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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gentlespirit

  1. gentlespirit

    OVER 300 when Starting(snail pace)

    Hi, Klynn~ I was at 330 when I was banded and am now at 290-295. So I'm down 35-40 pounds in almost 6 months. It's human nature to wish we could lose it fast, but I keep telling myself this way is what I chose because it's healthier. I, too, am still wearing most of the same clothes and wish I could be into smaller ones. But people are starting to tell me that it shows now, which really helps keep my motivation up. Keep up the good work...yuou are going GREAT! Emily
  2. gentlespirit

    Letter to all....from LOTSOFKIDS

    Diane~ You are in my thoughts and prayers. Sounds like you a re blessed with a wonderful family and friends, which will help lighten the load. And your sense of humor is wonderful! I have a card on my desk that says, "We laugh to survive"...I love that. Laughter can be truly healing. I am in awe of your strength and pray that things start looking up for you soon. Hugs~ Emily
  3. gentlespirit

    What dont you like about the band?

    I'd say the most difficult thing I deal with is the head hunger issue, and that's not a problem with the band...it's a problem with me! Sometimes I want to keep eating and the band says I've had enough...on a couple of occasions I've even been a little angry that it's stopping me, even though it's doing just what it's supposed to do. I know most of us have "head hunger " issues, which is why we got fat in the first place! Emily
  4. when they talk about PBs and sliming. I've been lucky...I'm 5 months out and htts is the first time it's happened. But I can tell you I'd prefer that it never happen again!!! All it took was not paying enough attention when I was eating, and... total misery! Fortunately it only lasted about 10 minutes and then I was feeling better. Does this mean I'm officially a bandster now?!! Emily
  5. gentlespirit

    Another portion question

    I was told by both the doc and the dietician to aim for 1 cup total per meal. I'm 5 months out and still eat approximately that amount, and they still seem happy with that. But I have to agree with everyone else that 2 cups does seem like an awful lot. Good luck! Emily
  6. gentlespirit

    I Got My Date........

    Congratulations!!! The wait will be over before you know it...isn't it exciting? You're on the way to a new life. Emily
  7. gentlespirit

    swallowing pills

    Prior to surgery, we had to see the bariatric program's pharmacist who checked out meds and figured out how we could get them in without any problems. They switched me to 2 lower dose pills of Wellbutrin rather than the one larger one, I split my Lexapro tablets, and I take Viactiv chewable Vitamins and Calcium. The only thing I have to grind up is a great multi mineral, and I take that in a spoonful of applesauce. I really don't want any meds to get stuck, so I stick with what I was told to do. Emily
  8. gentlespirit

    What is your height?

    I'm 5'9" and my goal is just to be under 200. I was 140 in college (many years ago!!) but that was actually too thin. My dream would be 175, but I'll b e happy to make it to 199. Emily
  9. gentlespirit

    Wahoo Nsv For Me!!

    Way to go, Christy! 2x sounds wonderful!! Enjoy! Emily
  10. gentlespirit

    Me Again

    Hi, and welcome back...we've missed you! Emily
  11. gentlespirit

    Problems swallowing calcium capsules?!

    I love the Viactiv chewables...I use both the Calcium and the Multivitamin. They taste like a treat, so I take them following my lunch or dinner like "dessert". Emily
  12. gentlespirit

    Band v Bypass

    For me the bypass was never an option...I'm just not comfortable with such a drastic rearranging of my insides. I know a man who spent a year in the hospital following his surgery and getting an infection. He still looks like hell. I've had several people comment on how healthy I look when they find out I've had surgery...they have only known bypass patients who look gaunt and ill. For me the slower weight loss is a plus. I think it's healthier and less traumatic for your entire body. It took me many years to get to this size, and it makes sense to me that it will take time to lose the weight. I wish you the best of luck in your decision. It's such a personal one, and each of us needs to choose what we're comfortable with. Emily
  13. gentlespirit

    What have you not done b/c of your weight?

