorrow. My surgeon required a trial liquid diet before my first visit with him, so I know that I can do it. I did it once, I can do it again. But this time I am having jitters because this time it is for real. Surgery is at the end of this two week liquid diet, and today I am having a hard time wrapping my head around that tonight is my last real full meal for the next two and a half months. But, we can do this. One day at a time, and the start of a better life is waiting for us just around the corner. On my trial liquid diet I wasn't really hungry, but I wasn't completely satisfied either. The first 3-4 days were the hardest, and I learned quickly to evenly space the liquid Proteins out through the day, otherwise I'd end up feeling light headed and ill if I went too long without. Good luck, you can do this!
  12. I'm in Canada and my provincial Medicare is paying for my surgery. Requirements are different I guess. Sent from my SGH-I337M using the BariatricPal App
  13. No, I didn't cheat, and I won't. I start my pre op liquid diet this Sunday for two weeks, but I also had to complete a two week liquid trial diet prior to my first visit with my surgeon. I didn't cheat then, but it was by no means easy. It was a good trial to do though because now I know what I like, what works for me, and what Protein powders I enjoy. I know which pre made shakes I like, and I have a couple of tried and true protein shake recipes to make in my blender. I am determined not to cheat because I want to reduce my risks during surgery as much as I can. My surgeon only requires one week, but said two is better. So two weeks again it is!
  14. Megall9

    Anyone getting sleeved in may

    May 9th here! It's so close, I'm so excited!
  15. Megall9

    Its happening! Now! Aahhhh!

    Glad to hear that surgery went well! Sorry to hear about the no sleeping bit though. I hope you are able to get some real rest soon.
  16. Going back to work was the deciding factor for me. Even though my weight was climbing I was still very active, and worked a desk job part time in the mornings monday-friday. I worked out all the time, I could elliptical with the best of them for 45 minutes, and was doing TRX suspension training right along with everyone else. Planks with your feet suspended in the air at 360 lbs is no easy feat! But I was doing it. I loved pushing myself, and would even stay for the next class after TRX doing circuit training with sledge hammers, tire flips, battle ropes, and all sorts of other punishment my trainer could think up! Even though I was big, I was the most fit I'd ever been in my adult life. Then cutbacks happened at work, and my desk position was dissolved. I found my next job just down the road from me, working as a cashier in an established grocery store, and I was happy to be with a company that was tried and true where I could just put my feet down and stay for as long as I wanted, providing that I was a good worker. Now, I have arthritis in my left ankle from an injury 21 years ago (was hit by a car, ankle was broken in three places) and I discovered that a job on my feet leaves me laid up. I wear a brace on it when I go to work, but sometimes I can still barely walk after a shift, it can't hold my weight. The deciding factor was after an 8 hour shift where I had to text my husband from the driveway to come help me out of the car and into the house. I hate being laid up after working, it means I can't do much to take care of my family. I've stopped going to the gym because I need to rest the ankle before my next shift. I am scheduled to be sleeved on May 9th, and I can't wait to get some of this pressure off my ankle. It is going to make work so much easier, and I can't wait to return to my gym!
  17. Megall9

    Last Meal

    I haven't yet. I start my two week pre op liquid diet on the 24th. I have plans to go out with some friends on the 22nd to my favorite pub for one last hurrah! I am going to have my favorite, it's called the Harvest Burger, named after our famous annual Harvest Jazz and Blues festival. The menu describes it as "an 8 oz. lean ground patty topped with Havarti jalapeño cheese, crispy bacon, jalapeños and garnished with lettuce, tomato, onion ring and dill pickle." and I'll get it with a side of sweet potato fries and spicy mayo. And of course going to have some bevies. I love the Magners Pear cider in a tall glass filled with ice.... oh I can't wait for the 22nd to get here! It's going to be so much fun. In the meantime I am not planning on going hog wild. I've chosen my favorite burger, and place, and friends, and until then will continue making good choices.
  18. In my head I know it's a load of garbage, but it hurt my heart that she would say something so negative to me when I was obviously excited. She just kind of rained on my parade, you know? It's hard because we've been good friends for over 10 years. Everyone else in my life has been so supportive, and she is the only one in the back whispering "you can't do this" I guess I'll show her
  19. Megall9

    Unsupportive People!

