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Everything posted by Sunta

  1. Sunta

    Port area ache

    I'm 11 weeks post-op, and my port is still getting sore (from time to time) from exercise, sleeping wrong, etc. It's not bad though, just a bit of little pinching pains and aching. Nothing I need painkiller for. I think it's totally normal and will go away completely in time.
  2. Hi All, Recently, I find my fridge is filled to beyond capacity with leftovers! This rarely happened pre-band! However, I really hate wasting food. I wish there was a homeless shelter or some place where I could bring my leftovers, but I can't find any place that will take left over food. I'm thinking about finding a street corner or something and trying to give my food away! (I live in Philly so there's plenty of people who are homeless). I bring some of it into work but even then some goes to waste. Any ideas? What do you do with your leftovers? How do you get rid of them? (Oh, my freezer is full too!)
  3. It's a great question. I don't think I'm afraid of being thin to the extent that it would stop me from getting there, but I am afraid of "losing" part of myself, my personality, who I am. I was "thin" in college for a time after going on Nutrisystem and losing about 50 pounds. I only ever made it down to 159, but to me, that was thin, and when I look at videos and pictures of myself from that time, I think I look amazing. I remember having a great time during that time, lots of friends, being very outgoing, going out dancing, and enjoying life. It was nothing to be afraid of. So I try to remember that time in my life whenever I feel the fear of being thin. Somehow I don't think I'll ever make it below about 165 anyway, so I don't think I'm ever going to be really thin in my life. I would be happy at 165 I think and would not be afraid of being that weight. I definitely don't want to lose my extra curves anyway and don't want to have too much hanging skin. I do wonder though if I did get down to like 130 pounds, would I still be "me"? Somehow I feel like I just wouldn't be the same person. Almost as if being fat "sets me apart" or gives me some kind of edge over thinner people. It makes me different and unique. That sounds crazy, doesn't it? But that's how I feel. So I guess the short answer is yes, I do fear being thin, but I don't think that fear will stop me from doing everything in my power to get there anyway.
  4. Sunta

    Eat or Drink on Fill Day?

    My doctor does not have any restrictions on eating or drinking. I ate normally before my last fill and all was well.
  5. You can get chewable papaya pills at your local health food store. The brand I use also has bromelain which is the same ingredient used in meat tenderizer. I have used these pills about six times and have come unstuck every time so far (knock wood) instead of PB'ing.
  6. Sunta

    I LOVE Meat Tenderizer!

    Hi, I have found 100% success with papaya enzyme (has the same ingredients as meat tenderizer). I get it from the health food store and I buy the kind with the most enzyme in it. So far, papaya enzyme has "unstuck" me, without a PB, six times. It has worked within about 10 minutes each time.
  7. Sunta

    How's the Hoodia working La Madam?

    Did anyone else have the experience of taking Hoodia and it making them much, much hungrier? I did! I took it pre-band, and even tried about four different brands. Every brand had the same effect: I was STARVING about one half hour after I took it. I mean, it was like it had the EXACT opposite effect on me! I kept trying different brands, hoping one would work, but I ended up eating way more each time I took it, and actually gained weight. It was bizarre, like someone switched on a hunger switch in my brain. I became ravenous and could not stop eating. I have even done Web searches on this, but all I can find is people who love it and who it works for. Oh well... (it was actually one of my "last straws" before signing up for the band seminar, so maybe it did some good in the long run!)
  8. I love Zone Bars and Luna Bars. I like the Pure Protien shakes which only have 170 calories and 35 grams of protien. Wish I had found them while still on liquids! They are great when I'm really hungry after the gym. I always keep bars and shakes in my purse or car for when I get really hungry. I like cheese sticks and jerky too. I'm always looking for portable protiens. As for fast food, I have not had any luck at all with it. In fact, almost every time I have been stuck has been on fast food. It has recently been making me really question if it's even "food" or not, since it does not seem to break down. It's fascinating how a few episodes of pain have such a huge behavioural effect. Before banding I was a fast food addict, and now, I pretty much avoid it at all costs. I have been able to get down chicken nuggets very very slowly, but that's about it! Yogurt is good, and they make these cottage cheese "doubles" with cottage cheese on one side and fruit on the other. Absolutely delicious! I like to keep several of them in the fridge at work. Only 140 calories and very filling. fruit is portable but I don't find it filling. I always try to eat it with some cheese or other protien or sometimes I find myself hungrier than before. I haven't tried Taco Bell yet but I would imagine the bean burritos would work well (maybe just the inside and skip the tortilla). I also found some vegan jerky at my local health food store. The flavor was not so great, but it went down great, was moist, and has 11 grams of protien and 74 calories!!! Can't beat that! Nuts are good too and very portable.
  9. Sunta

    What to do? Delay... or chance it...

    Oh nooooo. I would never plan to travel that soon after surgery. I was totally laid up for two weeks and barely making it into work week three. I didn't feel well enough to travel until about week six. Everyone is different, but I wouldn't have wanted to risk it.
  10. Sunta

    I hate it when..

