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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Megall9

  1. So, I'm almost 3 weeks post op now, and still on my full fluids diet. I move to pureed/soft foods soon, and am getting excited and planning the foods I'm allowed to have and looking at recipes. When I am feeling well enough to go eat out for the first time, I've told my husband that I want to go to our favourite pub, and order the eggs benny. I know the people who own the pub and they will have no problem with me ordering a poached egg with the slice of ham underneath it, no bun, and the hollandaise sauce on the side. No home fries, just the egg. My husband gave me a look and said no, that we would just order two eggs benny breakfasts, and he would eat his, and then finish what I couldn't of mine. What? There is a rib fest that my city puts on every year, and I've never gone to it. I said it might be nice to go next year (there is a craft show, and live music during it too) and that it would be interesting because I would only be able to eat about two ribs. To which he said we'd order two racks and he would eat his, and then the rest of mine. Again... What? Don't get me wrong, I love my husband, but this kind of thinking has me worrying about his health. If I did order a whole Breakfast, or a whole rack of ribs I know that he would eat his, and as much if my leftovers as he could. His eating isn't the best as it is, but now it makes me worry when I do actually move to foods, that he will gain weight. He's always been fine with one meal before, I'm not sure what triggered this in him but he actually sounds excited to have a "licence" to eat more. I know I have to talk to him about it, I'm just not sure what to say. I don't want to say the wrong thing and make him feel bad about himself.
  2. No not at all. And it wasn't even 'order the whole thing and pack it to take home' it was 'order the whole thing so I can eat mine, and yours too'. I just worry because he has about 60 extra pounds on him, and I don't want him to take my limitations as a licence to eat everything he can. Sent from my SGH-I337M using the BariatricPal App
  3. If you want him to eat better, is there anything that you can do to help him with that? I'm lucky in that my husband has always been very supportive of my decisions, and he is helping me with my journey any way that he can. I do want to see him eating healthier too, so I've suggested in the meantime (I'm still on post op full fluids) that I cook some of my bariatric recipes for him to see if he (and our daughter) like them, because I would rather cook one thing for the whole family rather than something for them, and something else for me down the road. He's agreed, and they've loved everything I've made so far for them. Maybe offer to do the same for him? Ask him to help you try a new recipe and see what can maybe be done to tweak it to your preferences. Just a suggestion.
  4. Megall9

    In My Hospital Bag

    I brought my own pillow from home, and I'm glad I did. I used my phone, charger, toothbrush and toothpaste. I had a pair of PJ pants that I wore under my johnny shirt so my butt wasn't hanging out. And my non slip slippers. That's all I used, and I was in for 3 nights, 3 days. The hospital provided everything else that I needed. I wore the same clothes home that I wore in (sweatpants and a t shirt) Good luck!
  5. Megall9

    Cleanliness after surgery

    What a great idea, I didn't know you could order parts for it. I visited Thailand in 2014 for a month, and you couldn't flush toilet paper there, so they had the spray attached to a hose to wash yourself off with afterward, and if you still chose to use TP there was a garbage can in which to throw it away. It felt so clean! I felt awful coming home and returning to paper to basically just smear it around with. Back to the original question though, I also contort myself to clean up, but I had no issue with it in hospital after surgery. It just took me a little bit longer because I was moving a bit slower is all.
  6. My surgeon required that patients quit nicotine at least 6 months before surgery, and preferably stayed off it afterward. I vaped on the way to the hospital with my 0mg juice, and haven't switched back to nicotine at all. I'm 11 days post op and basically vape for the habit, and the flavour.
  7. I was sleeved on May 9th. During pre op diet I lost 10lbs, and since surgery I lost another 9. The scale has been reading the same weight for the last 4 days though, it's getting frustrating. I'm doing my best to get in all my Water and Protein, but I've only hit my protein goal 100% two days so far. I keep on trying!
  8. No one in my family is overweight or obese, I was the only one. My younger brother always had trouble putting on weight, he is 6'7" and I still remember the summer that he finally reached 200lbs. He was so excited. I've told my mom and dad, and my brother, all of whom are very supportive and thrilled to see me taking a major stand for my health.
  9. Megall9

