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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sunta

  1. I can't eat super fibrous veggies with hard stems like kale of the stems of brocolli, and I definitely 100% can't eat fast food. I've PB'd every single time I've tried it. I've had problems from time to time with scrambled eggs, but not always.
  2. Sunta

    SODA - The forbidden fruit

    My doctor says there is no proof that carbonation causes any bad band issues, but that it's a "theoretical" risk. A doctor on this board, Dr. C, says carbonation is fine in moderation. My doctor did tell me I could have a champagne toast from time to time, but to use common sense and moderation and if anything hurts, to stop. I usually have a beer or a diet coke once a week or so with no ill effects so far.
  3. Sunta

    Hot dogs?

    I can do hotdogs with all the fixings and with the roll. But usually I try to peel off the skin first, as the skin seems to be the problem for people. I don't think I could give up hot dogs entirely...
  4. Hi, I had my fill last Wednesday and since then I have been having pretty bad gas and stomach upset. I did liquids for two days and mushy for two days and then on to solids but I have no appetite. I have PB'd once on a cold liquid yesterday morning. I waited an hour and then sipped some hot tea which went down just fine (thank God! I really don't want to lose this fill!!!). The rest of yesterday and today, liquids are going down just fine and last night I even ate a low fat hot dog just fine after peeling off the skin! . So, everything seems to be going down with the exception of the cold liquid yesterday morning and I think that was because I took a giant sip right after I woke up. But my stomach has been just not good. Lots of gas which can be heard across the room, some burning in my stomach too, lots and lots of gurgling. As a result I really don't have an appetite. I think I ate about 500 calories yesterday. Basically, my stomach feels just about the way it did after surgery. Anyone else experience the same thing? I'm hoping it's normal!!!
  5. Sunta

    Any good Doctors in Delaware

    Hi, I had my surgery done in Delaware at Christiana Hospital with Dr. Peters. I highly recommend Dr. Peters. He is an outstanding surgeon and a very caring doctor. He is with CHRIAS, the same practice as Dr. Irgau and Dr. Wynn. They are very compassionate and responsive. Good luck! --Becky
  6. Sunta

    HELP!! Lap Band OR RNY

    Hi, I'm sorry but I have to respectfully disagree that one must eat only "healthy" foods with the band. I myself do eat smaller portions of what I was eating before, which was a varied diet of healthy and some "unhealthy" foods and I have lost nearly two pounds a week for the last six months for a total of 45 pounds down. Of course bandsters can't gorge on ice cream and milkshakes and chocolate all day long and still lose weight, but I enjoy all foods and do not eliminate any food at all. I eat pizza, hot dogs, chips, fries, everything. I also eat fish, whole grains, vegetables, Beans, and fruits. Everything I eat is in a very small portion and I don't second guess what I eat, only how much. Everyone is different but for me, I don't eliminate anything. The only thing I would say is if you eat huge amounts of ice cream or chocolate or other soft sweets (mousse, cheesecake, etc) and you don't think you can ever stop, then the band is not for you. It's really easy to drink milkshakes or eat a 1,200-calorie piece of cheesecake (yes, Cheesecake Factory cheesecake contains an average of 1,000-1,200 calories per slice!!!) with the band. That being said, I have still enjoyed ice cream and dessert in limited amounts since I got my band but I'm able to limit it because my sugar craving post-surgery is greatly reduced. As for band vs. bypass, I agree with all the other reasons listed such as adjustability, less hanging skin, greatly reduced death rate during surgery (1 in 2,500 as opposed to 1 in 100 for GB), no malabsorbtion, no need for supplements the rest of your life, etc.
  7. Sunta

    Three-year bandiversary!!

    Hi, You've been an inspiration to me since the day I joined the board. Thanks so much for sharing your story and for your balanced, thoughful advice and for moderating our board. Congratulations to you on your bandiversary! You look wonderful!!!
  8. Sunta

    Am I crazy?? Already Mourning Food!

    Hi, I was banded on February 21st 2006. So far I've lost 40 pounds while enjoying all of my favorite foods. The only thing I've said "goodbye" to is McDonald's, but that is completely by my own choice. I find that McDonald's food does not go down well, and makes me sick. The thought of it now is so gross to me, I don't even want it any more. I really try to get my Protein in, so McDonald's is unappealing because when I think of a Happy Meal, it is mostly all carbs. The thought of the food there has become disgusting to me. That being said, I don't mourn any foods because I have continued to greatly enjoy a delicious, rich, varied diet of wonderful favorite foods. I love pizza, sushi, hot dogs with the works, all varieties of chicken (spicy boneless buffalo wings are my favorite), fish, veggies, whole grains, and the occasional dessert. Since my surgery my sugar cravings have virtually disappeared. I've had dessert only a few times but don't miss having it every night like pre-surgery. I really am thrilled with eating and I still am a major foodie but honestly I have not said to goodbye to anything. I do eat waaay less than pre-surgery though, which is a good thing. It's so much fun digging into a single hot dog and feeling like I ate 10 hot dogs because I'm so full! I love it! It also takes me a long time to eat, so I feel like I'm eating alot when really I'm eating a tiny amount! Sometimes I can't even eat an entire hot dog (the small ones)! So don't say goodbye to food or feel like you have to give up anything. Yes there might be some foods you find you just don't want after surgery, but you won't miss them because you just won't like them any more. You will still be able to enjoy a vast array of delicious food.
  9. Sunta


