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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sunta

  1. Sunta


    My doctor says 1/2 hour before and one hour after, but I have not followed the 1/2 hour before rule, because to me it does not make any sense. Usually I drink until a few minutes before. I have been very good about the one hour after rule though.
  2. Sunta

    No restriction after fill

    Hi Jeff, I have read alot of posts on the board saying that fills often take anywhere from 1-4 weeks to "kick in". I know it's frustrating, but there are many people on here who report getting their fill and then not having any restriction until a few weeks later. My advice is to wait two weeks, then if you're still not feeling anything, call Dr. Peters and tell him what's going on. So far, he's been super responsive to me whenever I have called. In the meantime while you're waiting, maybe you could try sticking to Weight Watchers? You can do it online and it's only $16.95 per month and is a great program. Keep me posted!
  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your slip. At the same time, I am glad that it was fixed so quickly. I wonder if all doctors would fix it at the same time they remove the slipped band, or if it varies doctor to doctor. I think it's great you were able to have it fixed so quickly. Here's to a speedy and painless recovery!
  4. Sunta

    Burning in throat

    What a huge relief! I am so happy for you! I definitely thought it was a slip based on the description and I'm so glad it wasn't! One question: how did the Dr. unblock the blockage? Did it just slip on through when he unfilled the band? Also, how are you feeling today?
  5. Mmmm mmm Pat's and Gino's... Mmmmmmm mmmm mmmmm cheese...steak... roll.....onions....ketchup.......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm What were we talking about? Oh yeah! Philly people! Let's get together! DAA, where do you work? Center city? I work in Northern Liberties, two blocks north of Spring Garden. JulieK, Collegeville isn't too far, is it? How about we get together one of these nice spring weekends on a Saturday or Sunday? We can have a bandster meal somewhere. I like diners because they have a good selection of mushies which I'm still on. Although if we wait two weeks or so I wil be on solids. What do you guys think?
  6. Sunta

    The Gone for Good Club

    Hi I forgot to post my weight loss yesterday: According to my home scale I lost two pounds this past week.
  7. Strawarts, you crack me up!!! Ok, here is my day (I'm just over 1 month post-up and still on mushies): Breakfast: protien shake made with flax oil, unjury protien powder, and soymilk. Sometimes I flavor it up with almond, coconut, or mint extracts. Lunch: One cup of some pureed homemade thing like vegetarian chili, tuna salad with low-fat mayo, chicken croquettes, hummus, tofu-veggie stir fry (these are all blended in the blender) Snack: Another protien shake if I feel I need it Dinner: Same as lunch, though I have eaten out a few times and had Indian food that was already pureed, one cup only. Last night I went out and had the restaurant put risotto in the blender! Ate a cup and had one glass of wine and it was great! Weight lost: 20 pounds.
  8. Sunta

    I'm Home and need some advice !

    I suffered terribly from gas for two weeks. One hour after cutting out dairy, I felt 90% better and have remained so ever since...
  9. Sunta

