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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gentlespirit

  1. I can't find the thread where we were discussing this, but I'll post it here and maybe anyone interested will find it. It's easy to make and freezes well; I used to use it a lot. My favorite ways were to make pepper steak with it or to bread it with egg and cornmeal and spices and fry it (haven't done fried anything for several years now, but I loved it). Vital wheat gluten is available at natural food stores or in most grocery stores in the section with flours. Nutritional yeast is available at natural foods stores. Blend in blender and then pour into a mixing bowl: 2 c. water 1 t. salt 3/4 c. raw oatmeal 2 T. soy sauce 2 T nutritional yeast Stir in: 2 1/4 to 2 1/2 c. vital wheat gluten (1 cup first and then in 1/2-cup increments) It will get very stiff and form a ball. Let stand 20 minutes. Form into a roll and slice or just pat into a rectangle about 1/2 inch thick and cut into squares. "Beef" Broth: 10 c. water 8 ounces tomato sauce 1/2 c. soy sauce 2 T. onion powder 3 T. nutritional yeast flakes Bring broth ingredients to boil in a large saucepan. Drop the pieces of seitan into the broth and let cook at a low boil until the pieces are tender--usually about 1 1/2-3 hours. Will keep a week in refrigerator or can be frozen in the broth for future use. For a "Chicken" Broth: 12 c. water 3 T. poultry seasoning 4 T nutritional yeast 1/2 c. soy sauce 1 large onion, sliced 3 bay leaves These can be used in most recipes in place of meat...can even be ground up and used as "hamburger" Emily
  2. gentlespirit

    I need to ask a question

    I had my gallbladder out about 20 years ago and had no problems with the lapband surgery. I was concerned about the Water drinking because I'm prone to bladder infections and have to drink a lot of water...I have no problem drinking a glass every 15-30 minutes just like before. Emily
  3. gentlespirit

    SMoothie/protein drink recipes

    I LOVE the unjury Protein powders...just ordered 6 containers of the chocolate flavor. I put one scoop of it in my Magic Bullet with 8 oz. of skim milk, whiz for 10 seconds, and that's my Breakfast every morning. The unflavored is also good in almost anything...I usually whiz it with a small glass of orange juice and alternate that with my chocolate. Emily
  4. gentlespirit

    new food products

    I really like the unjury Protein powder and mix the chocolate with skim milk to drink on the way to work...or I like the unflavored mixed with a small glass of orange juice, too. I've tried other brands that I REALLY didn't like, so I think I'll stick to unjury. They charge only $5 shipping no matter how much you order, so my sister and I order together. Emily
  5. I am really conscious of what I'm eating, but it does seem as if the poor choices go down better some days! I have a hard time eating any meat or chicken but cheetos usually go down OK! Having said that, I gave up chocolate completely a couple of weeks ago and am down 9 pounds, so now it seems worth the deprivation and I'll keep on. It's too easy to eat "a little" that turns into a lot. I was getting REALLY frustrated and depressed because I had been at the same weight for 8 months, but hopefully now the scale will keep moving again. Emily
  6. gentlespirit

    Some yummy foods that I have discovered...

    I love the morningstar farms chicken nuggets...with some tartar sauce to help them slide down. Great Protein source. I also use the sausage links...used to love the sausage patties but have been afraid to try them since banding...I'll have to try now. Emily
  7. gentlespirit

    Anyone ever try lexapro

    I take 20 mg Lexapro and 300 mg Wellbutrin daily...seems to work for me. When I was banded they had to switch my 300 mg wellbutrin tab for 2 150 mg ones because the lower dose was smaller. I feel like the combination of the two meds has given me back myself. Emily
  8. gentlespirit

    Do you wear a Medical ID bracelet due to the Band?

    I had one until I lost it but plan to get another. My surgeon thinks it's a good idea... Emily
  9. gentlespirit

    Oh My God...Are You Kidding Me?!?!