    I hate it when... People talk in movie theaters People don't use a turn signal I can't find a specific thing in a store when I want it, but then when I don't need it any more, I see a million of that item everywhere People respond "maybe" to a formal invitation (why doesn't Evite stop making that "maybe" a madatory choice???) My Tivo cuts off the last minute of a show DH pays the bills late and changes the kitty litter too infrequently, then swears he does a great job at both. I go to the gas pump and can't afford to fill my tank. Guys at the gym grunt really loud while they're lifting weights Teenagers scream on the street and blare their music My neighbor practices his drums at 11:00pm People let their children run wild in a restaurant or other public place/don't pay attention to what their children are doing. People let their children play with loud annoying electronic toys in a department store, and then curse at ME when I ask politely to please turn it down. My doctor rushes through the appointment after keeping me waiting for an hour. The media terrifies us daily with threats of all kinds that rarely, if ever, come true. People are mean to animals. People are bigoted, mean, intolerant, homophobic, racist, hateful, sexist, etc., and then claim to be "Christian". People don't understand satire. Construction workers think they are allowed to block parking spots and get mad when I ignore and move their homemade blockades. Similarly, I hate it when homeowners put orange cones or chairs in parking spots (I move those too). Customer service people serving the United States are located offshore and have no idea what I'm talking about. Corporate greed and desire for more money supercedes human kindness and compassion. When things in our society have fallen to such a level that I realize this list could go on literally forever.
  11. Hi All, Just a little warning to those who might be thinking "oh I can go to McDonald's but I'll be good- I'll just order a happy meal and only eat half". Because that's what I was thinking today and guess what happened to me? Massive pain! I did see "Supersize Me" and at the end of the DVD he tried to get the french fries to decompose and they would not, even after like six weeks they were in 100% perfect, mold-free condition, just as yellow and shiny as on the day he bought them. SCARY!!! I guess I (conveniently) "forgot" about that movie this morning and thought I would attempt my very first trip to McDonald's in over two months. As I promised myself, I ordered a Happy Meal. And oh, I only ate half, all right! Because I was in so much pain I thought I was going to pass out! I literally felt a charlie horse in my chest and band area as I started sweating and shaking. It happened right after I swalled some well-chewed fries. I quickly took six papaya tablets (chewable) and started quickly walking around the building. I did not PB (probably because of the papaya dissolving the food) but the episode lasted about 15 minutes. I could feel my poor upper pouch desperately squeezing, trying to squeeze the fries through. I felt so sorry for poor little pouch, like the little engine that could, earnestly trying to do it's thing and push that food through. Man did it hurt!!! So let this serve as a warning to anyone thinking they can get away with McDonald's fries. Firstly, I have come to the conclusion that they are not even food... at all. Secondly, it is soooooooooo not worth the pain! Take heed! You have been warned...
  12. Sunta

    question on restriction

    My fill took three weeks to kick in. Now it feels like it's dissapearing already. I only had good restriction for about a week. I go back in one week for my second fill and I can't wait!!!
  13. Sunta

    Food Journal Thread

    Hi! Here is completed journal for yesterday, followed by my partial jourmal today: Breakfast: 1 cup cooked oat bran with 1 cup soy milk Lunch: 1 cup spaghetti with jumbo lump crab meat Snack: 1 "100 calorie packet" baked chocolate wafers, 4 mini chocolates Snack: Pure Protien Shake Dinner: 5 oz. Chicken breast with orange and lime zest, onions, orange slices, wine, and olive oil Snack: 5 pretzel sticks and 1 oz. cheese Total calories: 1,588 Tuesday, May 2nd: Breakfast: Egg and cheese on whole wheat toast Latte with 1/4 cup milk Snack: Balance Bar Calories so far: 570 Also: Exercised 45 minutes on treadmill yesterday, will exercise 45 min today. Did 64 ounces water yesterday and will today. But I can't wait for my fill next week!!! I feel almost 1,600 calories is too much! But I'm hungry alot. I currently have 1cc in a 4cc band and am getting my second fill next Wednesday. Can't wait!
  14. Sunta

    Food Journal Thread

    Hi, Can I join in? Today: Monday May 1, 2006 Breakfast: 1 cup cooked oat bran with 1 cup soy milk Lunch: 1 cup spaghetti with jumbo lump crab meat Snack: 1 "100 calorie packet" baked chocolate wafers, 4 mini chocolates Calories so far: 685
  15. Hi, I really like KathInc's idea about setting goals for making friends. Make a goal to call at least one person each week and make at least one plan per month. Set small goals for yourself and stick to them. I would very much recommend getting in touch with your old friends. Most people will welcome back "missing" friends with open arms. I also agree with others' ideas about joining things in your community. Extracurricular activities are a great way to meet friends. You could also start a club yourself! I started a movie club and I greatly enjoy socializing with my club every week. I also work very hard on deepening existing friendships. I had made a goal for myself of putting all my friend's birthdays on my calendar and either calling or sending a card on their birthday. I always call if I know someone is going through a hard time or offer to help a friend move etc. I am always there when a friend needs support (or at least I really try to be!). The best way to make friends or deepend existing friendships is to be a great friend yourself. You'll do well if you focus on that idea and put plans into place to make it happen.
  16. Sunta