    Burning in throat

    I was so bummed when I got on the computer at midnight, hoping to hear from Diane, and there was no new news. I don't know, I feel so bad. It sounds like such a painful and scary condition. I'll just continue to pray that whatever it is is being fixed painlessly...
  10. Hi! Yesterday was my one month bandiversary. Have you checked out the "February Bandsters Unite!" thread in the support forum? Lots of new bandsters there and everyone is soooo nice! Ok, let's see... Are you Amazed: I guess I could say I am amazed. I'm amazed that I had the courage to go through with the surgery!!! I'm also amazed that I did make it through and that it's a whole month later! I'm amazed at how sucky I felt for two weeks, and then conversely how pretty darn good I feel right now. I'm amazed I joined a gym, amazed I've been going every day, and amazed that I've lost 20 pounds!!! Are you disappointed: So far, I have to say I am not disappointed. I'd have to say I'm "cautiously optimistic"; things are going well for me right now and I'm just hoping and praying that they continue to go well for a long, long time. The one thing I am disappointed about is that I think the band was kind of misrepresented to me at the seminar I went to as being "for life". Then recently I came to find out that Inamed is now saying we should not consider it a lifetime thing. I am not 100% positive I would have made the same decision had I known that it was not geared to being permanent. However, since I have it now, I'm going to try and make the most of it for as long as I have it. Are you tickled pink: Umm.. that's a hard one. I wouldn't say that right yet. I have to see if I keep feeling good for the long term with no complications, slippage, erosion, reflux, etc. and with continued weight loss. Then I would say I would be tickled pink. Are you mourning food? Surprisingly, not really. Ok, it was hard yesterday when a client came into the office and brought us all Famous 4th Street Deli (that's 4th street in the gorgeous and charming South Philly!!!) fresh baked Cookies as a thank-you for building his Website, but that's about it. Honestly I have not really thought too much about food since banding. Maybe because I know I just can't have it right now? I don't know. I'm still on mushies and am pretty satisfied after one cup, so I just know and accept I cannot have solids right now and have been occupying myself with other things. But so far I don't feel in any way depressed, upset, or lost or anything like that. But then again, I'm kind of a lone ranger in that I feel my weight problem is totally not my fault and is purely genetic and that I don't have any kind of eating disorder. So far, having the band has just reinforced that belief because I don't feel any mourning for food. It's actually pretty awesome to be liberated from being starving all the time! --Becky
  11. Sunta

    I will be # 13!!!!!

    Hi! My surgeon had only done 40 bands and I was really scared. But when I posted about it, several people wrote and said that they were their doctor's first, tenth, or fourteenth patient and all was fine. I also talked to another girl who had him do her band and she was doing great and was very happy. If the surgeon is good, and you feel confident in him, I would go for it. However, I agree with other people about asking if he has another doctor assisting. Mine did and the assisting doctor had done over 100, so between them I figured they pretty much knew what they were doing. At thirteen bands I would probably want another doc assisting. One girl posted on here and said her surgeon said that compared to other surgeries, putting on a LAP Band was like clipping a toenail. My surgeon thought that statement was slightly cavalier, but agreed that it was a pretty simple surgery compared to others. The main thing is that you feel confident in the surgeon himself. I agree too with what Dawg said; a more inexperienced surgeon might be paying more attention than someone who has done 1,000's. There is such a thing as being overconfident and then losing focus. Good luck with your decision.
  12. Sunta

    surgery tomorrow - started period today

    This never happened to me, but my surgery did not require a catheter, so I'm assuming that anything else going on in that area would be left alone too. If you wear tampons, I would think it would not be an issue at all as they aren't doing anything in that area.
  13. Sunta

    Burning in throat

    Diane, I have been checking back alll day hoping for some news. Please let us know what is going on. I hope everything is fine!
  14. Sunta

    Fish-oil supplements for LapBanders?

    Parvathi, Did you ever find out the name of that fish oil supplement?
  15. Sunta


    Hi Jeff, I love spicy food! As a matter of fact, I just finished a bowl of blended chili with extra hot sauce! As for coffee, remember how Regina in nutrition class told us that caffiene can possibly contribute to gastritis? Well, I said then and I'll say now... I didn't have gastritis for 35 years, so why would I get it now? I still drink it! Also, I've been enjoying some wine (even though they said no alcohol; I think our program is more strict than anyone's!!!).
  16. Sunta

    NSV - I'm a slob!

    I eagerly await the day when the food that I drop on a regular basis goes all the way down my shirt instead of resting on my boobs (no, seriously! I am!) Congratulations on this awesome NSV!
  17. Sunta