    I'd been following the story and I am so happy and thrilled that you are recovering! What a tremendous inspiration! Much positive energy is being sent your way for a 100% recovery in the near future!
  10. Sunta

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    Hi Everyone, Been lurking on the board sometimes but haven't posted in ages. I just went for my third fill today (was unfilled six weeks ago due to not being able to swallow liquids after a bad night of PB-ing!) After today, I currently have 1.3cc in my band that holds 4cc. I am really hoping this is the sweet spot. 1.5 was too tight so maybe this will do the trick. I'm down 39.8 pounds so far... can I round that up to 40??? LOL
  11. Sunta

    Whippledaddy Has Passed Away

    Ryan's posts were some of the very first I read right after joining the board six months ago. My heart goes out to his friends and family. This is sad news indeed. His posts are really inspiring and helpful and so wonderfully written. His memory will live on forever.
  12. Although I'm not a vegetarian, my best friend is, and I spend lots and lots of time at her place cooking veggie Indian food (she's from Bombay). Indian food has some unbelievably delicious choices for vegetarians. I love Paleek Paneer (spinach with cottage cheese) and all of the yummy nutritious veggies with exotic herbs and spices. One of my favorite dishes that she makes isn't strictly "Indian", but a variation on the British Beans on toast. Let me tell you, I thought beans on toast would be extremely horrible, but I am here to say that the way my friend makes it, ALL of our friends, including me, beg for it on a regular basis! It is literally one of the most delicious foods I've ever eaten. It's also super high in protien and Fiber and super low in fat and calories! And it's extremely fast and easy to make. Here's the recipe: Two cans Vegetarian Baked Beans (Heinz) 1.5 or two fresh green Chili peppers, chopped 1/2 bunch fresh cilantro, chopped Two fresh garlic cloves, minced One onion, chopped One turn of the pan of olive oil Sliced whole grain bread Directions: Pour about one turn of the pan with olive oil and heat. Sautee garlic, onion, and chili peppers together until all are somewhat soft. Pour baked beans into pan and cook on low to medium heat for about ten minutes to let the flavors sink in. Add in cilantro and lower heat. Simmer for five minutes. Serve over toasted whole grain bread. Let me know if you try it and how you like it if you do!
  13. I picked up Carnie Wilson's book when I was considering weight loss surgery and the one passage that jumped out at me the most was her recipe for four cheese (or five-cheese) macaroni and cheese. Not grilled fish and brown rice, but macaroni and cheese. Now, I am a big proponent of "calories in-calories out" theory of weight loss, but even still, I am definitely staying away from white carbs, fats, and sugars except for occasionally. I would never publish a book on weight loss and include a very fattening recipe in it. I think she has a really serious eating disorder and wish her all the best.
  14. Sunta

    What is or was your "Last Meal"

    I did Korean barbeque. You barbeque right in the table and they bring out about 15 side dishes. Mmmmmm mmmm. Sticky rice, char-grilled beef in different marinades, kim chee, sesame noodle salad, pickles, sweet cabbage... all wrapped in lettuce and topped with hot sauce. Oooooh I it was the best meal I've ever eaten!
  15. Sunta

    NSV!! I fit in the chair!

    The woman who sat in your chair is a real bitch! Thankfully, you don't need it anymore. Congrats on the wonderful NSV!!!
  16. Sunta

    I do'nt have anyone else to talk to....

    Sorry for what you're going through. I too have struggled with anxiety and depression in the past. It sounds like you need to call your primary doctor and ask him or her to see you as soon as possible. At that appointment, you can get a prescription for an anti-anxiety medication and an anti-depressant. When you see the phsychiatrist you can make an action plan for therapy to go along with the meds. No need to suffer like this. Life is stressful enough without the addition of panic attacks! When you have the panic under control, you will be much better able to cope with the stressors of the kids, the house, etc. Take care and good luck!
  17. Sunta

    shoulder pain...and fills

    I had a bout of shoulder pain for a week. I believe it was referred pain from my diaphram. I would recommend a natural anti-inflammatory, such as tumeric, three times a day mixed into warm milk (half a teaspoon will do). Something is irritated and inflamed inside and since we can't take ibuprofen, I've turned to homeopathic/herbal remedies, which help alot. Good luck!
  18. Worst reaction was my cousin, who looked at me with a disgusted look on her face and said "Why would you want to do something like that?". We are no longer speaking as she seems to have some kind of major problem with it, even though so far I've lost 38 pounds and am doing really well. Best reaction was a very close friend who just looked thrilled and said she was absolutely delighted and that she'd been hoping I would do something like that for a long time, not because I looked bad but for my health. She hugged me and was very happy for me. My mom started off reacting badly but then came around and is now supportive. My husband was on board from day one and was super supportive and I couldn't have done it without him.
  19. Sunta

    Thirtysomething women, no kids?

