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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JaimeSTL

  1. JaimeSTL

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Good question! I've noticed several posters over there who had their DS before I got my band and they've lost less than me. And I don't smell like a sewer or have my own personal johnny on the spot. But their surgery is sooooo superior.
  2. JaimeSTL

    'registering' for birthday gifts??

    If my mother in law put 1/10th of the effort into gift giving that you describe, Michee, I wouldn't dare return a gift. But the fact is, with her, she will buy a whole load of crap out of a clearance bin rather than consider what the kids really want. Then the crap sits in my house forever until it is finally thrown away without being played with. One problem with gifts for my children is that my 7 year old is on the Autism spectrum. His social skills aren't exactly up to par and until recently, he didn't understand that gifts will come from mommy and daddy, and grandma and grandpa, and others. So if he opens up something from say, my MIL and she has decided to buy him something that doesn't fit with his interests (which are really obsessions), he would have a meltdown. Besides, why spend money on something that the child doesn't even like? When I buy gifts for other people's children, I find out wht the child likes, what their interests are, etc., and I buy accordingly. The gift isn't for me, it's for the child. I don't see anything wrong with a parent giving suggestions especially when asked or a child making a list. I think the registry thing is strange, especially including the information in a party invitation and when all of the items are so pricey.
  3. JaimeSTL

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Yeah, I agree, Froggi. I can only imagine the DS'ers invading LBT. :thumbup:
  4. JaimeSTL

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    I think the denial is hilarious when it follows pages of posts about nothing other than poop.
  5. JaimeSTL

    'registering' for birthday gifts??

    LOL My DD loves clothes, shoes, accessories. She loves to shop too. She's such a girly girl.
  6. JaimeSTL

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Well obviously I am partial to the band, so I pointed her to info on the band and the sleeve. I don't think she'd really go forward with it though. Her husband is gone 2-6 weeks at a time and he doesn't support WLS so she wouldn't have any support. Plus, she already admits that she is a self-sabotager. I keep hoping that she'll see me doing so well and go for it. Fortunately there are no DS surgeons in her area, so hopefully she isn't serious about looking into it further.
  7. JaimeSTL

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    So I have a friend who has struggled with her weight for a long time, has a BMI of about 40-42 and won't consider banding. She whines incessantly about how she can't lose weight, how fat she is, etc. She lost 50 lbs last year on Weight Watchers and gained it back plus some in a few months. She is struggling to lose anything right now, doing WW again. I've talked to her about the band, she knows everything I have been through with it. I told her to just go to a seminar and get more information, but she made some snide comments about WLS overall, how she's not that desperate, it's so extreme, etc. Anyway, last night she was whining about it yet again and I again suggested she look into the band. She said, I know I would sabotage surgery. So I jokingly said, oh ok, then have the DS. I'd told her about this thread and linked her to the OH DS board. Can you believe she's looking into it?! She's totally drawn into the whole eat what you want and still lose weight thing. At one point in the conversation she said, I wish I could wave a magic wand and not be fat anymore. She also said, "well they're only stinky when they sh*t or fart, right? I could live with that." *sigh* I guess that answered my previous question about WHO would do that to themselves. Obviously someone who can't bother to make a lifestyle change or work for the weight loss, they just want to wave a magic wand and be thing.
  8. JaimeSTL

    'registering' for birthday gifts??

    Everybody asks what the kids want for Christmas or birthdays and I tell them. I am glad they ask because there are a lot of things we don't allow (toy guns, certain dolls, etc). I will tell different people different things to minimize duplicates and later returns. I never suggest things that are too much or hard to find or whatever. What I hate is when people (my mother in law) don't listen and buy whatever they want--why ask if you aren't going to take my suggestions? THEN, at whatever event, despite my protests they help the kids open up the package. I will return things that aren't appropriate or allowed so I get so annoyed when they let the kids open things and I can't take it back. My kids have WAY too many toys so I often ask for clothes for them. My mother will give them money in those cases and I will buy the clothes. My MIL will not buy clothes because they aren't fun.
  9. JaimeSTL

    'registering' for birthday gifts??

    LOL I know! But *insert whining* he wanted it! And apparently he gets whatever he wants even if it is completely inappropriate.
  10. JaimeSTL

    Women only - Two cycles in one month?

    Some women bleed when they ovulate. The ovulation bleeding usually isn't as heavy as the normal period. That could be why it seems like you are having such short cycles.
  11. JaimeSTL

    'registering' for birthday gifts??