    Post surgery truth

    Hi, I think I had a bit harder than most. I was totally laid up for two full weeks. Surprisingly, the actual "surgical pain" was not very bad after the first two days. Even within the first two days, it wasn't horrible. I mean yes it was painful, but nothing like where I was moaning or crying or anything. It was not excrutiating at all. It was more like "man, this is a bummer, but it's only one more hour till I can take more codiene". After the first two days, what really knocked me out was the horrible, horrible gas and nausea. Of course, my muscles were very sore, and bending down or moving in certain ways was painful, but if I was just sitting still in my recliner, the only thing that really bothered me was the bad gas pains. I would recommend having no dairy at all for two weeks. As soon as I gave up dairy I felt 90% better. I did have to sleep in my recliner for two weeks, because laying on my side in bed pulled on the surgical areas too much. Close to the end of the second week, I did venture out of the house for a half hour, but walking made me very nauseated. In the third week when I went back to work, I still had horrible gas but was able to walk around alot better. I am currently four weeks out today and am feeling great. My surgical area is still sore in the mornings, but only slightly, and very slightly from time to time when I get up from sitting a long time. I have been at the gym every day for almost a week and doing the treadmill for a half hour no problem. With regard to help around the house, my husband did everything for two full weeks.
  18. Sunta

    Tried to Talk Me out of the Band

    Hi, With regard to the RNY, I don't want to put down any surgery if it helps people, but let me say this: every single person (and I mean every single person) I told I was having weight loss surgery said a variation of the following: "You're not having the bypass are you? Because my cousin/sister/friend/friend of a friend DIED from that!" Seriously, what other surgery do you know of where EVERYONE knows someone who died from it? I just read an article about how the death rate from the RNY has been under-reported for years and instead of 1 in 200 it's more like 1 in 100. I'm sorry, but that's waaay too high for me! Are there risks associated with the band? Yes, there are, but to the best of my knowledge, the vast majority of them are fully treatable. Even if it means getting the band removed, well then at least your stomach will be the same as it was before. The RNY seems very barbaric to me but that is just my opinion. I have heard sooo many horror stories about it. I don't expect my band to be permanent for the rest of my entire life, but for as long as I have it, I am going to make the very most of it. I took a calculated risk and am cautiously optomistic it's going to work for me. If it doesn't, I can have it removed. Maybe it would help you to look at some of the polls on here about how many are totally happy with their bands. When I was trying to decide whether or not I should get the band, those polls sealed my decision for me. Good luck with whatever you decide!
  19. Sunta

    dismantle my life

    Hi, I just wanted to say thanks for all of the awesome information you've posted on the board. Even though people like myself might not always (due to lack of time) thank everyone who's posts are so helpful, believe me, there are probably hundreds of people who you have helped just by sharing your experiences and valuable information. I don't know if it makes you feel better knowing you have helped me and probably lots and lots of others, but you have, for what it's worth. Also, I want to say that this feeling you have today is not a "forever" feeling. It's temporary. It always helps me when I remind myself that no matter what bad time or bad feeling I'm going through, that it's not forever. The results will come in time (even though it sucks that your doctor's office told you not to call. That is truly outrageous.) and everything will fall into place. But again, thank you for being an incredibly valuable part of this board.
  20. Sunta

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    Way to go Janet, Mikey, and Rene on your first fill! Janet I'm really happy to hear that it's painless! Please keep up posted as to how you're coming along with eating and drinking in the upcoming days/weeks, I am very interested to know how it's going. I'm not having a fill for at least two more weeks (as of now), and am kind of dreading it. Hearing about people's fills going well makes me less nervous. Nanster: you're not whiney I'm so happy to hear things are going down more smoothly now! Well, Today is my four week bandiversary! I'm still on mushies, but a friend of mine who I correspond with (he had his surgery one day before me) already got his first fill!!! So I am assuming that means he's now on solids, which means maybe if I call and beg, they will let me start solids early? I'm supposed to be on mushies for two more loooong weeks! I have to say that I'm very rarely hungry on mushies, but it's just that my choices are starting to feel somewhat limited. I have a sneaking suspicion that I am going to have restriction with no fill, because one cup of mushies generally keeps me full for many hours (although from time to time I get starving and lightheaded two hours after eating; but this has only happened two times or so. The rest of the time, I am full. Weird...). Then today, I have only had a protien shake for breakfast and four hours later I am still stuffed. It seems to go day to day. I am following all the rules like no drinking after meals (I do have to admit that I drink up until I eat though) and not using a straw. My home scale says I've lost 20 pounds all together! I've also been hitting the gym every day! Yesterday, I upped the treadmill by putting it a grade (of 1) and increasing the speed by .2. I know it's not much but it feels like an nsv to me! Here's wishing everyone a wonderful, pain-free, hunger-free, energetic week ahead!
  21. Sunta

    What Happened to Me? Help!