    Embrace the Stall

    I just had surgery on May 9th, so I don't have enough post op experience to trust the process. Ten days, and my loss has come to a screeching halt. I've been the exact same weight down the the point two of a stupid pound for the last four days (which I know isn't a "true" stall according to the time length needed) but it is still frustrating none the less. I expected it after three weeks, but not after just one! It is beyond frustrating, and I have that little voice in the back of my head taunting me saying "See, I told you this wouldn't work either!" I'm getting in between 50-70g Protein a day I'm walking as I'm not cleared to workout I'm getting in most of my Water I'm still on the full liquid diet, and will be for the next 2.5 weeks before I can move to puree. I feel like I'm doing everything I can, but I'm not getting results in return.
  10. Not yet. I'm only 6 days post op, and even though I see the scale going down I'm still too afraid to throw my old winter coat away. I'll wait until maybe the fall, I'll be a few months out then and hopefully it will all be "real" to me then. I've been the same size for the last 6-7 years, it's hard for me to comprehend even the possibility of being smaller.
  11. Megall9

    Same mindset...help

    I don't have a lot of experience, as I am only 5 days post op. But, for me, yes I am making good choices. I think a part of that stems from being restricted to a full Fluid diet for 4 weeks, and then pureed foods for another 4 weeks. In this beginning stage I am limited to what I can and can't have and I am determined to follow my surgeons rules, because if I don't I risk damaging myself. I think part of the diet is to re educate your taste buds, but the other part of it is mental. You have to want it bad enough to be able to continuously make good choices, even after restrictions are lifted. I'm not saying your surgeon is wrong, I know everyone has different pre and post op plans, but I am surprised you are cleared for food already. Good luck with your journey!
  12. Just keep on trying gently. I was so nauseated that they wouldn't even give me Water until my second evening in hospital. They were afraid I'd throw it up and hurt my incisions. Keep on walking as well, that really helps with the gas. For me, the turning point began on the second evening, late, they brought me 1oz of water to see how I would do. It took me about an hour and a half to get it down, but it went down and stayed down. I had a few more oz that night. The next day was much better and I was allowed apple juice and broth. The gas bubbles were awful. I could feel them bubbling in my belly, but the only way I was able to "work it out" was to sit on the loo and slowly rock back and forth. I really hope you are feeling better soon. the first few days are the worst, but seems like each day after just keeps getting better. Thinking of you!
  13. Megall9

    In the first month

    WTH I know I only just had my surgery on Monday, but I am UP 1.7 lbs!!!
  14. I'm so glad to see this topic! I'm 3 days post op and really struggling to get my fluids in. Today if I get in the entire bottle of Water I've been working on the last hour, I'll have gotten in 40 oz of Fluid, that's including a Protein shake. I'm supposed to get 60-80g protein but so far today am sitting at 21. And it's 8pm I know it's something that I need to work up to, but how long does it take before you are reaching your fluid and protein goals? I go back to work in about a week and a half, and am stressing about it a little.
  15. I'm right there with you Megall9!! Spent today on Protein shakes and had egg drop soup for dinner! Surgery is scheduled for Tuesday morning! Best wishes to you!You as well!! Sent from my SGH-I337M using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. It took me 10 years to come to the decision of having surgery. I would waffle between "Am I ready?" and "I'm never having surgery because I can do this myself!" Personally, it took me multiple times of real hardcore effort of losing, only to find myself regaining, to finally accept that I cannot do this on my own. It is not something to be rushed into, so take your time, do your research, give it a real honest to goodness go on your own and go from there. If you do decide to have surgery, you will know when it is time.
  17. Megall9

