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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Donnainva

  1. I used Williamsburg for excersize last weekend--the outlet malls made for excellent shopping and I bet I walked at least 2 miles :party:
  2. and they fit! I have now found new jeans! they don't go up to my bra line and they don't have any spandex in them thank god and now you "Hot Damn This FITS!" moment:smile:
  3. I cannot find a womans size that didn't have some stretch in them. I hate how they feel. Husband just lost a pair of Gap jeans.
  4. Yeah, but how was Busch Gardens?? it's been a few years since I've been--at least you didn't go to the large expanse of asphalt that is Kings Dominion. :party:
  5. bandster hell is the time period after your surgery when you are starting to eat but have no restriction. You basically feel like you did before the surgery and feel like you can eat as much as before surgery, but really shouldn't --some people gain a bit of weight during this time. Personally, I felt more in control after my first fill. I postponed my surgery, I was more scared of the going under anesthesia and being in the hospital part of surgery. I'd not been in a hospital since 1966, so I was a bit apprehensive. No regrets for me. My suggestion to you, read read and read all you can. Not just this board--read all you can from as many sources as you can. While you are doing that though, remember to take it all with a grain of salt and on some webpages they are trying to sell you something. Good luck on your decision!
  6. you will find that no two diets are the same, no two surgeries are the same absolutely nothing is the same from surgical practice to surgical practice. I had protein drink for breakfast & lunch and a small salad with some protein for dinner, usually chicken or fish
  7. Donnainva

    How much to have band removed?

    overreact much
  8. Donnainva

    How much to have band removed?

    ????? I don't believe that name calling is either necessary or justified. In fact its pretty juvenile. However it does prove my point that it doesn't take long for things to deteriorate . Hope you have a fabulous day:smile2: it was my way of agreeing with you by being superduper juvenile Seriously, you can't say good morning on this board without someone taking it the wrong way
  9. Donnainva

    How much to have band removed?

    There is a section on this forum called "Life after lap band removal" I've not read all of the posts, but I'd be willing to bet there will be a few threads about it as well as some threads that may help you with your decision. elcee-----No, you're the poo-poo head!
  10. 5 weeks! jesus! I'd been on solid foods for two weeks and had already had my first fill at 5 weeks. more power to ya
  11. she's in complete denial--from your post, you say that she is saying that she's doing enough already but in reality isn't exercising or eating right. She'll either stay in denial or finally see the light that 1+1 does not equal ice cream. You can't do it for her. Perhaps you can suggest fun walking things for the two of you to do, even if it's just shopping--go to an outlet mall where theres loads of walking involved. If she's not caring enough about her own health, at least make sure she doesn't sabotage yours in the process. and more then a week without a dump is not normal.
  12. Donnainva

    In the home stretch

    I just wanted to post GO Bucks! I miss living in Columbus and congrats with all the weight loss:smile:
  13. Donnainva

    Public Service Message

    I belong to another messageboard where I'm free to speak my mind--It's next to impossible to come here & be as kind as it looks like I'm supposed to. I welcome Steve!!!!
  14. The account of you "mouth orgasm" may be helping with the 4lb gain I agree with the not being filled enough--I've got 5.something in a 10cc band and not really feeling a whole lot yet. Gorton's, Trusted Since 1849 ---Get the Gorton's for a great (easy peasy) meal too! I use a bit of FF ranch dressing to make the fish a little easier to get down. I could really overload on the ranch, so I have to watch it.
  15. Donnainva

    ate something not approved

    p0wnd--calling someone fat on the fat board!
  16. Donnainva

    ate something not approved

    threw up at least 100 times? that aint right.
  17. Donnainva

    what do i do

    Go to your HR office and ask them where to go with the insurance company. I waited until I had the "Your surgery is approved" letter from BC/BS in my hand.
  18. Donnainva

    Public Service Message

    Commonwealth Surgeons, St Mary's on Bremo and Dr. Bautista you??
  19. Donnainva

    Public Service Message

    Common sense in my area code thank you friend!
  20. Donnainva

    anyone else?

    There are just so many "what if's" in life. You're getting hit with this crap is just one of those things that test us all. It's losing a job for you, losing a parent for someone else. As hard as it's going to be, try hard to think of things in the long term. Your health will be better, they say you can't put a price on that--but you really can. No heart medicine, no asthma or diabetes medicine, fewer sick days. If your kids are old enough, you're teaching them perseverance and responsibility. I may come off sounding like "up by your bootstraps" but that's not where I'm coming from. I don't have kids, and cannot imagine the fright you must've gone thru with losing your job and thinking "it's not just me in this" I hate yardwork and consider the guy that does my lawn a necessity, not a luxury! I get it! I'm an all the time eater--mostly boredom. Don't keep the crap in the house. try and buy treats for the kids that they like that you don't. I don't know you from Adam--stranger on the internets! if you are anything like people I do know in real life, you have been through worse and possibly will again in the future. Try to be strong.I guess now is the time to try & be creative. Make your "treats" non-food. A magazine, rent a video for you, (not the kids) really nice socks. Be strong always easier said then done, I know:Dancing_wub: that odd dancing thing just makes me chuckle.
  21. Donnainva

    Food Choices Post Op

    Dannon - Light & Fit - Products - New 0% Plus I really liked these smoothies during the liquid stage they really made me feel like I was "eating" something. They're not thick at all either.
  22. I felt beat up the day after I got home. I think it was partially being in a strange bed, and looking back I was tense the whole time I was in the hospital. So I think I was doing like an all-over body isotonic exercise the whole time I was in there! you sound pretty normal to me:smile2:
  23. Donnainva

    skin help

    I can only tell you my experience. I've lost about 40lbs so far, a lot of it in my belly/hips/gut area. I would think that is a pretty prime area for extra skin to be hanging down, but it's not! I honestly think losing it slowly and replacing some of that area with muscle is the key. slowly. I'm 42 and have been heavy pretty much since high school so this fat has had time to make itself at home. I think it may also have to do with where the majority of the weight is and plain ol genetics. To help answer your question directly, I don't see where extra moisturizer would help, but it certainly can't hurt either:Dancing_furious: I like the looks of the dancing thing there, don't you!
  24. Donnainva

    pain meds

    My surgeon didn't think pills were any big deal. I had Vicodin 5/500. Still have no problem taking pills I also had a pain relief pump called the On-Q Pain Relief System it was put in/on my while I was still sedated from surgery and then taken out before I left the hospital. It's supposed to stay in for 3 days or so but it wasn't placed correctly on me so they took it out the day after surgery instead. They say it really helps but since it wasn't on correctly it actually caused more pain.
  25. I have a 1/2 an email for you! I just haven't finished writing it yet!

    I guess I forgot to tell you that I got stuck in a room with two other people after my surgery--both men. I was not a happy camper. I'm so sorry you had to wait so long for yours. All nervous so why don't you sit here a few hours more and stew in all that nervousness!

    I hope you are doing a lot better now!

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