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LAP-BAND Patients
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About bigal909

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  • Birthday 10/02/1952
  1. Happy 60th Birthday bigal909!

  2. bigal909

    Is this normal??

    i had lap band last wed. also felt warm for 3-4 days. it also took that long to feel somewhat better. tell her to hang in.
  3. bigal909

    Al Z

    Hi everyone. This is my first post since surgery. I had band installed wed. 1/23. does anyone have any idea why every morning I have discomfort when i drink my protien shake. usualy I can only sip a little tea. after 1pm or so i do just fine all day. my surgeon told me he gave me a little fill during the surgery. Is it possible the band is too tight ? Does anybody else have any such problem and if so what do you do for it? THANKS :frown:

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