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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sunta

  1. Today I will execute anyone who curses.
  2. Ok, so let me see if I have this right: If I want to live by the bible and follow the principles the bible espouses right alongside of the thing about "if a man goes to bed with another man it's an abomination", then I think I will start living my life by these biblical principles: It is ok to purchase slaves and keep them as your personal property It is ok to beat my slaves with a rod, because they are my "money" (property) If I purchase my own brother as a slave, it's ok as long as I let him go free eventually. If someone is proven to be a witch, I should execute her If I work on Sunday, I should be executed If I curse my parents, I should be executed Anyone with a flat nose must not come near the alter of God Anyone who curses should be executed If someone worships a different god, they should be executed Proper thing to do if you find a dead body = cut the head off a cow and wash your hands in it's blood and say you did not kill the person. If i do something to make God angry, he might just force me to kill and then boil, my son Or he might cut off my arm and then kill my children Or he might burn me with fire If I'm tempted to committ adultery, it would be a great idea to cut my hands off And blind myself If a child is not circumcised, his parents and community should abandon him When a woman has her period, no one should look at her These all sound like EXCELLENT ideas! I think I'm going to start implementing them right away! And if anyone questions me and asks WHY I'm doing these things, I will look at them and say "Because it's right there in the BIBLE!"
  3. Sunta

    i have a 'drinking problem'

    I don't worry about "water" per se, but I strive to intake a minumum of 64 ounces of fluid every day. I read an article on a recent study that said that caffeine drinks and non-caffeine drinks are no different in terms of providing hydration. I don't know if this is accurate or not, but after I read it, I ran with it. They studied people's hydration levels and the caffeine-drinking group was no less hydrated than the non-caffeine group. I drink diet iced tea, flavored waters, decaf coffee and regular coffee and as long as I get my 64 ounces of "fluid" in, I feel happy.
  4. The bible is not the only religious doctrine that people in the United States and elsewhere in the world, follow. As someone pointed out, each person who practices a religion thinks that theirs is the right one. How could anyone really ever know which is true and which is not? I went to Catholic School and they told me that it was the "one true" religion, and I remember thinking "but... but.. there's a big problem here, and that is that Buddists think that their religion is the true one and Hindus think that theirs is, and Jews think that theirs is, and so on and so forth." So even as a child I knew that it would be literally impossible to say that *one* religion is the "real true one". Just saying "it's in the bible" is not a good argument, because how would I know the bible is any different from the koran, or the Bhagavad gita? They don't mention anything about Christ, and you know, there are waaaay way more people on this earth that believe something else, than all the Christians on the planet. (You can check the encyclopedia if you don't believe me). Just as ferverntly as Christians are 100% convinced that the bible is the one true religious doctrine, so are those of other faiths convinced that their doctrines are the "one true" doctrine. Does anyone see how this could create a situtation in which it would be totally impossible to know which (if any) are the "one true" religion? Religion is entirely irrelevant when discussing Gay marriage, because religion is not supposed to govern the state. Nowhere in the contitution does it say anything about the states being run under Christian principals! I don't know who came up with that, but that is just a really horrifying idea! People practice all different religions here, so no one religion can, under the constitution, govern the states. In closing, I would like to say I just saw the movie "Jesus Camp" and it scared the... bejesus out me!
  5. The bible has nothing to do with it. Church and state are seperate.
  6. Sunta

    Rush Limbaugh has crossed the line

    He is a disgusting excuse for a human being. I hope he gets what's coming to him. I have faith in karma.
  7. Sunta

    How do the numbers DROP so fast?

    The moment fluid drops out of your body, your blood pressure drops also. That's why people on low-carb diets often have lower blood pressure as carbs hold water in your body. This change in blood pressure can come indeed within days.
  8. Sunta

    Dr. Phil House of Hatred

    When the saw the thread title I thought it was a thread for people who hate Dr. Phil. Oh well, now I'm diappointed. No offense maudeispam but I think Dr. Phil is a jackass.
  9. Sunta

    Big, Deep Sigh....

    I eat pizza and hot wings all the time, whenever the mood strikes! I got my band to enjoy small portions of delicious food and have been doing so for eight months to the tune of nearly 60 pounds lost! Calories in, calories out. And no, I do not have a "fast metabolism" and I'm no different from anyone else. It's a myth that bandsters should stick only to healthy foods 24/7. The French sure don't and they're all thin! (of course they do exercise alot too but they eat pastry, cheese, and cream sauces almost every day!)
  10. Sunta

    other things you've tried

    1. Doctor prescribed diet (1,200 calories a day; I was 10 years old) 2. Jennny Craig 3. Nutrisystem (twice) 4. Weight Watchers (5 times joined in person plus twice online) 5. Slim Fast 6. Susan Powter (low fat/fat free;did not lose one ounce) 7. Xenical 8. Herbalife 9. Chitosan (supplement that absorbs fat; gave me an impacted bowel) 10. Atkins 11. South Beach 12. Sugar Busters 13. Suzanne Somers 14. Eat Right 4 your Type 15. The grapefruit diet 16. The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet (this one made me gain weight) 17. Iodine supplements 18. The apple cider vinegar diet 19. Fit for Life 20. The Zone (This made me feel like I was going to pass out from starvation all the time) 21. Fasting 22. The diabetic diet 23. Scarsdale 24. Calorie counting on my own (whenever I wasn't on a particular plan) 25. The Hollywood juice Diet I'm sure there are others, but that's all I can come up with for now. I have been on a diet almost every day of my life, and as a result shot up to nearly 300 pounds. So far, I've lost more with the band than I have ever lost on any diet in my life: 58 pounds!
  11. I've averaged 1.7 pounds per week since my surgery. That's an average and I certainly don't lose every week, but I just calculated it today and am happy with that rate of loss. If I continue that rate of loss I will lose 88.4 pounds by February.
  12. Sunta

    need advice re weakness

    I've been very tired lately. I'm thinking of starting iron supplements...
  13. Sunta

    What do you eat in a day?