    I love the viactive chewable chocolate cherry Multivitamins...they are like my treat for the day! I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate fish oil into my diet, but maybe I'll wait after that post!!! Anyone have any ideas how to get it in without this type of experience?? Emily
  10. gentlespirit


    I'm so glad that legally, at least, most of the hardest part is behind you. That's not to say that this will be easy, as you already know. Someone who posted earlier suggested having your lawyer nip the payment deferment in the bud...sounds like a good idea to me if she can do it. I was divorced 12 years ago (my choice) and have gone through years of no child support and am now getting $50 per month, which I'll be getting till I'm in the nursing home at this rate. If she can keep him on the straight and narrow about tending to his obligations from the start, it will be easier than trying to "catch up" later. You have been in my thoughts often, even when I haven't been here for a long time. Congratulations on making it through a really tough time. We are stronger than we give ourselves credit for! Best of luck as you continue your journey, and may the rest be more joyful! Emily
  11. gentlespirit

    this is so hard

    I wish you were close enough for a hug...we all need them sometimes. And I also eat for emotional reasons, so I understand what you're going through. The band has helped me, as Molly said, not to fall TOO far from where I should be because it makes it physically impossible to just stuff myself no matter how bad I'm feeling! I've been thinking that maybe I should get back into counseling regarding why I always think eating that chocolate or whatever will help me feel better. An example: My 26 year old son was hospitalized on Friday because they thought he was having a heart attack. He has Type I diabetes which predisposes for cardiac problems and we were really stressed out as they were preparing him for the cardiac angiogram. So while he was having that done I ate 3 candy bars...why did I think that would help?! I get really frustrated with myself, too. But I hope your counselor will be able to help you get to the root of the problem. Best of luck to you! Emily
  12. gentlespirit

    Dr. says RNY for hiatal hernia :-(

    I was banded a year ago and when they started the surgery found a hiatal hernia. The surgeon repaired it while he was there and then did the band. I have heard of quite a few people who have had both done at the same time...I'd check around for a different surgeon...I think he either isn't experienced enough or is biased and just wants people to have RNY. Good luck! Emily
  13. gentlespirit

    Major Setback

    Experience IS really important...hope everything goes well for you! Emily
  14. gentlespirit

    food ideas for a vegetarian

    One of my staples is refried Beans (fat free) and salsa...and even a little cheese sprinkled on top! Beans are a great source of Protein but also other nutrients, so I figure the carbs are worth it. I also eat a lot of cottage cheese and Morningstar Farms products...I really like the chicken nuggets with fat free tartar sauce to help them go down easier. I use the MSF sausages in soup, etc. Ricotta cheese is very versatile and can be used for veggie lasagna or Desserts and is a great protein source. Tofu is great and can be used a million ways...if you freeze it and then thaw and press to drain, it has a very different consistency that is more "meaty". And I have to admit that I still sometimes rely on Protein shakes if I'm in a hurry or going to be away from home. Hope this helps...good luck! Emily
  15. gentlespirit

    So Totally Discouraged

    Thanks, everyone, for the encouragement. Now I remember why I was so devoted to this forum for so long! Somwhow got out of the habit of checking in here, but now I'll have to be sure to keep it up. The support is so uplifting and reaffirming. Know you are all appreciated!! Jack, I always appreciate your comments, and the NSVs are what keep me going even though the scale isn't moving. I've had to buy smaller clothes...my favorite was going down 2 band sizes in bras!! And people tell me they can see the difference. It annoys me that we all put so much emphasis on the damn scale! It's hard not to, though, when I go to the doc and his only concern is that I'm not losing and he acts like it's my fault. Anyway...thanks for reminding me how important the NSVs are and that we need to all support each other...luckily we don't all have bad days at the same time! Emily
  16. gentlespirit

    Thoughts and Prayers for Marz88 and family

    I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Know that we are praying for and thinking of you. Emily
  17. gentlespirit