    I couldn't have even thought of mushies at just one week out. It took until the end of week three to start wanting mushies. Maybe you're too swollen still to start mushy food at one week out. I would commit to liquids for another week at least and then see if you feel hungry. Of course, the very best thing is to follow doctor's instructions. My doctor wanted me to stay on liquids for four weeks but three weeks and two days out, I called and begged to start mushies. They said yes and now I'm doing just fine.
  22. Sunta

    asking for opinions

    I was miserable with horrible gas pain and diarreah (felt like I had a stomach flu!) for two weeks post banding. Then, someone mentioned to try cutting out dairy. Literally, within one hour of cutting out dairy, I felt 90% better and have remained so for two weeks. I have just started re-introducing it back into my diet and so far, it's been fine although if I overdo it, it still hurts. I really have to limit it. You mentioned SlimFast, well, my absolute worst bout with horrible gas and pain came after drinking a Slim-Fast. I would avoid them at all costs. I substitute soy milk and lactose-free protien powder for my protien drinks and it really helps.
  23. Sunta

    Surgery Gas Pains

    I did get (and still do from time to time) a pain just like that in my lower abdomen. I do think it's gas, because I can later feel it moving out of that area in into my side or shoulder. When it's in that area it does not feel sharp like when it's in other areas, rather it feels like an aching or a cramp.
  24. Sunta

    What should I do to prepare?

    Hi, I wanted to share my shopping/preparation list, because I feel I was very well prepared and never felt I didn't have everything I needed after surgery. It might overlap some with the other lists posted on here, but here it is: Tools of the trade: Heating pad Blender or food processor (for mushy phase) Pill cutter/crusher A Recliner (slept in it the first two weeks!) Cordless phone Medicines/supplements: Adult strength liquid Tylenol Adult strength liquid Tylenol PM Benefiber Anti-nausea medicine (prescription) Sedative like xanax or antivan (prescription) Prescription pain medicine chewable Vitamins Food: Split pea Soup Butternut squash soup Potato and leek soup Sweet potato bisque Carrot bisque Vegetable juice Jello sugar free popsicles Low sugar grape/cranberry juice Water sensations Crystal Light on the go packets unjury Protein powder in different flavors Cream of Wheat "Stomach Ease" tea chicken broth Decaf teas in assorted flavors Soy milk (I advise cutting out dairy completely for the first few weeks) Regular apple juice (helps with low blood sugar when you can't get much down) Mushy phase foods Soups like lentil, black bean, chicken noodle, etc, blended in blender Hummus Baba ganoush Yogurt Chili blended down Tuna salad Chicken croquettes mashed up Mashed potatoes Indian foods blended (saag paneer, potatoes with chutney, mixed vegetables with curry... all so flavorful) Cottage cheese Rice cereal/cream of wheat/oatmeal Refried Beans Crabcakes mushed up To prepare: Clean house thoroughly Do laundry Rent movies Buy magazines and books Pay bills Start eating small portions and not drinking before and after meals Give up carbonated beverages No drinking with a straw Msc: Thank-you notes for all the people who send flowers/cards, visit, or call I think that's everything! A recliner (I slept in this for two weeks and don't know what I would have done if I hadn't bought it)
  25. Sunta

    Fish-oil supplements for LapBanders?

    Hi, I use liquid flax oil every day in my protien shakes. Once mixed in, I cannot detect any flavor except that it makes the shake more rich tasting. I try to get in two tablespoons a day and make sure to count the calories. You can get liquid flax oil at any health food store, just make sure it has been refrigerated and keep it refrigerated when you get it home. Udo's is the best in my opinion.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