    Yesterday: Breakfast: 3/4 cup plain yogurt Lunch: 1/2 cup spicy lentils Dinner: 4 pieces of a sushi roll and two pieces veggie tempura Snack: Indian fenugreek bread and steamed cabbage Today: Brunch: 1/2 of a crab cake Snack: a latte Dinner: probably a slice of pizza and a bit of salad
  14. Sunta

    Calories or carbs

    I think I eat fewer carbs by default in that by aiming for 60 grams of protein per day it automatically reduces my carbs. But I don't strictly count either. I tend to stay under 1,400 calories a day with 1,400 being my rare days when I "pig out". Most days I'm probably at 1,000-1,200. Protein makes me much more full than carbs, so I find myself avoiding them in favor of protein rich foods. But other than that it's anything goes!
  15. Sunta

    Oh my gosh....I am starving today.

    I become ravenous three days before my period and stay that way until my period starts. There's nothing I can do but try to eat healthy. I do eat more during that time, but so far it has not caused weight gain. I definitely don't lose during that time though!
  16. My doctor said "use your common sense. A champagne toast now and then is ok, but don't drink gallons of soda every day because it could cause discomfort." When I asked him if it would hurt the band, he said no one really knows but it's a "theoretical" risk. I myself enjoy a Guiness now and then. It barely has any carbonation as it is and I think the carbonation in beer is different than in soda anyway.
  17. Sunta

    Diet tips from those "NOT" in the know.

    My favorite is: "Can't you just eat less and exercise more?" DUH! If that worked I wouldn't need the band!!!
  18. Sunta

    What color/race do you see?

    I think it would be awesome if people married those of different races a whole lot more, so that we could eventually do away with "white", "black" "asian" etc., and just have "people". People who are mixed-race are generally more healthy (the farther away he gene pool is, the stronger and healtheir the person). Most mixed race people I've seen are also extremely gorgeous. So, to get a group of people that are both gorgeous, and healthy, let's advocate race mixing as much as possible! If I ever have a baby, I definitely want it to be a mixed race child! My husband is infertile, so I would use a donor, and I would want to use a donor of a different race.
  19. I do pretty well as long as I avoid scrambled eggs! And also, taking baby bites, like the size of a thumbnail, and chewing forever. I chew my food till it's liquid before I swallow. This technique has been the best so far for avoiding PB's.
  20. Sunta

    what is over eating????

    If you eat three slices of pizza, then you definitely eat enough to get this surgery. Three slices of pizza is approximately 750 calories, and that's just for small, cheese pieces. If we're talking large pieces with meat, you're looking at well over 1,000 calories in one meal. My thin friends eat one or one and a half pieces of pizza when they eat, not three. I think portions are so out of control these days, that people think huge portions aren't much. Tell your friend you definitely need the surgery.
  21. Sunta

    What Foods Cant You Eat?

    I can't eggs or any type of fast food (I'm convinced it's not real food anyway) I can only eat french fries that are real, meaning they don't have that hideous "coating" of extra potato starch on them. Fast food fries are the worst. Otherwise, I can eat everything else.
  22. Sunta

    What is my Malfunction! I'm not losing!

    I agree with Mangojoy. When I was on an SSRI, I gained 45 pounds in three months. I bet if you went off Effexor you would start losing.
  23. Which party is involved in more sex scandals, Democrats or Republicans (who hold office), and why? All evidence greatly welcomed.
  24. You don't think adultery is bad? How about sexual harrassment, (Arnold, for instance)? I think it's okay to say those things are bad. They ARE bad. It's wrong to do those things. That "consenting adult" crap is just that...crap. Just because two adults consent to something does not make it any less bad. I guess I was referring more to that I didn't think being Gay, crossdressing, etc. are bad. As far as adultery, I don't feel comfortable making moral judgements on other people, so I can't really say if it's "bad" or not. Sexual harrassment, yes, I would say that's bad. I tend to stick to defining "bad" as those things which are illegal such as sexual harrassment so as to avoid attempting to make my own moral code apply to other people. I don't have the right to tell someone adultery is bad as I don't have any idea what's going on in their marriage, what they may or may have not agreed to with their spouse, etc.
  25. How do you define Democrat and Republican? Do you mean an elected official? Statewide, local or Federal only? Hi, For the purpose of this thread I was defining "Democrat" and "Republican" as those of each party who hold a public office, not the general public. Any office holder, state, federal, or local will do. I'd be interested if anyone wants to further break it down into: 1. Scandals involving consenting adults and scandals involving children, and further to that, scandals involving something "unusual" such as crossdressing, gay, fetish, children born out of wedlock, etc. That being said please don't think by "unusual" I mean "bad" (the only thing I think is "bad" is when children are involved.) I'm just interested to see the breakdown or Democrats vs. Republicans when it comes to these things. I'm less interested in someone who had an adult, consenting mistress (aka Bill Clinton, Gary Heart) and more interested in things like the Foley case, which is what I would term "unusual" (and bad, because it involves a child). Thanks everyone! --Becky

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