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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rhardy

  1. rhardy

    December Post-Op Thread

    I was so glad to find this site today. I don't feel alone anymore. My surgery was Jan 29th. For me it is kinda of like a birthday. It was a day of a new begining. My plan was 45 minutes in surgery, 3 hour recovery, home by dinner, back to work in 2 days. OK my plan was flawed. I had lots of scar tissue from a gallbladder surgery years ago, so surgery was much longer, 3 hour recovery was 5 hour recovery, dinner was not happening, and work... I went back today for 5 hours. I feel no hunger that is weird. I feel sore but managable, and I feel a lot of excitment about the comming events. I think this site will help me feel normal about the 'crazy' thoughts that may run through my mind.

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