    I have a friend who does this with her kids. She shared her sons' lists for birthdays and Christmas with me. It was at one of those specialty toy stores, where they don't seem to sell anything under $40 or so. She then went on and on about all the things they were buying from the lists and she checked it regularly to see if anybody else had bought things from the list. Her kids are SPOILED. She also did something that I found bizarre--her 7 year old opened his gifts from her and her husband, and her parents, at his Chuck E cheese birthday party with all of his friends. Among many other things, he got a digital camera (not a kid one, a real one) and a digital camcorder. My kids open their gifts from their party guests at their party, and gifts from us and family ON their birthday. I've never seen kids open gifts from their parents at the party their friends are invited to. It seems like bragging "look what I can buy my kids" to me.
  12. These are my 5 month pictures. First pic is pre-op, second pic is 5 months post-op and 81 lbs down. Plus face shots. My 7 year old took the second face shot after a workout, sorry I look crappy. LOL
  13. JaimeSTL

    5-6 month plateaus

    I was stuck for about a week, went up a few lbs, came back down, stayed there for like a week, then dropped two lbs and stayed there for a week. Today I finally dropped another two lbs so I hope it doesn't stall again. LOL First it was swelling so I upped my water. This last week, I started working out, including strengthening workouts 3 days a week. I lost several inches all around this week but no weight until today. I gave myself the whole weekend off...ate what I wanted and didn't worry about it. Back on plan today though. I just needed to not think about it for a day or two...I've been so frustrated.
  14. JaimeSTL

    Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk

    Crystal, I just read somewhere that when you are retaining Water, the band can get tighter. I probably read it here. When I was bloated a couple of weeks ago, I had my first stuck episode. It only happened once, so I didn't worry about it. I also felt like I was eating less around that time, having to remind myself to eat because I always felt full, etc. I hope you feel better after your unfill.
  15. JaimeSTL

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I think the kids are adorable too. However, first, they are on way too much. Second, I don't agree with people pimping out their kids to make money. How can the kids grow up normally with tv cameras in their house every minute of their lives?
  16. JaimeSTL

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I got the info from Dr. Garth's latest blog on MySpace. First TLC was going to cancel it (I guess to make room for more Jon and Kate plus 8...5 nights a week isn't nearly enough of them <tic>), then they weren't, then they said, let's see how the ratings are. I completely agree that they need to leave it on.
  17. JaimeSTL

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    They are doing repeats on Discovery Health to see how the ratings are. TLC was planning to cancel it, but they are trying to pull for another season. If a new season starts, it will be back on TLC.
  18. How is your Water intake? I plateaued for almost 2 weeks (went up like 4 lbs even) and it coincided with it getting even hotter and more humid here. I noticed that my feet were swollen and my wedding rings weren't fitting well. I upped my water and finally dropped those four pounds and three more. Our bodies like to hold on to that water when it gets so hot, especially when we're exercising hard.
  19. JaimeSTL

    What are you telling people?

    I tell everybody that I had Lap Band surgery. I'm not worried about what they think, especially if it isn't someone I'm particularly close to. I have had quite a few people ask more about it, for themselves or someone they know. If I can help someone, that's even better.
  20. JaimeSTL

    I made it over Halfway Hill!!

    Congrats Melanie! You are doing so well! I also can't imagine losing large amounts of weight and not having lose skin. My stomach is ok so far, but my gyn told me that he thinks the pannus will be an issue soon. My arms and legs are bad. I've lost a LOT on my upper arms and thighs. I hope I can tighten it up, but I don't know.
  21. JaimeSTL

    My first posted progress pics

    You look great! I can totally see the difference. I know how hard it is to see our own differences. You should be proud of yourself because you are working hard. Take more pictures, even if you are the only one who looks at them, and you'll see the changes. That's the only way I really see it, especially the subtle changes.
  22. JaimeSTL

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    This says a lot about the DS mindset, IMO. They don't get that people can just give up the things that are bad for them or at least limit their intake of those things. Thin doesn't equal healthy.
  23. JaimeSTL

    Had to share this...nothing beats free stuff...

    I'm just wondering about this deal...I looked up the easy saver book online and the coupon in there says "$5 off two packages of diapers" then it says limit 2 per coupon. Will it still apply the money off to all 3 packages? I guess I'm just confused. I don't want to go buy diapers and not get the right price because I usually wouldn't buy Walgreens brand.
  24. JaimeSTL

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    The Jello SF pudding cups are yummy. The Snack Pack ones taste awful. That's how I got my chocolate fix for a while. Now I eat no sugar added Fudgesicles.

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