I was originally banded in 2002 and lost 100lbs in about a year and kept 70lbs off for 5 years. In 2007 I had various problems with the band and an unrelated appendix surgery and after a year of pain and surgeries, my band was removed. Within 7 months of removal, I put back 70lbs.
I was devistated.
On October 31 of 2008, I was rebanded. Since then, I've lost nothing and have in fact gained 20 pounds. I find I have no restriction. The feeling this time around has been NOTHING like my first band.
I am having troubles with the fills. I am only at 6cc. If I get a fill larger than .5cc, I have difficulties. When I'm at the dr. office, I feel fine post fill. I can swallow my Water, all is good. By the time I go to bed at night, I can't swallow my own spit and I end up in washroom every hour or so. So I restricted myself to no larger than .5 CC fills. I got a fill a few weeks ago and the .5 felt very little difference. I went 2 days ago and got another .5cc. All was well, I stayed on liquids that day no issues. The next day, I had a small bowl of Cereal, no issue. At lunch I had a small bit of ground meat which immediately came back up. Since then, I have not been able to keep water down and I did not sleep well due to not being able to keep down my own saliva or water.
I suspect this is due to some type of swelling and am wondering if I should just tough this out for a day or so more or if I should go and get a de-fill. The problem is, I really felt no restriction before this fill and am certain that I need more than what I had. Has anyone had a fill that completely blocks them up, but then subsides over a couple of days?
Schnugglebunny from Toronto