    So Totally Discouraged

    I'm kind of in the same situation. I was banded in Jan. 2006 at 330 and lost 35 pounds within the first 6 months...and since then 5-8 pounds total so I'm at 286-287. I'm really frustrated because I've been following the bandster rules and not seeing the results I expected. I do have troulbel exercising because of a spinal fusion and knee problems but have started Water aerobics again and hope that will help. I also have an appointment to get my thyroid checked again because my whole family has thyroid problems except me (to this point, anyway). I'm still glad I have the band because it keeps my portion control really tight but I really did expect to have lost more in this year than I have. Just venting...haven't been here for awhile but am now feeling the need for support again. Thanks! Emily
  18. gentlespirit


    Talk to your lawyer about the games he's playing and how to put a stop to them. That's what she's being paid for! You shouldn't have to be figuring this out on your own. I don't think the utility companies will allow him to put anything in your name...you would have to be the one to do that. And for goodness sake, don't take his word on what you "should" pay...he's shown how reliable and trustworthy he is(n't)! I'm so sorry this is such a hassle for you. An easy divorce is hard enough to deal with...I can't imagine how you can deal with all of this. At least this should clinch it once and for all that you're doing the right thing in divorcing him! He's just being manipulative and as nasty as possible. Hang in there...things WILL get better. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Emily
  19. gentlespirit

    Need encouragment!

    Hi, Nina~ I would without a doubt get the band again. I'm 11 months post surgery and while the weight is coming off slowly, it IS coming off! I don't feel deprived and can eat many food I enjoy in small quantities. The fills are a piece of cake! My doc just numbs the spot...all you feel is a tiny prick or pinch. The only sensation for the actual fill is a little pressure...I don't feel the needle at all. Lots of people worry about the fills, but once they've had one, that fear is gone. It's truly no big deal. The extra chewing was a little difficult for me to get used to, but if you don't do anything else (TV, ,read, etc) while you're eating, you can concentrate on chewing well and taking small bites. After while it gets to be a habit and you don't have to concentrate that much anymore. Hope this is helpful. Getting the band was the best thing I ever did for myself (besides getting a divorce)! This site will be so helpful to you...keep checking in. There is a wealth of information and help here. Good luck~ Emily
  20. gentlespirit

    FREE lap band update

    I echo what the others have said...what a wonderful loving gift you are giving to someone. It shows a generous aspirit, and I am humbled by your caring. Please keep us up to date... Emily
  21. gentlespirit

    love it or leave it?

    The best decision I ever made was to get my band...LOVE IT!
  22. gentlespirit

    Head Hunger

    I, too, have been amazed at how powerful the head hunger is. But I've also come to realize that when I just HAVE to have a candy bar, if I wait a few minutes (not easy), the craving goes away. I used to just give in instantly, so I never had a chance to find out that it would go away in a little while. I also use drinking a glass of water and waiting a few minutes before deciding if I'm actually hungry or not.
  23. gentlespirit


    I think Barbara gave you some great advice...let him show you over time whether he's really changed. I think putting the divorce on hold rather than dropping it is an excellent idea. Otherwise if things don't work out, you'll have to start from scratch. If it's on hold, you can start where you left off, if need be. And make him earn your trust again if you decide to try...he's broken it and needs to show that he can be trusted again. It will take a lot of time, and he needs to know upfront that it won't be a one-shot deal...he'll have to truly change or he won't be able to keep it up over time. You have my prayers as you make this difficult decision. Emily
  24. gentlespirit

    pregnant 6 weeks later!!!

    Congratulations! There's nothing in the world like a baby! And you can be careful what you eat while pregnant and then get really serious after the baby's born. You'll have that wonderful gift and still be able to lose weight. Emily
  25. gentlespirit

    The downside of being banded.

    I've bought a lot of really nice clothes on eBay...mostly from WLS people who are further along their journey than I am. It's a great resource! Emily

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