    I think that our bigger friends are unsupportive because it showcases the changes and hard work that they are unwilling to put in to their own lives. The truth hurts, and they would just rather look the other way than face it. The only person who hasn't been very supportive to me is a larger friend as well. When I excitedly told her yesterday that I got my surgery date she threw it in my face that I wouldn't have any better success at losing and keeping it off than someone who hadn't had surgery. All my other friends and co workers who are normal sized, or who have been through the procedure themselves, are cheering me on. Sent from my SGH-I337M using the BariatricPal App
  20. I finally have my surgery date! I got it yesterday when I signed my consent forms at my surgeons office. I go in for my sleeve on May 9th! I couldn't be more excited, but I can feel the nerves creeping in too. I won't let them sabotage me though. My journey has been different from a lot of the stories I've been reading on here. I'm in Canada, so things are done a little differently here. I had my family doctor put in my referral a year and a half ago, and 13 months ago I started jumping through the hoops needed before surgery. I started with a scope down the throat in March 2015, and heard nothing until late November 2015 when I got the call from my surgeons office. It's been a whirlwind since then with an initial consultation with my surgeon, blood tests, and appointments with a nutritionist. I had to go in for another scope this past March, complete a 14 day trial liquid diet, and yesterday was the last piece of the puzzle. The last thing that was to be done was sign my consent forms, and be booked in for a date. It's been a longer journey than some people (a year and a half) but I also consider myself very lucky because when my referral first went in I was told to expect to wait between 4 and 7 YEARS. There are so many Canadians who are waiting for surgery, I feel so blessed to have had a much shorter wait than anticipated. I also didn't have to go through insurance or anything like that, my provincial medicare is paying for it, nothing comes out of pocket. I do have private insurance but that will only determine whether I have a single or double room for recovery. I am so happy to finally have my date! For anyone else reading this, what was the one piece of the puzzle you were waiting for the longest?
  21. Megall9

    Any music instrumentalists out there?

    Not professional, but I am a tenor drummer in my local bagpipe band. I finally got my date for my sleeve, May 9th. It's awful to say but I mentally calculated whether I'd be ok to play in summer competitions or not. It looks like I'll only be missing one highland games, which is alright. My drum is heavy to carry, and my sling sits right on my belly where my incisions will be. As long as I'm ready to go for the North American Championships I'm happy!! Next year we are going to Scotland to play in the Worlds, and I will be a year out from surgery, and hopefully wearing a MUCH smaller uniform!
  22. Yes, you are not alone in feeling this way. I have a date for my sleeve for May 9th, and even though I am determined to follow every rule to a T I still have worries that I will be the one that it won't work for. I know it's irrational thinking, but that doesn't stop my worrying. I have one friend I was talking with today, and she was trying to tell me that my success with surgery is going to be the same as a person without, and that my odds of keeping it off aren't good. I can't help but to let her words hurt and discourage me on the day I was so excited to find out my surgery date.
  23. I am finished with all my pre op testing, and have signed my consent forms today! I have a date of May 9th for my sleeve. I am super excited, but also starting to get nervous. Before it was all waiting and jumping through hoops, now I actually have the date that will change my life and relationship with food.
  24. We are going to Scotland in summer 2017, and I am looking forward to fitting in my airplane seat with wiggle room, and being able to walk around the city and explore. I'm excited to be able to buy something from the shops to wear, rather than sticking to purses and scarves because nothing else will fit me. I'm looking forward to family photos as well, ones that I will like and not cringe at. Sent from my SGH-I337M using the BariatricPal App
  25. I've been on Synphasic 21 since I was 16, my surgeon said I didn't have to stop it at all and I can keep taking it right after surgery. Sent from my SGH-I337M using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
