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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Donnainva

  1. Donnainva


    My surgery was scheduled for 7am--I did the baruim swallow thing around 1pm and my insurance required me to spend the night. I would've preferred to leave later that day. I was drinking juice, Jello and broth all night long--no gas pain but they put in an On-Q device--it's done with a small incision and it delivers pain relief directly to the site. It was put in wrong and didn't do anything but cause me pain. I was very happy once it was taken out and I got my Vicodin at the CVS--I didn't get pain relief until I got home.
  2. Donnainva

    Port Locations?

    Mine is located about 1" below my left breast and I have 5 incisions.
  3. My doctor said nothing bigger then an M&M--so far no problems at all. For those that are opening capsule-you may want to check with the doc that prescribed them. Some capsule are time released and you may be messing with that by opening them.
  4. Donnainva

    "Realize my Success" website

    They didn't give me my second set of numbers at the hospital so I called the 1-800 number and they e-mailed it to me. I'm going to check the website out tonight. I'm supposed to go to a few meetings at the hospital this year, I don't do well at meetings (they feel like AA meetings to me) I like doing stuff online a lot better.
  5. before you go to your doctors visit--write down the questions you have, tell them exactly how you are feeling when you eat, tell them that you are not sleeping well therefore have very little energy. Take the time now to think of the questions and don't let them rush you until you have these questions answered. As someone else said--they work for you.
  6. Donnainva

    pain- how long?

    I was banded on 1/14 Three words--everyone is different!!! Remember that, don't feel lazy for being 5 days out and not wanting to do anything because everyone is different! I start back to work tomorrow and couldn't think of going back after only 3 days or so--madness! I've only been able to sleep on my port side for the last few nights. I don't have port pain all the time now but it's still there (just a lot lighter now) As far as your pain meds--ask your surgeons office if you can -cut them in half (if they are pills) -can have something not quite so strong (but still stronger then OTC medicine) or -try something OTC and see if that helps (again, ask the surgeons office) Good luck dear--I've found that it does get better every day
  7. Donnainva

    "Realize my Success" website

    For me it wasn't a choice of one band over the other--kinda like getting a Toyota or a Honda! Anyway--I feel great I've lost a few more pounds then the ticker says I have, back to work on Monday. Not having any problems eating or drinking, didn't really have any gas issues or any real problems. My port site is very tender but all the other incisions are great. I'm afraid to say too many good things as you'll think I'm lying! I could've done with another few days of painkillers--I had some pretty bad CO2 gas in by back/shoulder and my abdomen muscles really ached.
  8. Donnainva

    Surgery with a cold?

    I would not want to be sneezing the day after surgery. Really deep breaths were painful, I wouldn't want to imagine sneezing
  9. Donnainva

    When did you have to pay?

    I had a hospital copay of $300 (standard charge for an operation with my ins.) since I paid when I did my pre-op blood tests they gave me a discount & I only paid $270. I have BC/BS with the Commonwealth of VA. If you thought there were a bunch of different pre-op and post-op diets, just wait to see how many different insurance plans, copays and deductibles there are!
  10. Donnainva

    Total confused the more I read!!!

    I was also given the Realize band and banded on the 14th:smile2: I was sooooo shocked at how different everyones pre/post diet are. they really run the complete spectrum! Since you are a to the T person--can you email or call the dietitian and get a more exact diet you can follow? I got three sheets of paper with suggested items (I started mushies at one week out) and a list of items to stay away from. It's nice to have that, very nice! Also--DAMN GIRL! look at how well you've done so far!!!
  11. YUNIS--I don't know anything about Mexican doctors, but I've posted on a few different forum boards and if I can help you navigate your way around this board, please send me a pm (private message) by clicking on my name over to the left there and then choosing "send a private message to DonnainVA" I can help you with getting around the board, not to grand at an computer help you may need though. Yes, I'm a perfect stranger, but sometimes strangers can be nice also.
  12. Jan 14th for me and I'm doing three CIB with added protein a day--lots of other good liquids and really not hungry at all. Every time my stomach makes noise I think it's hunger, but it's just rearranging the contents! No hunger at all. I'm both looking forward to the possiblity of chewing something more challenging then Jell-o and also scared to move onto mushies as well. I haven't felt at all sick or anything funny at all--not even any more flatulent (isn't that a nice word) that I was before. A baked potato sounds nice, it'll be good to use a fork:smile2:
  13. same day as you dear! I add 1/3 cup of Non-fat dry milk to my Carnation Instant Breakfast, it adds 8g of protein with only 80 calories--every gram counts. See if you can do the same.
  14. Donnainva

    Gettin banded on the 14th

    Been home since about 1pm on the 15th. My first and second day were tough with (what I'm guessing) was the CO2 gas used in surgery. I've been "eating" my three meals a day and getting lots of liquids in. Not been hungry and not felt full yet. the incisions are itching and the port one is still fairly painful. Been out walking (okay, so usually shopping) everyday! Hope you all are doing okay:smile2:
  15. Donnainva

    Special K Protien Water?

    My surgery was on the 14th. Yup--every diet is different alright! Mine says any s/f, non-carbonated, caffeine free drink, and at least 64oz a day. I was looking at the Special K protein water but it's really $$$. My shakes fill me up just right so far, not feeling really full from anything yet---but also not feeling hungry at all either
  16. Donnainva

    Dumb Question About Port

    Also the largest of the incisions for me. Mine's about 3" or so under my bra line on the left, the only one thats painful/most tender
  17. Donnainva

    Gettin banded on the 14th

    I don't have kids but my SIL told me that baby food is almost tasteless--there are no additives (okay they aren't good for us, but they do add taste!) and no added salt. So prepare for bland to the second power.
  18. Donnainva

    HELP WITH INS, comorbid

    ^what she said! also, if your employer (if it's your insurance) has a knowledgeable HR person, talk to them. They may be able to explain what/how your insurance covers things in layman's terms. Good Luck:smile:
  19. Donnainva

    pre op diet necessary?

    The pre-op diet (as I understand it) is to help make your liver smaller so the surgeon can get to where he need to, easier. I have no idea if a smaller BMI means a smaller liver, but I doubt it. My surgeon requires it for everyone.
  20. Donnainva

    Gettin banded on the 14th

    Also Wednesday the 14th, I've been doing a pre-op diet since the 1st & lost 11lbs so far. I'm not nervous, just anxious to get there, get in & get home. I don't relish the idea of actually being in a hospital.
  21. While I'm certainly not glad that you're dehydrated, I'm glad that there was something wrong! Your post had a "I'm not crazy am I?" feel about them. Heres to hoping you're outta there in no time! I'm being banded next Wednesday.
  22. As part of my pre-op diet (on day 9) I am supposed to drink at least 64oz of non-carbonated, s/f, caffeine free beverages all day long. That is keeping everything going a-okay. Did you surgeon have anything like that suggestion with your pre-op diet?
  23. My pre-op is a kinda modified South Beach, I'm also supposed to drink at least 64oz of non-carbonated, decaffeinated drinks throughout the day. That's enough straight liquid to make sure that everything goes smoothly, if you know what I mean.
  24. I'm really okay with the taste of Slim Fast Optima-thats all I bought. 1/2 way done with the pre-op diet, surgery a week from today.
  25. Donnainva

    "Realize my Success" website

    Go up the the FAQ's up top, click on "general forum usage", click on "Adding a ticker to your signature" very bottom of that page is "Ticker Tutorial" and that can walk you through the rest. User CP can let you add stuff to your profile. I'm getting the Realize done 1/14/09--three days into the pre-op diet and so far so good.

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