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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Denika

  1. Denika

    Holy Lapband, Batman!!!!!!

    HOLY COW!:eek: That is so wonderful! Congratulations, I know you are excited!
  2. Denika

    I Want To Eat!

    O.K. I don't know how I did it right after surgery. I had my teeny tiny fill this morning, and now I'm ready to eat this computer or anything else I can get my hands on! Dr. Bauman wants you to do three days of liquids and then three days of mushies, and I haven't even made it through the first day yet! I am so hungry, I can't stand it!:phanvan
  3. Denika

    I Need Help and Advice!

    Wow! Your husband has done wonderfully too! You two are so inspiring! I think your husband's diet sounds like something Jimmy could do, and I know he does WANT to do it. He changed jobs almost a year ago, and his new one is a lot more sedentary, so that hasn't helped matters much at all. Plus, during the winter he referees high school and college basketball, so he gets lots of exercise. But now, he's getting none. That's another thing we BOTH need to improve on. Thank you so much for sharing what your husband has done with me. I am going to "gently" persuade him to do the same kind of diet after I tell him how great your husband has done! I really appreciate your help!
  4. Hello everybody, I need some help and advice, and I really don't know if this is the right forum or not, but I thought I'd try here. I was banded on July 26th of last year, and I've lost around 65 pounds. But, the problem is, I have only lost 4 pounds since the first of March.:think I haven't had a fill since December, so I have one scheduled for in the morning. The problem is though, I am terrified of being too tight. Right now, I still get a "stuck" feeling when I first start eating. But, after that passes I can eat quite a bit more than I could right after my last fill. I think maybe the stuck feeling is coming from the fact that maybe I still don't take small enough bites and chew enough, but I'm not sure. So, I guess my question is, do you all think I should get a fill? Ugh! I wish I knew what to do! Thank you for all of your help, and I apologize if this is a stupid question.
  5. Denika

    I Want To Eat!

    Isn't that part awful! I remember during my liquid phase after surgery, I was miserable with hunger too! I think a lot of it is KNOWING that you can't eat, and that makes you want everything you see, hear about, or smell! Hang in there, it'll be over soon, but until then just try to drink as much as you can to help with the hunger. It won't take it away, but maybe it will help!
  6. Denika

    I Need Help and Advice!

    Susan, Thank you so much for sending that link, and for all of your terrific advice! I looked at your signature, and you have done so amazing well, that I think I need just come to your house and copy everything you do! I did get my fill, and I am very happy that I did! I can already tell some with just liquids, but after a while I am so hungry! I'll be glad to get to my "mushies" stage! I am going to try to take a bite and then wait several minutes thing. I think that will really help. I am also going to check out that soup you mentioned. It sounds wonderful! I also wanted to ask you about something else. Isn't you and your husband who have both lost alot of weight? The reason why I'm asking is that my husband is overweight, (although he hides it very well at 6'4!) but he absolutely REFUSES to have any kind of surgery. He even has insurance that would cover lap-band, where I had to self-pay. He also refuses to go to the doctor for any kind of pill or anything. So, I was just wondering if you could tell me more about your husband. He isn't banded, is he? Does he just eat what you do? I'm sorry for being nosy, I'm just really concerned and worried for my husband. Thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate it!
  7. Denika

    I Need Help and Advice!

    Wow! Thank you to all of you for writing me and giving me so much help! This is certainly a wonderful place filled with such nice and caring people!:biggrin1: I did get a teeny tiny fill, and even though I'm only doing liquids right now, I can definitely tell a difference. I have to admit that I'm a little scared about being too tight. Hopefully things will be O.K though.:nervous Tootarts, I haven't lost much lately, so I guess I did the right thing by getting the fill. I have only lost 4 whopping pounds since March 1st! That's pretty bad, huh?I did lose a good amount right after I had my last fill in December, but then it obviously slowed way down. Maybe now I'll get another good jumpstart! JulieK, I am going to take your advice to heart, so I am determined to take small bites and chew really well when I do start eating solids. My doctor has you do three days of liquids and then three days of mushies after a fill, and I'm doing that, but yesterday afternoon I was so hungry I could have eaten my desk and my computer. Ugh! JulieNYC, I am going to do better with drinking something hot first just like you said. I try to do that, but now with the fill I'm sure I'm going to need to do that even more. By the way, I just got back from New York Saturday. My little boy goes to the doctor there, and we had to go back for a check-up. I love New York! It's very different from North Carolina! Thank you so much for all of your help! I really do appreciate it!
  8. Denika

    I Want To Eat!