    The first thing I do when I walk into a room is check out which chair would be the best so I can get in and out of it without embarrassment. I don't wear sleeveless shirts or shirts that don't cover my tummy. I always get in the back row for family photos (fortunately I'm tall so that works OK). I don't wear skirts because I feel like they emphasize my size...can't wait to wear a flowy, sexy skirt eventually. I'd love to go to Italy but am putting it off until I can walk more comfortably for a longer time. There are lots more things, but those are the few I can think of on the spur of the moment. Emily
  14. gentlespirit

    Beans Beans!!

    What Margo and Donna said! I'm a mostly-vegetarian and depend on Beans for Protein. I know they're high in carbs, but they also have lots of fiber and are a great protein source as well as other nutrients. Overall, I think they are an excellent food for us bandsters! Emily
  15. gentlespirit

    Real food - portion size. Help!

    My doc told us to aim for 1 c . total per meal. I still measure it out a couple of times a week to keep myself on track. Emily
  16. gentlespirit


    Crystal~ Please know you're in my thoughts and prayers! And keep us posted on what's happening...we care about you. Don't worry about being supportive to anyone else...let us be supportive of you. What goes around comes around, and you've been there for so many of us...now let us give some of that support back. Hugs... Emily
  17. gentlespirit

    Need of support

    The time between surgery and the first fill is all about healing...I was told that any weight loss then is a bonus. I lost about 20 pounds on the liquid phase and then gained a few pounds back when I started "real" food. I guess I don't think it's a good idea to depend on liquids again to keep losing...the whole point of this is to be able to eat sensibly and a healthy well-balanced diet in small portions. Although having said that, I've thought about doing it too when the scale hasn't been moving! Just hang in there...when you get restriction you will lose. And remember that many people don't get restriction with their first or even second fills...it's different for everyone. Best of luck with your journey! Emily
  18. gentlespirit

    Went shopping today...

    Isn't it wonderful!!! Enjoy every minute of it...you've earned it! Congratulations on your success! Emily
  19. I am 5 months post surgery and there are days when I struggle with the same things you mentioned. But there are also a lot of days when food just isn't an issue. Those are the days I feel like I'm acutally making some progress with the head hunger issue! The good days are usually when I'm at work an busy, and the weekends are harder because I'm home and haven't got urgent things to keep my mind occupied. I find evenings are harder for the same reason, so I'm trying to keep busy with projects in the evenings. But I do find that more and more often I ask myself if I'm really hungry or not, so I am encouraged by that! It's all a process and a journey, and even small changes in our mindset or behavior are progress... Emily
  20. gentlespirit

    She had to drive herself.

    How sad that someone who should have been her biggest support put that extra burden on her on what's at best a difficult journey. I don't understand how someone who supposedly loves her could do that. I, too, hope she find this group. Emily
  21. gentlespirit

    From What Tree Did you Fall?

    Hazelnut...somewhat accurate but parts are WAY off. Interesting, though. Emily
  22. gentlespirit

    A bit of a milestone

    That's a big step! And I know what you mean about it feeling official now. I felt the same way when I told my boss. Good luck on your upcoming surgery! Emily
  23. gentlespirit

    Dancin' Prancin' Thinin' Spinin'

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have every right to be thrilled...what a milestone! Emily
  24. gentlespirit

    How long...

    My doc told me a couple of days were enough... Emily
  25. gentlespirit

    Any Banded Vegetarians out there?

    Here's another family favorite that's a meat loaf like texture: Cottage cheese Roast 2 eggs 1/8 c. soy sauce 24 oz. carton cottage cheese 1/2 c. pecans or walnuts, ground or chopped 1 1/2 t. onion powder 4 cups Rice Krispies or Special K In a bowl beat eggs. Add soy sauce, cottage cheese, onion powder and nuts. Mix well. Stir in Cereal until well mixed. Pack into an 8-inch square pan and bake 45-50 minutes at 350 degrees until browned and firm. My kids love this, so I usually double the recipe. It's easy to take for lunches, so I make it frequently. High in Protein with the eggs, cottge cheese, and nuts. Emily

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
