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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sam020408

  1. sam020408

    Not a Success Story

    The other night I watched a Discovery channel show about obesity. Same story with someone who had bypass and lossed and gain back plus. Sounds like the same story. She said that the smaller meals worked but did not realize that being satisfied sooner would not do away with the "desire" to eat. Noe of the surgeries work if you don't worry about the other "desire" also. My doctor always emphasized that it was a "tool" to lose weight. I am not attacking you because I have found that same point myself after 55 pound loss. I have to concentrate on the 3 meals a day and nutrition. Work on the here and now. You did not have bypass but you did have lapband. The problems would be the same! Concentrate on your part of the deal. :tongue2:
  2. :smile2:Self pay is the difference. The restrictions all come from the insurance companies. Good helth is key and if your bmi is high enough that is all that should matter. I don't know what others think about this but I think the pschological stuff is not treated seriously enough. The brochures warn about changes and there are phsycologists who specialize in how to handle post weight loss surgery. We got some highlights from one of the nurses. Gook lick.
  3. sam020408

    No Fat Under My Skin

    When I went in for my pre-op I was told that I did not carry my fat between my muscle and skin, as apparently most people do, but rather under the muscle. I was not too concerned cuz it has worked for a lot of years but wondered if te was anyone else in this situation. The only draw back is that there is no place to "hide" the port so I have an "outy'. The nurses don't need x-ray to find it.
  4. I lost 15 pounds before my first doctor visit at 3 weeks. When I was healing I was probably eating less than a 1,000 calories a day and your body is trying to figure out what the heck is going on. If I plot from the start weight to where I am It averages about 4 pounds per week. I don't know if your band is empty but in my case when I was losing that way I realize it has nothing to do with restriction. It has to do with the healing. It was not until I had several fills before I really found out about the band. Good luck:rolleyes2:
  5. I think when you adjusted to the proper level you will know what you can eat. My band started empty and get adjusted every 2 weeks. It was not til about the 4th fill that I understood what restriction was. I learned that I neeed to slow down and quit when I was full. I can eat about 1/2 of a Subway 6" sandwich and better not try more. Questions at my fill appointments are not how many cups or what size but does it come back up or get stuck and am I hungry between meals.
  6. sam020408

    Help, Im struggling here

    I would not be terrible concerned until you really get some fills done. I had my band on 2/4/2008 and first fill at 5 weeks. My adjustments are every two weeks and adding slowly each time. I just had my 5th fill and am now understanding things that I read in the forum. Does everyone get adjusted that way? I took off a lot of weight even before my first fill and it has been pretty good since then (one week of +3) but am down a total of 45 pounds. I felt I had arrived when I went out to dinner, could only eat part of the chicken parmagian and darried the rest home in a box! My advice is don't fight it and hang in there. You will get to the point you want, just let it happen.
  7. I am just doing this next week but the instructions I have received say you may or may not lose any weight through the clear, full, purred stage until you get to regular food or after your fill. I think your body is going through some real changes.

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