    Angie, Don't worry, those pesky four pounds will go away quick. It's hard to really stick to things when you've got a lot going on, so hang in there, things will get better! You could always call for a fill though, if you felt like you needed one. Just remember, we're all here for you, and even though I've never made it to a "get-together," that includes me too!
  9. Denika

    I Want To Eat!

    Hi Mia, Isn't weird how different doctors have different rules for stuff? I don't know what the deal is, and it's probably in my head, but it seems to be really bothering me more this time! Ugh!
  10. Denika

    I Want To Eat!

    Elisabeth, I have actually thought about that, but I just have this feeling that my doctor would say, "NO WAY!" He's a wonderful guy and very nice, but he's also a stickler! LOL!
  11. Denika

    I Want To Eat!

    Thanks Kim, I'm hanging on by a thread! What exactly is Egg Drop Soup? That's what I had planned on having tonight, but the local Chinese place was closed by the time the T-Ball game was over with. Ugh, one day down, two to go!
  12. Denika

    NC June Chat

    Kim, I hope your unfill does the trick, and you are exactly where you need to be!
  13. Hello everybody, I posted this to the main forum too, but since I only know and trust you all, I'm going to ask you too! I need some help and advice. So far, I've lost around 65 pounds since I was banded last July 26th. But, the problem is, I have only lost 4 pounds since the first of March.:think I haven't had a fill since December, so I have one scheduled for in the morning at 8:30. The problem is though, I am terrified of being too tight. Right now, I still get a "stuck" feeling when I first start eating. But, after that passes I can eat quite a bit more than I could right after my last fill. I think maybe the stuck feeling is coming from the fact that maybe I still don't take small enough bites and chew enough, but I'm not sure. So, I guess my question is, do you all think I should get a fill? Ugh! I wish I knew what to do! Plus, I'm afraid Dr. Bauman will fuss at me for not losing more than I have. He never has before, but I'm paranoid. Thank you for all of your help, and I apologize if this is a stupid question.
  14. Denika

    What Do You Think?

    Melissa! You were there today? What time? I was too, and yesterday. (to see Diane) I did get a little fill, but not much at all. The weird thing is, I was supposed to have something like 2.25 cc's in there, and he could only pull out 1.8. So, he put .25 in, and I couldn't get water to go down. So, he took out some, and I still couldn't drink. I think after the third try, it worked. So, I got like a whopping .22 cc's or something crazy like that. Hopefully that teeny little bit will help.
  15. Denika

    Help! I Need Advice!

    Jack, You are too funny, and so right! I did get a teeny tiny fill this morning, but the biggest change that I'm going to make is taking smaller bites and chewing more slowly! It's amazing what you can realize you are doing (or aren't doing) when you really think about it. Thank you for your help, and for congratulating me on my progress so far! Sometimes it's hard when you think you are doing pretty well and then you see someone who's had RNY or something and they are losing twice as fast as you are, but I KNOW I made the right decision and don't regret for a minute.
  16. Hello everybody, I need some help and advice, and I really don't know if this is the right forum or not, but I thought since I'm asking about a possible fill, I'd try here. I was banded on July 26th of last year, and I've lost around 65 pounds. But, the problem is, I have only lost 4 pounds since the first of March.:think I haven't had a fill since December, so I have one scheduled for in the morning. The problem is though, I am terrified of being too tight. Right now, I still get a "stuck" feeling when I first start eating. But, after that passes I can eat quite a bit more than I could right after my last fill. I think maybe the stuck feeling is coming from the fact that maybe I still don't take small enough bites and chew enough, but I'm not sure. So, I guess my question is, do you all think I should get a fill? Ugh! I wish I knew what to do! Thank you for all of your help, and I apologize if this is a stupid question.
  17. Denika

    Help! I Need Advice!