    Dreaming... about clothes

    Yes!! I am SO looking forward to getting a slim fitting winter coat! Anything warm enough for our NH weather has to have a little bulk to it (even the more expensive materials from LL Bean or Lands End are bulky when you have to buy it in a size 3x!). I always feel like I'm walking like a sumo wrestler when I wear mine I have a couple smaller sizes in the closet I hope to use to get me through next Winter since I'll only be a few months post-op, but when I get close to my goal I will SO be buying a nice, flattering coat. I love the part about walking like a sumo wrestler! Yes! that is exactly what it is like! I'm just a little further north than you are, I'm in New Brunswick, Canada, and the winters are hard. My huge 3XL coat is bulky and comes down to about the middle of my thighs. I can't wait to buy a new coat that can sit comfortably at my waist. I'm going to have a waist!!!
  18. Megall9

    Dreaming... about clothes

    Maybe it's a little weird, but the one thing I can't wait to throw away is my old winter coat!! It's not even fit to pass along to someone else as it has tears on the inside. I've had it about the last eight or nine years and it is huge and bulky. Sent from my SGH-I337M using the BariatricPal App
  19. Did you get your approval yet? Fingers are crossed for you! Sent from my SGH-I337M using the BariatricPal App
  20. Megall9

    Dreaming... about clothes

    Nope! Yesterday my daughter and I spent 3 hours shopping to find her new summer clothes. She's 13 and so easy to dress and everything looks super cute on her. While it was great and we had a ton of fun, I kept thinking in the back of my mind "I can't wait until it's my turn!"
  21. Megall9

    Pre-op constipation

    I had to do a trial 2 week liquid diet before even meeting my surgeon, and I had some troubles during it with constipation. I started drinking more Water, and around day 12 or so, it all kind of worked itself out... Literally Relief will come!
  22. Megall9

    Scared out of my mind

    I'm Monday May 9th as well. So far so good, I'm not freaking out. I've just been way too busy this week so far to let my brain gallop away with me. I've been falling into bed at night simply exhausted from the day, and from the liquid diet. I've even been too tired to read before bed and for me that's almost unheard of! I know the anxiety is there though. I can feel it right below the surface at times. Yesterday my left eye wouldn't stop twitching and driving me insane, which is a sure sign of stress in me. I'm trying to keep my mind on the bigger picture. Before the pre op liquid diet started I went out for a "last meal" with some friends to my favourite pub and got the best burger in the house. It was super delicious, and I found myself sad that I won't be eating a whole one again. But that's alright, I will have one again in the future. Without a bun, and maybe cut into three or four meals. But I will have it again. And so will you. And we will be healthier and happier when we do!
  23. I'm right there with you, I'm on day 9 and everything sucks. I don't want any more shakes or Jello, and kinda wanna throw my Water bottle across the room. I'm tired and cranky, I'm PMSing and my husband just got laid off from his job. I hate everything right now. Monday is my day. Less than a week. It's not fun, but we can all get through it.
  24. I am a mother to a beautiful 13 year old girl, and I will spend Mothers day packing my hospital bag and having Clear liquids, as my sleeve is happening the next morning!
  25. Today is the first day of my two week pre op liquid diet. Now that I am on it I am fine, and feeling calm. I had to do a two week trail liquid diet before, so I know I can do it, that's not an issue. But last night, realizing that it was the last time I was going to really eat for the next two and a half months my brain went into panic mode! We had gone to my in laws for dinner, and it was a great dinner and I was full. Panic started in on the drive home. I announced to my husband that I wanted a DQ blizzard. He kept driving past DQ. I announced that I wanted to stop at the grocery store and get something. He kept driving past the grocery store. We ended up at home in our driveway, and he gave me a big hug, which was nice. I was then going to go take a hot bath and try to relax. He came and checked on me a little bit later, and found me in the tub peeling a cheese string! So the LAST thing that I ate was a crappy cheese string while sitting in the bath tub of all places. Good grief. On one hand I feel ashamed, on the other hand it's a story I hope I can laugh at down the road. Did you have any moments of panic realizing that this is actually happening, realizing that your life will be completely changed? What silly or crazy thing did you find yourself doing to cope in the moment?

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