    I'm 36 and I have no kids (THANK GOD!!!). I feel that children really ruin relationships and lives. I thank my lucky stars every day that I have total freedom to live life on MY terms and do what I want to do every moment without being enslaved to a child. I've been married for nine years and I love every single solitary second of my gloriously child-free existance!!!
  20. I'm only 4.5 months out, but so far I've been losing about 2 pounds per week. Here's my list of do's and dont's: 1. Protein is the central focus of my meals. This greatly reduces hunger (as opposed to when I was eating 1/2 bagel for Breakfast, Pasta, etc. I was sooooo hungry!) 2. Strict adherence to avoiding drinking before/during/after meals 3. Limit food to 1 or 1.5 cup per meal. 4. Eat delicious, healthy food I desire and love so I don't feel deprived 5. NO ice cream, soft Desserts (mousse, soft pie, mushy cake) because they slide down waaay too easy. I did cheat on this one time and ended up eating an enormous square of some creamy dessert at an Italian restaurant. Need to avoid entirely as I'm unable to limit them on my own or stop eating after a small amount. 6. NO sugary drinks like fruit juice, mixed girly drinks, creamy drinks, lattes, etc. 7. Greatly limit chips, popcorn, nacho chips, ect. There is zero restriction on these foods for me. I do sometimes buy the 1/2 calories chips made with olestra. 8. Limit processed carbs (usually eat no more than 2 servings per day; a serving being 1 slice of bread or 1/2 cup rice). No limit on whole grains although I eat so much protein I usually end up eating no more than 2 servings of any kind of carb per day. 9. Greatly limit sweets of any kind. I do have dessert once in a while but nowhere near like pre-band levels! 10. I'm trying to be more active and had been going to the gym regularly. Have to get back on track with this one! This is my biggest challenge, much bigger than eating...
  21. Sunta

    Fills Evaporating?

    This happened to me too. On my first fill, I received 1cc. On my second fill, he could only pull out .5cc. However, by my third fill, I had the anticipated amount (1cc).
  22. I eat everything I did before but in smaller portions. However, I was not THAT bad of an eater pre-band, I just ate too much of everything. My diet is incredibly varied. I try to stick to proteins and limit processed carbs but by no means is anything "off limits". Last night I enjoyed half a cheeseburger and a few fries. It was sooo delicious and I was very satisfied. Earlier in the day I'd had half a cubano sandwhich and a protein bar. Other days I will have crab cakes, pizza, salad, Chinese, fish, whatever. So far I've lost 37 pounds in about 4 and a half months. I don't eat any fast food (because I PB on it every time) but other than that, I really just needed something to make me less hungry and eat smaller portions, simple as that.
  23. Here is my list of things I have PB'd on: Scrambled eggs Hummus and veggie chips (this gave me a PB so bad I had to get an emergency unfill due to my stomach swelling shut after hours of vomiting) McDonald's anything Ricotta cheese mixed with Peanut Butter KFC chicken fingers Sushi The texture of the food seems very important. Anything "gluey" like hummus or ricotta cheese is impossible. Also has alot to do with how fast I eat and how big of bites I take...
  24. Sunta

    Severe Pain! Please help!

    Missi, I am so sorry for what you're going through. I have heard similar stories like yours and in the end, it always turns out to be gall bladder even though "nothing shows up" on the ultrasound. There are other tests for gall bladder function that can be done. With pain like yours you should be admitted to a hospital, on IV pain meds, and tested until they find the problem! It makes me so enraged when I hear stories like this and people are sent home. Please keep trying because no one deserves to suffer like that!
  25. Hi guys, I'm planning on a vacation later this month and am wondering what I will do if I have a complication such as the one I had last week. My band closed off five days after a fill and I was unable to swallow any liquids and had to get an emergency unfill. Thank goodness I am only 45 minutes from my doctor's office! But on vacation, what the heck would I do? I looked up Fill Centers of America but they don't have a center where I am going to be (Provincetown, MA). I am scared of being far from my doctor and having the same thing happen. I want to know I could get an unfill should I need one. I'm getting my fill put back in next week and going on vacation July 24th. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks!!!

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