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- Birthday 08/10/1943
ELEEBANA2 started following Anyone on here over 60 years old besides me?, George Bush: Worst American president in history, Low Carb Recipies and and 7 others
6 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 6th Anniversary ELEEBANA2!
BJean and DonnaTG , have either of you had a scan to see if your bands are in the right position, or are too horizontal?
George Bush: Worst American president in history
ELEEBANA2 replied to Sunta's topic in Rants & Raves
Hi BJean, In answer to your question about who might possibly follow Tony Blair, That is very difficult. Blair is going early, well he says he is but one can never tell with him. Gordan Brown who is chancellor of the exchequer, that is the one who is in charge of the countrys' budget. he likes that job and has done well. He has never spoken in public about the war, but that does not mean that he might not disagree with it because, as a cabinet member and also number two in power, he would have to resign immediately because that is the way things must be done, it is called collective cabinet responsibility. In private he may disagree with the policy. He has a history as a true socialist, being the son of a scottish prestybarian minister. He learned as a young boy, about the problems of poverty and unemployment as his father helped people and he never forgot how miners were treated so badly. Blair on the other hand had wealthy parents who educated him privately, in fact his father was something important in the conservative party so that is the diference. Brown has always worked hard and went to Oxford by working hard and winning a scholarship, that is the socialist way so he is a true Labour man. The only doubt I have is that Brown is very pro American, but we shall see because soon he will lay out his claim to be the next party leader, then we shall read his manifesto. If he does not express his doubts about the war then I suppose I shall have to vote for the Green Party or the Liberal Democrats. Brown has done so much good for poor people here, such getting single mums back to work with tax breaks and credits. There is Sure Start that helps Mums on their own with things like free nursery places and how to educate their children at home and gives them emotional support. So there You are that is my long rambling answer ! I think if I was in America they would think that I was some sort of communist or something, they have never understood the difference between a socialist and a communist there. My husband ias a former refugee from communists in Hungary, in 1956, so it's not likely is it! -
George Bush: Worst American president in history
ELEEBANA2 replied to Sunta's topic in Rants & Raves
Hello Billiejean, Well if you did happen upon some young men outside Liverpool they would certainly not be Blair supporters, Liverpool is and always has been solid socialist, like most of northern England and almost all of Scotland. Blair is stepping down soon, or so he has announced and the quicker the better. He is looked on here, by the majority, according to the polls, as nothing but Bushs' poodle. As for myself, Labour all my voting years, I am very, very disappointed with him. Heaven only knows he is no socialist, which he always purported to be before he took office and I. was so glad because everybody I know suffered badly under Maggie Thatcher,whose name I can hardly bring myself to type! Years ago America tried to get Prime Minister Harold Wilson to support them in Vietnam but he refused saying that it was illegal and immoral, which it was. The CIA played some dirty deeds against him but he would not change his mind. After him Ted Heath was put under pressure to support Pakistan against India but he told America to find other shoulders to stand on because he could not interfere in that skirmish. What makes Blair different? here the papers believe it is down to religion, both of them being born again Christians. Others believe he enjoys playing the world statesman. If it is down to religion then I hope that they are haunted by the thought of those little children of that family and the 200,000 other Iraqis who have died when they are busy praying. None of them bombed New York. Bush's friends the Bin Ladens did that .All the bombers were Saudis. Americans forget that the Bushs used to entertain Bin Laden at their ranch. The Saudis have oil though don't they! It was only when the taliban changed their minds about The pipeline going through Afghanistan, that they suddenly became 'evil' in american eyes, although all Europe knew what they did to women and others. -
George Bush: Worst American president in history
ELEEBANA2 replied to Sunta's topic in Rants & Raves
Dear Wootsie, Shortly after the start of this dreadful war I watched a Iraqi man and wife standing in their small living room, crying and holding photographs of their five dead children, all under 12years old. They had all been killed by an american cluster bomb. I felt ashamed that our prime minister was supporting America and I remembered seeing some young Americans sitting on a fence in some state that was pretty empty country."Oh boy we are going to kick them iraqs asses" they laughed. They could not even say where Iraq was. This is the popular picture that the rest of the world has of America now, which I find very sad as I have visited several places over the years and have met some very nice kind people. -
Hi Paige!, Thanks very much for your advice. I will give it a lot of thought over christmas and make a decision when everything is back to normal. I have joined weight watchers, something which has not pleased my husband very much because he does not want to believe that there may be something wrong. This is simply because he was advised by his nephew, in Hungary, to persuade me to go there. He arranged everything and so i just went along with it. Mind You it was very clean and the whole team, some english speaking, were very kind. Once again thank you very much for taking the trouble and I don't think that you are negative at all, just realistic!
Thanks also Woodys(Carol). It is coriander here and it does look like flat leaf parsley.
Many thanks AngelaT, We do have it here and it is known as coriander. In England it is used in many dishes, especially Indian food. Because of our history we have thousands of Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi restuarants and coriander has found it's way into English cooking.
Hello Paige, Thank you very much for your answer. I came away from my meeting involving Mr Super , lasting less than 5 minutes, with no knowledge that I didn't already know and £85 poorer! I thought that he was arrogant and wasn't bothered about me because I had my band abroad. Altogether ,with his little speech and the fill,it cost me £400 and they lost the X-rays, which as a private patient, my own doctor said I was entitled to have. I got fed up phoning round and round the hospital, trying to find them.This was my only experience of private medicine in England and I didn't think much of it. I am retired so I could not afford to have the band here. Thank you for mentioning Dr Khan, I would be grateful if you could send me details and maybe I could contact him, or my doctor could. My doctor laughed and just said Mr Super wasn't so super after all !.
Dear Paige, I had my band fitted in August 05 and quickly lost a lot of weight. I was nearly 20 stone (approx 280 pounds) for the op and went down to 144 pounds, by august 06. As I had the op in Hungary I decided to have a fill with your Dr Super, over at Solihull. He didn't actually do the fill himself , just the initial interview. His report was sent to my own Dr in Harborne. In it he said that my band was in the wrong place and that I would have trouble swallowing and would never feel full. Since then , despite my weight loss, I've been very depressed and have gained 10 pounds. I now seem to be able to eat what I like and I feel like a huge failure.
Hello All. Please could someone tell me what cilantrio is because I haven't heared of it here in England. Maybe I could find something similar. Thank You for your interesting ideas.
Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!
ELEEBANA2 replied to Rockin' Robyn's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
This above all : To thine own self be true. Hamlet- Polonius-Act one scene 3. -
Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!
ELEEBANA2 replied to Rockin' Robyn's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Hi July5forme! Think HEALTH, try to tell yourself that you deserve to be healthy in years to come. If you focus only on your looks you might fall by the wayside. I read a really good book that said that health is the only successful motivator and that it is helpful to imagine being able to play and enjoy grandchildren, enjoy having a full life, with whatever that means for you. I have lent the book to someone and have forgotten the name of the lady author. I will post the details as soon as I get it back because it is really good and was a great help for me. It is called Say Goodbye to overeating and is written by an American phsycologist, which would normally scare me off. I bought it on Amazon.