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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Donnainva

  1. Okay, I'm with you there!!! I think when you do the tanning you can wear a little thing, looks like paper underwear sorta dealio
  2. same as the estheticians that wax people, they've seen it before Do IT!:thumbdown:
  3. --The husbands comment "I don't know if this is a compliment or not, but your boobs stick out further then your stomach does now" --Blood pressure at the doctors office today 100/60, thats so incredibly low for me!
  4. The OP said that her fill was done under fluro and there was no slippage. My first fill and my last fill were done under fluro and there was no slippage (the person doing it said that my pouch was small) lbhope2009---from your post, you are following as close to the "rules" as you can. No drinking with meals, Protein first etc. I've had a handful of days where I wasn't actually hungry 3 hours after a meal--I almost always go for a healthy snack, yogurt or string cheese and I've taken to having a few bites of cold chicken breast for a snack--damn good protein, just not working. If you are anything like me, you think that somehow you are cheating, but you just don't know what you are doing wrong. I've never gotten a "oh no, better stop" feeling--I've never pushed it that far, and I wont. Never gotten stuck-never felt "funny" after trying a new food. I'm happy with what I've done so far, but it's all been done with will power.
  5. I'm at 9.5 or a tiny bit under with a 10cc band--granted mine were done over a period of 5 fills. No restriction to speak of. I've been stuck at the same weight for about 6 weeks now. I feel your pain and wish I could help ye!
  6. Donnainva

    Seiriously annoyed!!

    Have you thought about telling the surgeon on her? That's crossed my mind a few times.
  7. Donnainva

    Seiriously annoyed!!

    Make sure you offer to watch her kids when she needs to go back in the hospital to have the band removed. Thats what nice people do [insert smilie for middle finger here] You did all you could do, if she actually comes to you for advice, make sure you remind her that she has everything from the surgeons office to look at for guidance.
  8. I have instructions to not eat anything past 10am the day of my fill--they do all the fills between 2-4pm. I have around 9-9.5cc's in, I think, a 10cc band and really cant tell all that much. Pouch isn't stretched, it was checked under fluro.
  9. Wash your hands and make sure that people who have to touch you wash theirs.
  10. Donnainva

    Ok guys need a little help

    it would not come off for me either and I was about to get out the Goo Gone. I asked the PA at my surgeons office and they had a small pad that contained stuff on it that took all the goo right off. I think it's something that a lot of doctors offices have. I
  11. Donnainva

    Seiriously annoyed!!

    You best be worried--eating ice cream and McDonald's, she'll be thin in no time.
  12. Although it drove me nuts too--I know why they did it in the hospital at every stage. They do it to make damn doubly sure that you are Jane Doe born 6-24-1954 who is diabetic and had the Lap Band surgery. Get used to it! it's to try & prevent any in hospial mix ups. Lazy surgeons offices. the more pertinent information that the patient gets, the better their chances of success are.
  13. I've actually thought about this since yesterday, I wasn't on pain meds till after I got home. I walked in to the pharmacy & got my pain meds myself. The husband drove me home, I could have (of course the hospital says you have to have someone drive you home but it was an 80 year old volunteeer that saw me off--what was he going to do if I walked to the drivers side) I had no nausea, and although I was in pain starting that morning (I had to spend the night per my insurance company) and going until I got home & got that Vicodin in me, it wasn't so bad. I don't know you from Adam but you can do this! Good Luck dear
  14. Donnainva

    Set Back

    that was painful for me to read! Drink, drink and drink some more! Take your pain meds before you feel pain & you might feel like eating a bit more. I wish you luck and hope you feel better every day
  15. Donnainva

    Birth Control Pill and Weight Loss

    they are usually the tiniest pills ever. If your doctor doesn't think they will go thru the stoma, how the hell will actual food get thru. That being said, do what your doctor tells you, yadda yadda yadda I still take all the same pills I did before surgery, that includes the occasional Tylenol.
  16. Reflux and throwing up are the two things that my office stresses--if either happen, call them. Hope you start feeling better real soon:smile:
  17. Donnainva

    Hint for drinking soda..

    Pop??!! Silly Midwesterner!!! (personally born in Cincinnati and raised in Columbus, called it pop for the first 30 years of my life) Giving up soda was a total mind game for me. I was up to about 7-9 Diet Cokes a day (more on weekends) I simply stopped. I'm not Gandhi here with fantastic self restraint (you don't get to be fat with Gandhi-like skills!) If I knew exactly how I did it, it'd bottle that skill & sell it in non-carbonated form
  18. No, (this isn't a personal attack--more an attack at your surgeons office) my office treats me like Donna, the woman who had Lap Band. I have a large handbook (100 pages) there's a lot of stuff in there that is for both surgeries but there are specific instructions in italics or bold print when the information is different Sounds like the are just being lazy in not getting the specific information to the right patient that being said, if you are comfortable with your surgeon, bring it up to him! He may not be aware that it's off putting and aggravating to the patient I could no imagine being on clear liquids for 6 whole weeks! I was eating steak by six weeks. I'd be killing people by that point.
  19. Donnainva

    Hint for drinking soda..

    I found Irn Bru (3 cool points for the first American to know what that is) and it doesn't have much carbonation. It's also $3 a 16oz bottle so it'll be a rare treat for me. I just open the bottle keep it in the fridge and come back in a few hours.
  20. try this link Pill Identifier - Drugs.com
  21. I just had my 4th (or 5th) fill this past Tuesday, they did this one under fluro and the doctor said I have about 1/2 to 1cc left to fill and then it's full. She noticed that my pouch was small, so thats good news. Seeing the Barium go down fairly easily after the fill made me feel both good and bad. Good that we could to see the small pouch and bad because there was not much restriction (I know it was just fluid) I'm on mushy/easy foods for today, so we'll see how full I feel this weekend with real food. Anyone near the top end of what their band will hold with not much restriction at all?? I haven't had anything get stuck, nothing has come back up either. I am very pleased that the PA has gone slow with this but I have been losing the same 5 lbs over and over again for the past 6 weeks.
  22. why are you only looking at that side?
  23. Donnainva

    I need relief!

    I don't have any suggestions for help (just my best wishes to you) But, this is a great reason to make sure you schedule your fills for the first part of the week, like you did. In case you have problems like this, the doctors office is open for you.
  24. Donnainva

    Pay it forward clothing exchange

    The shorts I just retired are 20!
  25. Donnainva

    Pay it forward clothing exchange

    This--I know people who have lots of clothing in their closet they don't wear (with tags) I'd much rather give to someone in transition from a larger size and through the size I give them, knowing that it'll get some use! I just tossed a fantastic pair of olive green Ralph Lauren shorts into the "too big" pile!! Those have to see some more use! I'd also join something on here.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