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    Hi Everyone, Haven't checked in for awhile. I had a busy weekend! Historic house tours Saturday and Sunday during the day and partying with friends at night both nights! At least I got alot of exercise. I was soooo hungry this weekend, I think because of my period. Does anyone else notice eating more at that time of the month? I was like the bottomless pit! I didn't gain anything though, thank goodness, probably because I walked so much all weekend. I go for my second fill next Wedneday (I wonder how much he'll put in!) and I'm hoping that will help to control my portions and hunger better. I'm losing, but too slowly for my taste. I've lost a total of about 25 pounds since surgery and seem to be losing an average of 1 pound a week now, but I want that to be 2 at least. Been doing really good at the gym and have started weight training! I love it! I want to be able to kick ass! Seems like everyone is doing well. Have a wonderful week!
  17. Sunta

    If you have a 10cm/4cc band...

    I have 1cc in a 4cc band and I do have some restriction. I have PB'd once and I get stuck a few times a week and have pain. However, that being said, I do have times when I can eat large quantities of any food and not feel a thing and not get full. So I don't think I'm at my sweet spot. I'm pretty tight in the morning and usually that's when I've gotten stuck, but by dinnertime anything goes. I'm scheduled for another fill on May 10th and have no clue how much he'll put in. I can't imagine being tighter in the mornings, but I need to get control of the ability to eat unlimited portions at dinner. I am losing though, about 1.5 pounds per week on average. It's nowhere near as fast as I would like so maybe my next fill will speed things along...
  18. Sunta


    I'm hungry alot, but just seem to eat less (most times) than pre-band. Yesterday though for example I was starving all day long and no matter what I ate I could not get full. At night my band was wide open and I ate a whole plate of Chinese food no problem. No today, I am so tight I almost PB's my breakfast (could only get down half of a small breakfast) and I haven't been hungry all morning. The band is really fickle. I haven't heard of anyone who doesn't get hungry "at all".
  19. Sunta

    6 month bandiversary

    40 pounds is fantastic! Good for you! Can't wait to get there...
  20. Sunta

    6 month bandiversary

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  21. I wish Mae would post more often! Did she get her revision???
  22. Well, so far the only food I can't eat because of PB pain, is sushi. I think it was the rice more than the fish, and the fact that I was eating it too fast and in too big of bites the day my first fill (can we say "DUH"?) Now, as for "forbidden" foods, I have a big list of those, because they go down waaaay too easy: chips, chocolate, ice cream, doritos, corn chips, popcorn (although I do eat it, I make sure it's without butter and I only order a small), nuts, crackers, cheese (I eat this too but really try to limit it), fried Snacks of any kind (I am a huge fan of Indian food and they have these evil fried snack with potatos and mixed nuts, or sesame sticks and fried corn flakes, or fried puffed rice with coconut and peanuts. It all goes down so fast and easy I have to really avoid it at all costs). I have eaten all of these foods, but am trying to stay as far away from them as possible. Basically I am trying to stay away from anything that's too calorie-dense. It's not worth it. Today at lunch, my co-worker ordered a huge brownie hot fudge sunday and invited all of us to share it. I took one bite and that was it. Why sabotage all my efforts for 20 seconds of pleasure? Just not worth it, in my opinion.
  23. Hi, I had my first fill on April 5th (two and a half weeks ago) and I have a tiny bit of restriction (PB'd once and gotten stuck a few times) but mostly I can eat at near pre-band levels most meals. I have lost a little bit since that fill (about two pounds) but feel I can eat way too much. For example, last night I ate an egg roll, a bowl of hot and sour Soup, and about a cup and a half of Hunan chicken and rice. That's about what I would have eaten pre-band. So I scheduled another fill appointment for May 3rd, which would be four weeks since my previous fill. Is four weeks in between too soon? Also, I will be traveling for the weekend two days later and am scared about being far away from my doc in case the fill is too tight or something. What do you guys think?
  24. I spend lots and lots of time with friends, which is my passion in life. I go out after work, I run a movie club once a week, and my weekends are always packed! I also go to the gym for about an hour every day and have recently started lifting weights. Believe me, if you need to kill time, the gym will suck that time away real quick! Between getting changed, working out, showering, washing my hair, and then trying to balance my clothing so that nothing touches the gym bathroom floor (I get a bit germ-phobic at the gym), I use up nearly two hours! It's also fabulous for helping us lose weight! I also spend time with my darling husband, watching movies, our favorite tv shows, cooking. I love going online and sending long emails to friends too. Me and my husband also love flea markets, shopping, unusual events around town, broadway shows (my favorite!), and traveling. Wow, it's such a nice day outside, after listing all my favorite activites, I can't wait till work's over so I can go out and have fun!
  25. Sunta

    Gastric bypass patients

    Sometimes I do but then I stop and think about the side effects and issues that come from very fast weight loss: massive amounts of hanging skin, nutritional deficiencies, hair loss, gall stones, etc. I'll take my 1-2 pounds a weeks and avoid all of that. I'm in for the long haul and there is no reason why the weight has to come off so fast.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