    Susan, Thanks so much for the advice! I know that I need to take small bites and chew REALLY WELL, but I've never thought about actually wating a few minutes between bites. That's a great idea, and I'm going to try it! Thank you!
  18. Denika

    July 15th???

    I know you don't want to hear anything from me because I never show up even when I say I will, but any day is fine for me too, as far as I know.
  19. Denika

    Leatha comes to dinner

    Hey everybody, I just wanted to let you know that I am going to be in New York until Saturday, so I'll see what you all have come up with when I get back! Anything's fine with me, so just let me know!
  20. Congratulations! I just wanted to let you know that I didn't have a foley. If I remember right, the packet of information he gave me had both gastric bypass and lap-band instructions and information on it, and that made it easy to look at the wrong section sometimes. Could that be what happened? I also did not have any diarrhea with the medicine. I remember just feeling like I had a little indigestion when I woke up, but no real pain. After I came home I even e-mailed them to make sure it was O.K. to feel so "normal." I know it's hard, but please try not to get really uptight. Everything will be fine! Please let us know how you are doing when you can! Denika
  21. Denika

    Leatha comes to dinner

    I'm pretty sure that I have NOTHING to keep me from coming this time, so any day and any time will be good!:biggrin1: Just let me know, and I'll be there! Would it be O.K. for my mother to come? She's not banded, but really wants to be! She may not want to come, but I'm trying to get her out and about more since she's been through a rough few months. I'm so excited!! :clap2: :whoo:
  22. That is the funniest question (and a very good one, I might add) that I have ever heard about the band. Hmmm, I think we should all tell our doctors that this one needs to be added to their FAQ's sheet that they give all of their patients.
  23. Denika

    Thinking of you Karen!

    I know things will go great for you! Congratulations! Let us know how you are doing when you can!
  24. Denika

    Post-Op Question

    You all are cracking me up! I know that I didn't ask that question, but probably on purpose so that I could legitimately say "I'm not sure it's O.K. to do it yet" when I just plain ole didn't want to!:biggrin1: Seriously though, I do think it was in my packet of information that they gave me. I'll try to go find it for you.
  25. Denika

    Did God make you rich?

    Wow! This is definitely my kind of thread!:biggrin1: Super Daddy, that is the most truthful, beautiful, inspirational, and BEST thing I ever read on here. Thank you! I absolutely do not believe that God rewards faithfulness with money or material things. Having faith is rewarded by the GRACE to get through the trials and bad times in life. I honestly don't know how I would have made it through the last 6 years of my life without God. After 5 years of infertility, two miscarriages, a child born with a birth defect, the loss of both my grandmothers within a year, and my mother being diagnosed with cancer, I honestly can say that I would not be here, or at the very least in my right mind, without God. I don't know how those who don't have him make it. I know God didn't "punish" me by making those things happen to me, but like he did with Job, he ALLOWED them to happen to me. Then, he brought me through them. So, to me, my reward for believing and being faithful is the opportunity to give my problems to him and to let him handle them, while at the same time, helping me through them. If I really try to give a reason as to why this philosophy of "faithfulness breeds prosperity" is so rampant in churches and communities, I guess I would have to say that it is because the world as a whole is materialistic and driven by wealth. "Success" is, for the most part, determined by how rich you are. It just translates over to churches and religion in the same way as anything else. Besides, just because an organization calls itself a church, that doesn't necessarily mean its goals and purpose are for God's work. There are MANY churches that have their own agendas and don't have the right "purpose" at heart. If I ever realize that I am attending one, the best thing to do would be to find another.

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